
How to keep your summer tan – 12 best folk recipes

A well-spent vacation is not only a lot of memories, souvenirs and an empty wallet, but an even, high-quality, beautiful tan. Which, of course, you want to keep as long as possible. Unfortunately, already a week after the rest, the tan begins to fade before our eyes, and the return of the usual skin color is inevitable.

How to keep your summer tan for a long time – tell the experts in the field of beauty and health.

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How to keep a tan for a long time – basic rules

  1. Gentle skin cleansing
    You should not go to extremes and hide hard washcloths and scrubs in the closet, but you really have to give up some of the actions. For example, from hot baths, which steam the skin and cause flaking. How then to cleanse the skin? The best solution is a warm shower for no more than five minutes. And instead of brushes and washcloths – soft sponges and natural milk based on oils. This will keep your skin moist, which is the main prerequisite for tanning.
  2. Additional hydration of the skin.
    After you shower, be sure to apply lotion or nourishing cream to your body. In the morning, preferably lighter remedies, before bedtime – nutritious, dense. Pay attention to the composition of the product: it is desirable that it contains glycerin, grape seed oil and shea butter, vitamin E, which protect the skin from dryness. Don’t forget about almond oil to restore firmness to the skin.
  3. Moisturizing masks.
    Keeping a tan in the décolleté and face area requires special care, taking into account the vulnerability of the skin in these areas. There will be little moisturizing cream, use natural masks (yoghurt and blueberry, avocado mask with carrot oil, etc.) and various regenerating agents.
  4. Prevention.
    Before sunbathing, prepare your skin for tanning by drinking carrot juice in the morning. To avoid burns, avoid resting in the midday sun – replace it with sunbathing in the shade. Before the beach, do not forget to “renew” your skin with exfoliation.
  5. Using special creams after sunburn.
    Look for the “super” mark on these products. But whitening cosmetics will have to be abandoned, including products containing extracts of lemon, celandine or cucumber and milk.

The best tanning preservation recipes

girls on the beach
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  • Remember vitamins.
    Proper nutrition and additional intake of vitamins will eliminate skin dehydration, which leads to dryness and, as a result, loss of tan. A prerequisite is at least 1.5 liters of water consumed per day. As for vitamins, vitamin A will help you stay “chocolate” for a longer time, which promotes the production of melanin. Look for it in oily fish, beef liver, apricots, carrots, and tomatoes. But assimilation of vitamin A is impossible without vegetable fats. That is, add sour cream or butter to the carrots.
  • Beta-carotene is another tanning aid.
    You should look for it in yellow and red vegetables / fruits. The most valuable product will be a melon – about 300 g per day.
  • Coffee grounds.
    Coffee grounds will help keep your summer tan for a long time. This product can be applied both to the skin on the face and to the entire body. Enough 15 minutes, then rinse off (only with light movements). With the help of coffee, you will preserve your tan and prevent cellulite. See also: How to use coffee grounds for beauty and use in the household – 15 ways.
  • Black tea.
    Everything is simple here. Wash your face with tea leaves, and the skin will remain dark for a very long time. You can also add tea leaves to the water before taking a bath (gentle, with sea salt) and prepare ice cubes with which you should wipe your face in the morning.
  • The abundance of cosmetics will have to be abandoned.
    Otherwise, all your work will go to dust. This advice also applies to home remedies (in particular, fermented milk products), and special masks, and decorative cosmetics.
  • Tomato mask.
    It is desirable that the tomatoes were not brought from far away, but their own, from their native land. The mask is given 15 minutes, after which it should be washed off with a contrast shower.
  • Self-tanning cream.
    With its help, you can restore the disappearing tan, or hide the spots that have appeared, etc. Well, as a last resort, there is always a solarium. One session a month, and your skin color will become even and beautiful again.

Secrets of a perfect tan – video

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