
How to spend a bride’s bachelorette party: best bachelorette party ideas

There is very little left before the wedding, the fashionable wedding dress is ready, the makeup and hair are thought out, organizational issues are also practically resolved. But what to do with a bachelorette party is not clear. I want something unusual, interesting and recklessly funny. So that the event will be remembered for a long time, and will bring only positive emotions.

How to spend a bachelorette party before the wedding – the best ideas from the COLADY editorial staff.

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When is the best time for a bride’s bachelorette party – the best time for a bachelorette party

Each bride, of course, chooses the time and day for this pre-wedding holiday for herself. There are no hard and fast rules in this matter, and everything depends on the size of the wallet and your desires.

But certain points are worth considering:

  • A bachelorette party will definitely be superfluous on the eve of the wedding. You don’t want to say yes, swaying with hangover, do you? Not to mention the fact that you can even oversleep your wedding.
  • For a month or even a couple of weeks, you shouldn’t arrange a bachelorette party either – it’s too early. The event will turn into a classic party, and you can forget about that special atmosphere.
  • That is, the ideal option would be to organize an event a week before the wedding. Moreover, you need to “walk” properly, so that in the morning after the bachelorette party you can say goodbye to the “shameless” past without any doubts.

How to make your bachelorette party memorable – general guidelines for preparing a bachelorette party

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Traditionally, all the worries about organizing a bachelorette party are taken by the bridesmaid. Because the bride herself already has enough worries. And in order for the bachelorette party to go “with a bang”, the bridesmaid needs to remember the following:

  • 2-3 weeks before the bachelorette party, write down the names and phone numbers of all participants in the holiday. Do not forget about age, so that the 17-year-old girlfriend does not stay outside the doors of, for example, a club where only adults are allowed. And so that the girlfriend of Balzac’s age does not stay there for the opposite reason. That is, choose the location of the bachelorette party taking into account the age of all participants.
  • Make an entertainment plan.
  • Inform all the participants of the event about the bachelorette party and involve them in creating a quality party “farewell to freedom”. Alone, you still cannot cope with the financial side of the issue.
  • Think about your entertainment plan, taking into account the fact that the holiday is created for the sake of the bride. Choose a place and entertainment based on her preferences and tastes (in color, food, images, music, etc.).
  • Enter the dress code for the members by choosing original outfits.
  • Invite a photographer. Bachelorette photos are just as important to the family archives in the future as wedding photos.
  • As for the stripper – discuss this moment with the bride, or even better – with the groom. Perhaps he will be against this surprise before the wedding.
  • Presents. Well, where without them at a bachelorette party! Of course, we are not talking about expensive things, but about pleasant little things – sweets, jewelry, tiny bouquets and other signs of attention for all participants in the event. See: How to keep fresh cut flowers for longer.

How and where to spend a bachelorette party – original ideas for holding a bachelorette party

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There are thousands of ideas for organizing a bachelorette party. Some arrange various funny nonsense in strip clubs, others dance parties, others rent a cafe in order to take a friend on a family voyage to live beautiful music. How else can you have a bachelorette party?

  • Pajama pillow party.
    The bottom line is to gather all the participants in a cozy apartment and relax with a bottle of wine while watching interesting films and popcorn. Of course, pleasant surprises (to revitalize the atmosphere) are indispensable here.
  • Spa.
    Why not? You can get together for the “holiday of beauty and body”, have a lot of fun and relax. And after the salon, arrange the same pajama party.
  • Club.
    One of the traditional options for a bachelorette party, your choice is a dance or strip club. See: All styles of clubwear for girls. Of course, hairstyles, outfits and bright makeup, and the bride can wear a miniature veil. Dancing until the morning, lots of positive emotions and great mood are guaranteed.
    Such a scenario requires a professional photographer and, most likely, a photo studio rental. And after the photo session, you can run away from the city, continuing the holiday in the bosom of nature – boating, fishing (this, of course, for an amateur), songs by the fire, etc.
  • Bath bachelorette party.
    The tradition is more masculine, but it is also quite close to girls. Suitable as a bathhouse in someone else’s cottage, and a modern sauna in the city. You can revive a bachelorette party with surprises, gifts, contests, original dishes and other amenities.
  • Goodbye, childhood – hello, family life.
    A party in this style involves decoration with those attributes that will allow you to plunge as deeply as possible into that happy time. What is “raisins”? First of all, clothes (we leave everything at home), bright dresses and ribbons, karaoke based on your favorite cartoons, joint drawing, contests, fun with a bottle of “baby” champagne, a huge cake and a wagon of sweets.
Interesting ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding - how and where to celebrate the bride's bachelorette party?
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  • East is a delicate matter. An excellent theme for a bachelorette party, suggesting an oriental holiday atmosphere – from the interior to every little detail. Transparent tulles, rose petals underfoot, candles instead of illumination, mesmerizing music and dances, dances, dances … Well, of course, the dress code: no jeans or dresses – just about the party.
  • There are only girls in jazz. This bachelorette party will require a retro car, appropriate clothing, music and hairstyles. Of course, the culmination of the party is a visit to the restaurant and the enchanting rhythms of jazz.

In general, you just need to turn on your fantasy to the fullest, move as far as possible from triviality and organize a bachelorette party that you will remember for the rest of your life with a joyful smile, sighing nostalgically – there were times …

Does a young girl need to hold a bachelorette party – comment of a sociologist

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Dear Ladies!

Having fun before the wedding is possible and necessary, the main thing is to know when to stop. It is believed that a marriage will be successful if both parties are psychologically and emotionally prepared for it. What does this mean? People say about such people “walked up”. This does not mean that you should go all out and release all your inner demons before the wedding. If you think you want to get married and are ready to be a wife, behave yourself with dignity.

How can a decent adult woman spend time at a bachelorette party? Answer: fun! Surround yourself with close friends with whom you enjoy spending time and do something fun: sing songs, ride around the city at night. remember funny incidents, dance, etc.

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