
Letters of recommendation for a successful job search – examples of letters of recommendation to an employee

How to write a letter of recommendation to an employee correctly?The custom of confirming one’s qualifications with official recommendations appeared a couple of centuries ago in Europe. He took root in our country as well. Moreover, in those days, unlike today, it was impossible to dream of a good position without such recommendations – they actually replaced a resume, gave a start to a career and were a confirmation that you are an honest and responsible employee.

And what are letters of recommendation for nowadays?

The content of the article:

  1. What are letters of recommendation for?
  2. Style and rules of writing a recommendation letter
  3. Sample letters of recommendation to an employee
  4. Who certifies the letter of recommendation?

What are letters of recommendation for and what are the benefits for an employee?

Nowadays, this document is, in most cases, a simple convention.

But reputable companies still present among their requirements (more precisely, wishes) to candidates for the position to have such “characterization“.

Yes, yes, it is the document that looks like her – however, the characteristic does not open the doors of important offices, but the letter of recommendation is very even.

Nobody has the right to demand this “relic of the past” from you, but it will be a significant addition to your summary

What does a letter of recommendation give to an applicant?

  • Significantly increases the chances of taking a vacant position.
  • Increases the employer’s confidence in the job seeker.
  • Helps to convince the employer of high qualifications, responsibility, decency and, most importantly, the value of the future employee.
  • Expands your ability to get really good jobs.
  • Confirms that the applicant was appreciated in a previous job.

Style and rules of writing a recommendation letter

The conditions under which an employee can receive a letter of recommendation are clear to everyone – this is dismissal without scandal and conflict, as well as good relations with the authorities.

If you may need such a document in the future, then do not wait for better times, forge iron, as they say, without leaving the cash register – ask for a letter right awayas long as the employer can and wants to write it.

Letter of recommendation – what you need to know about the rules for drawing up a document?

  • The key purpose of the letter is to “advertise” the applicant. Therefore, in addition to the main advantages, it is important to mention professional qualities. That is, about successful work experience, about the fact that the applicant is a creative person, creative, extraordinary, responsible, etc.
  • The volume of the letter should not exceed 1 page. All advantages are described clearly and concisely, and at the end there must be a phrase that a person is recommended for a certain position or for a certain job.
  • As such, there are no sample letters, and the paper itself is only informative, but there are certain rules for the design of such business letters.
  • The style of speech in the letter is allowed exclusively business. Artistic phrases or phrases that are not particularly meaningful (“water”) are not used. Excessive pathos or primitive vague characteristics of an employee like “bad / good” will also be superfluous.
  • The compiler must be indicated in the letter., and the document itself must be certified by an “autograph” and a seal by its constituent person.
  • They write the document exclusively on the company’s letterhead.
  • One recommendation is good, but 3 is better! They are written by those who can really vouch for you.
  • The date the document was written also matters. It is desirable that the age of the letter at the time of job search is no more than 1 year. As for the letters 10 years ago, they no longer have the power (the employee develops, gains new experience and skills). If there is only one (and even then – very old) recommendation, it is better not to demonstrate it at all, or ask the compiler of the document to update it. Note: never throw away the originals of such documents and be sure to make copies of them.
  • To “hook” the interest and trust of the employer, it is necessary to indicate in the letter not only the strengths, but also (oddly enough) the weaknesses of the applicant. A “pomaded” ideal characteristic will only scare away the employer. Of course, it is not worth getting carried away, but it should be noted.
  • When specifying the personality traits of an employee, it does not hurt to bring facts.that would prove the described advantages.
  • Letters of recommendation received from tiny companies, alas, they usually do not inspire much confidence. The reason is simple – there is a possibility that the letter was composed and written “out of great friendship.” Therefore, if you came just from such a small company, make sure that your letter of recommendation is perfect – without vulgar pathos, exclusively in a business spirit, indicating weaknesses, etc.
  • Oral recommendations are no less important today. Moreover, employers sometimes trust them more: personal direct communication with the former management and colleagues of the applicant, in fact, turns out to be more valuable than the letter itself – there is an opportunity to ask additional questions. Therefore, many job seekers indicate phone numbers for such recommendations right in their resume.
  • It is important to remember that the new management who is hiring you may call the numbers listed in the referral. Therefore, you should not write “fake” fictitious papers, so that later you do not end up with a broken trough and without a prestigious job because of such a small lie. And even if the letter is written directly by the manager who lets you go to free bread with a friendly handshake, you should definitely get his consent to confirm the authenticity of the document (if needed) and to a possible conversation with the new management, who may have additional questions.
  • You should also not send letters of recommendation at the same time as your resume. Leave the letters for later. Otherwise, it seems that the applicant is not so confident in his abilities that he immediately uses all his “trump cards” of external support. It is recommended to provide these papers either on demand or at the next stage of negotiations. By submitting your resume, you can just gently and unobtrusively emphasize your readiness – if necessary, provide such recommendations.

Samples of letters of recommendation to an employee from an employer

As written above, the document style should remain strictly business-like – no unnecessary epithets, artistic delights and excellent forms

The approximate “plan” of this official paper is as follows:

  • Title. Here, of course, we write a “letter of recommendation” or, in extreme cases, just a “Recommendation”.
  • Directly appeal. This item should be skipped if the paper is issued “for all occasions”. If it is intended for a specific employer, then an appropriate phrase is needed. Like, “To Mr. Petrov V.A.”
  • Information about the applicant. Specific information about the employee is indicated here – “Mr. Puchkov Vadim Petrovich worked in LLC“ Unicorn ”as a sales manager from December 2009 to February 2015”.
  • Employee responsibilities, personal qualities and achievements, other things that may be useful in employment.
  • Reasons for dismissal. This item is not at all mandatory, but in the case when the employee was forced to quit due to unforeseen circumstances (for example, in connection with moving to another city), the reasons can be indicated.
  • And the most important thing is the recommendation. For the sake of this point, the document is being written. There are many ways to recommend an employee. For example: “Business qualities of V.P. Puchkov. and his professionalism allows us to recommend him for a similar or another (higher) position. “
  • Information about the compiler of the letter. The personal data of the referee are indicated here – his full name, “contacts”, position and, of course, the date the paper was drawn up. For example, “General Director of LLC” Unicorn “Vasin Petr Alekseevich. February 16, 2015. Tel. (333) 333 33 33 “. The outgoing document number must also be present.

Samples of letters of recommendation to an employee from an employer upon dismissal:

Reference Letter - Sample 1

Reference Letter - Sample 2

Reference Letter - Sample 3

Who certifies the letter of recommendation?

Typically, this letter to your leaving employee is directly its leader… As a last resort, Deputy Head (naturally, with the knowledge of busy bosses).

Unfortunately, the personnel department does not issue such documents. Therefore, in the absence of disagreements with the authorities, you should apply for a letter to him.

Also, recommendations can write colleagues or partners (if the manager still has complaints against you).

There are also situations when the employee writes independently this recommendation, and then refers to his always busy leader for signature.

Regardless of who exactly writes the recommendation, it is important that it be truthful, comprehensive and complying with the rules of its preparation website thanks you for your attention to the article! We will be very pleased if you share your feedback and tips in the comments below.

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