
Luxurious wedding anniversary of Anastasia Ivleeva and Eljey

Anastasia Ivleeva is a lover of luxurious living. She is not afraid to showcase her bags and branded clothes for hundreds of thousands of rubles, expensive travel and other delights of a rich life. Of course, the blogger also celebrated her wedding anniversary and her husband’s birthday “to the fullest.” Why did the fans criticize the couple after the celebration?

“We are a separate planet! Love forever!”

ivleeva and lj

Recently, 29-year-old blogger Nastya Ivleeva touchingly congratulated her 26-year-old husband Eljay on his birthday, reminding the singer that they are doing everything right, even if they encounter a lot of hats or do not fit into the expectations of viewers.

“Happy birthday to you, my LOVE! We are above all earthly worries, worries, judgments, rules and the “right way”! We are a separate planet! A planet called trust, ease, confidence, support, mystery, friendship, passion, family and faith in each other. You cannot understand us, you cannot keep up with us! Love forever! Remember that you are the most talented guy in my memory … Your bombita, ”the girl wrote.

“Ladies, remember, a happy family life is when you don’t talk about it at every corner.”

Holidays in a star family go one after another: on July 4, the couple also celebrated their wedding anniversary. Photos from the party, which included passionate kisses of the spouses, expensive champagne, incendiary dances and gorgeous fireworks, the girl shared in her Instagram account. Morgenstern, Cherocky, Maria Minogarova, Yulia Koval, Costa Lacoste, Vitaly Vidyakin and many others were the guests of the “chintz wedding” of the stars.

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“You know, I rarely share the details of my personal life! But then, I decided to show a tiny piece of how happily with Eljay we celebrate the year of a ******* married life in the courtyard of our own house with our best friends!

Ladies, remember, a happy family life is when you don’t talk about it at every corner.

Thank you for this memorable day to everyone who was at the holiday! And thanks to all friends, acquaintances, fan accounts of our couple and just dear subscribers for the congratulations! We love you to the sky! ”- wrote Anastasia.

For the too unusual format of a luxurious celebration, the husband and wife were subjected to a wave of criticism: the haters were outraged that the spouses and their guests fired into the air with weapons. True, Ivleeva claims that the gun is hollow, that is, it simply imitates a shot with special blank cartridges.

“I noticed such an interesting pattern: when you help people, foundations, the poor, create charitable projects, do your best to be useful – no one cares. But on the other hand, when you shoot from an empty Kalash into the air at your own wedding … everyone says that you are arrogant, “the TV presenter addressed to all ill-wishers.

Recall that recently, Nastya’s actions are increasingly agitating the public: earlier Ivleeva criticized the show “What happened next?” for the inability to pin up a girl in a quality manner, she deliberately boasted of her elite clothing brands and expensive trips.

However, immediately after that, the girl explained that she maintains good relations with the leaders of the project, and demonstrates her wealth in order to share her successes with her friends – she believes that competing and boasting to each other is completely normal, as this motivates her to work.

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