
Makeup technique for the impending century – how to paint your eyes?

Not every girl has perfect facial features and correct proportions, but makeup can even solve this problem. A properly selected make-up can change the shape of the face, correct the shape of the eyes and even change the expression on the face. So what is the right makeup for the impending century?

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General makeup rules for overhanging eyelids

Makeup for the impending century can work wonders and hide even the biggest flaws, but you should know that makeup will only help for a while. It is possible to get rid of this deficiency forever only through a surgical operation.

There are basic makeup rules for impending eyelids:

Make-up always starts with the eyebrows, so they should be monitored especially carefully. The eyebrows should not be too thick or dark – this will make the look even heavier, and the entire makeup will look sloppy.


It is best to apply your makeup in daylight to avoid too bright colors in your makeup or uneven color distribution.

Shade the shadows carefully, otherwise too sharp color transitions can make the look rough and sloppy.

  • Open eyes

Try to do makeup with your eyes open, as with closed eyes the makeup looks different, and when you open your eyes, you risk seeing something completely different from what you expected.

When choosing eyeshadows, give preference to dry eyeshadows without glitter: liquid shadows can roll in the crease of the eyelid. Creamy pencils and all glitter should also be discarded.

Avoid long arrows too. However, small and neat arrows will make the look more open and expressive.

Day makeup for the impending century

Daytime makeup is suitable for shopping or work. It does not stand out, but it allows you to make your eyes look more open. In this make-up, exclusively light shades are used, and the emphasis is on openness and lightness of the look.

makeup with arrows

So, how to stage-by-stage make-up for the impending century? We remember!

  • Apply the base under the eyeshadow all over the eyelid so that the shadow does not roll in the crease of the eyelid towards evening.
  • Apply base eyeshadow all over the eyelid. These can be shades of light beige or cream in color, there is only one condition – they must be matte.
  • Next, lighten the inner corner of your eye with a lighter tone, and draw the water line with a light pencil.
  • Apply a dark shade of eyeshadow to the outer eyelid and blend thoroughly. Apply a dark shade just above the movable eyelid (this will help mask the overhanging eyelid).
  • Draw the line of the upper eyelid with a pencil (recommendation – do not use eyeliner, clear lines will make the look heavy) and blend it mutely.
  • The lower eyelid should also be drawn in a dark color, and later connect this line to the outer corner of the eyelid so that the transition is smooth.
  • When dyeing eyelashes, it is better to use lengthening mascara and eyelash tweezers – this will help to make your look more open. Lower eyelashes should not be dyed to avoid heavy eyes.

Evening makeup technique for impending eyelids

For evening makeup, you will need three shades of shadow (1 – ivory, 2 – an intermediate darker color and 3, the darkest contrasting). All shades should match your eye color.

So, how to properly do evening makeup for the impending century? We instruct!

  • Apply foundation under the eyeshadow all over the lid and blend the edges carefully so that no transition is visible.
  • Next, apply light shadows evenly over the entire eyelid and blend them under the eyebrow.
  • Apply darker shadows only on the moving eyelid and blend.
  • Next, we take the darkest color and apply it to the movable eyelid (we brush from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye). The shadow should be applied slightly higher to hide the overhanging eyelid.
  • Paint over the lower eyelid in the same tone, but try not to overdo it to avoid the effect of a “sleepless night”.
  • Line up your upper lashes with a pencil or liner.
  • Paint over the upper lashes with 2-3 layers of mascara and curl with tweezers. This will make the look more expressive and bright.

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