
“My son became a Judas for me”

In September, Konkin lost his daughter, 32-year-old Sofia, who had been a great swimmer since childhood, drowned under strange circumstances. She died in a fitness club, among a heap of people and workers, and it was at that fateful moment that the cameras were turned off. Her father is convinced that the matter is unclean.

Vladimir Konkin with his deceased daughter Sofia

But the tragedies in the star family did not end there: immediately after the terrible news of his sister’s death, 48-year-old Yaroslav fell out with his father, putting him in a bad light for the public. Now, of the three children, the Soviet artist Vladimir only has a son, Svyatoslav, but Konkin is not in close relations with him either.

Resentment against the father: he cheated, shot at his son, and after a terrible accident he did not even call

The death of the famous actor’s youngest child was the trigger for this family. Constant calls from journalists and insincere sympathy from everyone they met led celebrities not only to problems with work or to internal trouble, but also to feuds within the family.

Having got to “Let them talk”, Yaroslav Konkin, who had been holding a grudge against his father for decades, finally broke down. He told how he once had a serious accident and broke his spine – the doctors said that he would no longer be able to walk.

“Dad didn’t even call, not that he sent me a pretty penny. I have remembered this for the rest of my life, ”the man shared.

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Vladimir and Yaroslav Konkin

He also recalled how Vladimir got so drunk that he mistook his own son for a robber and shot him twice – in the leg and in the stomach. Well, in the end, the offended guy accused his father of having an affair with the director of the actor Elena Peresleni – allegedly the woman not only took the married man out of the family, but also humiliated their mother.

“Because of this, he sent my mother to a country house. It was a real link. Mom at that time fell into religion, looked for consolation in this. Once, when my mother practically found her father from Pereslya, she immediately dragged him to the icons and told him to repent of his sin. He obediently did it ”, – stated the artist’s heir in one of the talk shows.

young konkin
Vladimir Konkin in his youth

Vladimir Alekseevich did not make excuses, only assured that his son had been too emotional and tactless all his life, and sometimes told people a terrible lie.

Sofia about her father: “We have one star in our family – dad”

But all the acquaintances of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation say: everything Yaroslav said may well be true, since Vova has a “heavy and narcissistic character.” He always paid more attention to himself than to children, and if before Alla Lvovna always tried to reconcile and unite everyone, then after her death, her father quarreled with his heirs. Now they don’t even know each other’s phone numbers.

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Sophia’s friends recalled that she, too, complained about the difficult temper of her parent.

“I asked her:“ What is it like to live with such a father? You are one daughter in the family, probably a little star for him? ” She replied: “No, we have one star in our family – dad.” I don’t want to accuse him of not loving his daughter. I’m sure everything is okay with that. But, it seems to me, it is difficult to live with such “stars”, – the friend of the deceased shared.

“These nonentities have behaved horribly. My son became a Judas for me “

At first, the elderly artist was wary of commenting on the situation. But no one’s patience lasts forever: after the next statement of his son, Vladimir appeared on the air of the program “The Fate of a Man” and told it to the host Boris Korchevnikov that he was thinking about the words of his son.

Scandal in the family of Vladimir Konkin: “My son has become a Judas for me.  Now we are only namesakes with him

“The insignificants who began to comment left and right on my life, quartered my director Elena Igorevna, her wonderful spouse, behaved horribly. My son became a Jew for me – now I call him that. We are now only namesakes with him, “- said 69-year-old Konkin on the channel” Russia 1 “.

From now on, Boris is no longer going to forgive the heir, considering his act to be a real betrayal.

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