
Secrets of eternal youth and beauty from Sophia Loren

The extraordinary beauty of Sophia Loren won the hearts of thousands of men around the world. Women are interested not only in admiring the actress’s youth, but also in learning all her secrets. They do exist. But, all these secrets may well be applied by every girl.

Sophia Loren

This year the legendary woman turns 85. Despite her far from young age, she still looks great. This is noted not only by fans. So, a few years ago, Sophia Loren became the face of Damiani, which released a collection of jewelry named after the actress.

Let’s reveal all the secrets of this beautiful woman’s youth.

Positive attitude

Emotions and mood affect not only health, but also beauty and youth. One of the main rules of Sophia Loren is positive thinking. If a woman is happy on the inside, then on the outside she will look the same.

According to the style icon, a woman should surround herself with the right people with whom it is pleasant to spend time and communicate. In addition, you should avoid stressful situations and take more care of yourself.

Sophia Loren

Bad mood, anger and irritability will certainly show up on your face. And if at the age of 20 they will not be noticeable, then with growing up, bad emotions and thoughts will leave indelible marks. They will give out real age.

Proper rest

Rest undoubtedly plays a key role. A woman’s beauty depends a lot on the quality of her sleep. Indeed, at night, the body must fully recover. To do this, he needs at least 8 hours of sleep. However, do not stay in bed for more than 11 hours.

It is recommended to considerthat it is important not only the time of sleep, but also its quality, as well as regularity. Before rest, you need to relax and relieve emotional stress. It is better to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

Sophia Loren follows all of the above rules. According to the actress, she goes to bed every day no later than 9 pm. Sophia Loren wakes up at 6 am and feels completely refreshed.
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Daily regime

Every day you need to bring new emotions and impressions. But do not forget about the daily routine. Sophia Loren takes this issue very seriously. And this applies not only to the allotted time for sleep.

After waking up, the actress necessarily allocates time for exercises, as well as self-care procedures. After that, she goes out into the garden, where she admires the flowers and enjoys their scent.

Complete self-control and self-discipline will make a woman a real beauty. And Sophia Loren shows this by her own example. Remember to wash off your makeup before bed or exercise.

butdon’t take on too much. The actress claims that it will still not be possible to redo all the cases. An extra burden of responsibility will put pressure on a woman, which in turn negatively affects beauty and youth. You need to plan your day wisely without overloading yourself.

Physical exercise

It is imperative to keep the body in good shape. This is especially true over time. But Sophia Loren doesn’t spend hours at the gym. The actress prefers to act differently.

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The icon of style and youth spends many hours outdoors walking. She advises everyone to follow this example and just walk. It is useful not only for the figure, but also for the heart.

In the morning, Sophia Loren jumps out of bed, even if she doesn’t feel like doing it at all. According to her, you cannot justify your laziness and unwillingness to exercise. They are essential. Of course, if a woman wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible.

Proper nutrition

In 2006, Sophia Loren starred completely nude for the calendar. At that moment, she impressed everyone with her figure, and this is at 72 years old. The actress has always been distinguished by stunning feminine forms. And this despite the fact that she is not dieting.

It is not a complete restriction in food that is more important here, but the right foods, meal times and portions. Sophia Loren prefers vegetables and fruits, as well as a little meat. The portions themselves should be small.

My day Sophia Loren starts with a light breakfast. Lunch is different, it is more dense than the first meal. The day ends with a small dinner, which should not be heavy on the stomach. During the day, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. This approach prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.

The actress’s favorite dish is pasta. She is also not indifferent to sweets. Despite all the prejudices, the star indulges himself with goodies, but not too often.
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Every few months, Sophia Loren arranges fasting days. During this time, the body is cleansed and immunity is strengthened. This requires 2-3 days. The actress eats only fresh fruits and fresh juices.

Accepting your age

One of Sophia Loren’s secrets is to accept herself, all her merits and demerits. She has repeatedly emphasized that there is no need to hide age features behind plastic surgery. A grown woman should not pretend to be a teenager.

Primarily a girl must love herself for who she is. It is after this that everyone around will admire her. If a woman cannot accept herself, then the rest will not accept her either.

Sophia Loren was never shy about her age and all the changes that happened to her. This does not advise all other women.

Proper skin care

Of course, a beautiful appearance directly depends on proper care. Here Sophia Loren advises you to choose your products based on the type and characteristics of the skin. But you can also use her beauty recipe.

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Make-up must be removed immediately. The actress has repeatedly spoken out against applying soap or foam to the eyes. She prefers vegetable oil for these purposes and various creams with vitamin A.

The skin of the whole body needs to be moisturized regularly. Over time, you should monitor your skin, namely its reaction to various cosmetics. The procedures should be adjusted as necessary.

Support and love of loved ones

Every woman flourishes with the love of a man. Sophia Loren felt this on herself. Her husband Carlo Ponti literally idolized the actress. With all his appearance and words, he showed his wife and others how beautiful and unique she is.

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It was the director and husband Sophia Loren who set the famous gait, from which all men fell at the feet of the actress. He arranged bedside tables with open drawers around the apartment. Sophia Loren had to walk by and close these boxes with her hips. He repeated this workout over and over until her gait was perfect.

Makeup and carefully chosen wardrobe

The makeup and wardrobe reflect the woman’s style. Sophia Loren’s secret lies in the emphasis on the eyes. All her makeup comes down to a light tone, soft shades on her lips and pronounced eyes.

According to the starthe older a woman is, the less makeup should be on her face.

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Hair should always be groomed. The actress has repeatedly stated that the whole day can depend on the hairstyle. The wardrobe should be selected taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the figure. The things themselves should be not only stylish, but also of high quality.

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