
Swimming pool visit – pros, cons, recommendations and reviews

A visit to the pool – what is the benefit, harm, are there any indications and contraindications, what do the experts say? We asked doctors and athletes of the COLADY magazine about the advisability of visiting the pool.

Winter in Russia, figuratively speaking, lasts up to nine months a year. Those who can boast of a financially stable income prefer regular swims somewhere on the warm sea. The rest remains only such an alternative as a pool. A wellness and enjoyable procedure that everyone can afford – just take a doctor’s note and buy a swimsuit.

But is the pool as useful as we think? Are there any contraindications for such procedures?

Swimming in the pool – pros and cons

Does your body lack tone? Want to get your body in shape for summer? Need an extra dose of energy? The ideal solution is the pool.

The benefits of visiting the pool are definitely:

  • Treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Strengthening the joints.
  • Formation of correct posture.
  • Getting rid of extra centimeters at the waist.
  • Body hardening.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Improving resistance to colds.
  • Positive effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.
  • Increased efficiency.

Pool visit – cons

Cons of visiting the pool, swimming:

  • Bleach used to decontaminate pool water can cause allergic skin reactions, eye irritation and dermatitis.
  • With constant swimming in the pool, the female figure becomes masculine due to the strong development of the shoulder muscles (with a couple of sessions a week and swimming no more than five hundred meters, the figure, of course, will not suffer).
  • The color of the swimsuit is dimmed by chlorinated water (do not take an expensive swimsuit to the pool).

Expert comments

COLADY editors asked certified experts whether it is advisable to visit the pool.

Galina Prokopyeva, PRO-expert Sportmaster PRO, winner of Russian marathon races, has a sports category in swimming

Galina ProkopyevaSwimming is suitable for everyone, even pregnant and lactating women. You can do it from any age: from birth to ripe old age. Swimming is good for joints, for the spine, it relieves stress and relaxes well after a hard day at work.

A big plus is that it is very difficult to get injured in the pool. It is a very affordable sport. You’ll need a chlorine-treated sports swimsuit, non-slip flip-flops, a silicone cap, and swim goggles – all on a budget.

If you work with a trainer, then in 2-3 weeks you will master the basics of the basic styles and get ready for the swimming season. In addition, special workouts for weight loss are possible in the pool. For this, 45 minutes will be enough, of which only 50% is active swimming at a fast pace.

A month, 2-3 workouts per week and the result will be noticeable. In this case, pool lanes can be compared to runner lanes in a stadium – the pool provides a good functional workout, but without shock. Endurance increases, blood supply to the body improves. Swimming makes the heart stronger, it is a workout for all muscle groups, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

A swimming pool is a great and non-traumatic way of postform recovery. Often, after an illness, it is recommended to walk, but you also need to be able to walk. In this sense, the pool is even preferable.

Pavel Titov, PRO-expert Sportmaster PRO, snowboarder, has a sports category in swimming


The pool is a very good way to rehabilitate. Swimming reduces stress on the knee joints and improves blood circulation. Muscles, ligaments are stretched, discomfort is minimized.

It is the primary joint pain medicine for snowboarders, skiers, and runners.

After covid, the pool well restores the vascular and respiratory systems. In this case, it is important to load gradually, swim at your own pace.

Swimming is the best thing. The pool can be recommended to anyone of any age.

Swimming Pool Tips

swimming in the pool
Photo by Pixabay

We found out that there are benefits of swimming in the pool. Now let’s take a look at the recommendations for beginner athletes:

  1. Shower with hygiene products in the pool before and after visiting.
  2. Do not go deep if your swimming ability leaves a lot to be desired. To avoid seizures.
  3. Keep to the right on the walkway (like on a highway). When overtaking the one sailing in front of you, make sure that there is no “interference in the oncoming lane”.
  4. Swimming goggles can help you avoid eye irritation and help you navigate underwater.
  5. To avoid falls, be careful on slippery floors in showers, pools and changing rooms. It is preferable to move around in rubber slippers. This will also protect you from fungus, which is often picked up in public baths and swimming pools.
  6. Jump into the water only in permitted locations. And making sure in advance that you do not jump on someone’s head.
  7. When swimming on your back, make sure there is no one in front of you to avoid a collision.
  8. Visit the pool only after at least an hour (or preferably two) after eating. It is better to refresh yourself after the procedure by supplementing the menu with herbal tea.
  9. It is not recommended to visit swimming pools, which do not require a doctor’s certificate. Such a one-time swim can turn into a caught disease.
  10. Choose a pool that uses ozone water treatment or combined water treatment (ozone and chlorine).
  11. Dry your hair thoroughly after the pool to avoid migraines, neuritis and meningitis. Especially in winter.
  12. Wear a cap when bathing so as not to ruin your hair with bleach.
  13. Use skin creams after showering if the pool water is chlorinated.
  14. Do not use the pool if you are ill. Even a mild cold. Also, do not visit the pool on the days of menstruation (even tampons will not help protect against infection during such a period).
  15. Try to come to the pool at a time when there are as few people as possible. For example, early in the morning.

Follow these simple rules, and the pool will become a source of exceptional joy, health and the most positive emotions for you.

Who is recommended for swimming in the pool?

As a physical activity, the pool is shown to all people, regardless of age. And also for those for whom other sports are excluded. Who will benefit from swimming the most?

  • To those who wish lose weight
  • To those who are concerned strengthening your joints and muscle training.
  • To those who are shown prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • Adult men as prevention of prostatitis
  • For those for whom stress – a frequent occurrence.
  • For expectant mothers

A swimming pool is also shown for diseases such as:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Neurosis.
  • Various disorders in the digestive tract (for example, flatulence or constipation).
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Placenta previa (in pregnant women).
swimming pool
Photo by Pixabay

For what diseases is the pool contraindicated?

  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Oncology.
  • Angina pectoris, rheumatic heart affections.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the eyes.
  • Open tuberculosis.
  • The presence of open wounds.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system (cystitis, etc.).
  • Threatened miscarriage or premature birth.

In addition to taking into account contraindications, experts also recommend that you be very careful when choosing a pool. The most dangerous pool for health is the one that is allowed in without a doctor’s certificate. As a rule, it is there that there are most risks of catching a fungal infection, lichen, scabies or human papillomavirus.

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