
The benefits and harms of equestrian sports for children and adults

Equestrian sports and horseback riding are popular today. Their relevance determines a healthy lifestyle, which is the key to a strong and healthy body. Despite the contraindications, equestrian sports are practiced not only by adults, but also by children. Consider how horseback riding is useful, where to do this sport and how to choose equipment.

The content of the article:

  1. The harm and benefits of equestrian sports for children and adults
  2. Equestrian equipment
  3. Safety technology for horse riding and equestrian sports
  4. Where is it better to take equestrian lessons and how much does it cost

The harm and benefits of equestrian sports for children and adults – contraindications for equestrian sports and horseback riding

How is equestrian sport useful for children and adults?

  • The benefits of horseback riding and equestrian sports have long been known. Doctors argued that thanks to them, many diseases, even the most terrible ones, could be cured. And, indeed, in the middle of the 20th century, this statement was proven. Many people have recovered from horse contact. The treatment became known as hippotherapy and spread throughout the world. This therapy is effective for people with movement disorders, it calms the nervous system and normalizes the emotional background. In addition, hippotherapy affects the circulatory system, as well as the digestive and respiratory systems.
  • Communication with a four-legged friend restores all mental processes in the human body. He becomes calm, cheerful, balanced. People lose the feeling of tension, stress disappears.
  • Another positive point is physical activity. During training, the main muscle groups begin to work in the human body. So, riding on horseback, a person instinctively uses muscles. For example, by maintaining balance and maintaining posture, his back and abdominal muscles develop. Note, depending on the speed of the horse’s movement, the muscles of the lower back work harder or slower. In addition, the vestibular apparatus develops. Interestingly, some of the muscles involved in equestrian sports are usually not used or worked out even in fitness. Thus, the muscle tone of the body improves. The person feels healthier, stronger and stronger. By the way, equestrian sports help you lose weight.


Despite the positive aspects, horse riding and even walking can be dangerous. We list the contraindications:

  • During even ordinary horseback riding, a person’s heart rate increases and blood pressure rises quickly. Horseback riding is strictly prohibited if you have heart disease or hypertension.
  • Since shaking cannot be avoided when riding a horse, it is dangerous to sit on a horse for people who have survived a stroke, as well as for those who are prone to venous thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.
  • You should not go for ordinary horseback riding for those who have diseases of the groin and pelvic organs, since they are the ones who are involved in equestrian sports. If you neglect this point, then training and riding can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  • Pregnant women should also refuse to ride a horse due to the fact that the load during exercise goes to the muscles of the abdomen and groin.

Equestrian equipment – choosing the right clothing for horse riding and equestrian sports

What should be your riding clothes?

  • Breeches should be made of natural fabric that would fit the rider’s figure and fit snugly to the horse. They can be made from suede.
  • A jumper or jacket should also fit the figure, emphasize its shape and grace, but in no case hinder movement.
  • Outerwear can be any, depending on the season. A light raincoat or coat will do, preferably not fitted.


What clothes are not at all suitable for classes:

  • Jeans. Yes, they fit snugly to the legs, but they hinder movement and can generally rub the legs with an inner seam.
  • Sweatpants should also not be worn on horseback riding. The fabric from which they are created will form folds. In this case, the leg will be in the wrong position.
  • Any trousers with thick seams.

To choose shoes for horseback riding and equestrian sports, you should pay attention to:

  • The top of the boots. It should be high and down to the knee so that the stirrup fasteners do not get in the way. There are leggings – special tops that are worn over short boots.
  • Heel. The shoe may have a small heel. It will serve as additional support and will fix the leg in the stirrup.
  • The material from which the shoes are made. It is worth giving preference to natural materials. An excellent option would be not only leather or suede boots, but also rubber ones. They are designed for training in the arena and for work in the canyon.
  • Buckles on shoes. Note that it is better to choose boots or boots without fasteners, buckles and lacing. If, however, there is a zipper on the shoe, then it should be located outward, away from the horse.


Other equipment items to purchase:

  • Be sure to buy a helmet. It is very important as it protects the rider’s head during falls. Without it, you will definitely not be allowed to attend classes.
  • You can also get gloves. They will save your palms from chafing. Can be sewn from leather, fabric or knitted from wool. The main thing is that you can wiggle your fingers and move your brush in them.

Horse riding and equestrian safety – how to avoid injury and trouble?

In order not to get hurt, riders during horseback riding or playing sports must know and follow safety rules. Let’s list the main requirements:

  • The horse should always be walked from the front.
  • You need to sit on the horse on the left side.
  • Before climbing on an animal, it is worth checking the condition of the girths and choosing the length of the harness to suit your height.
  • Do not jerk the reins, drive the horse calmly, gently, without rushing.
  • If you are moving in a column, keep your distance. The distance in front of the running horse must be at least 3-4 meters.
  • Do not overtake the rider in front.
  • If you notice an obstacle ahead – a car or a dog – take a short reins and calm the animal, talk to him.
  • Do not remove outer clothing while riding.
  • You need to get off the horse on the left side, throwing both stirrups, but not letting go of the reins.
  • Strictly follow the instructor’s requirements.


Where is it better to take equestrian sports lessons and how much it costs – choose a place for teaching equestrian sports for children and adults

It is worth knowing not only the cost of training, but also the features of each type of equestrian sport. Consider where you can learn this difficult business:

  • In equestrian schools. It accepts not only adults, but also children from 2 years old. For kids, there are many programs with an individual and collective approach, designed to maintain a healthy lifestyle and develop gymnastic and acrobatic abilities. For adults, a fitness technique is also added to these programs. The cost of one hour lesson in schools varies from two to four thousand rubles. Plus classes at school – riders can participate in competitions.
  • At the equestrian club. Adults will be welcome here. A personal trainer will teach basic horse riding, show jumping and dressage lessons. By the way, equestrian clubs offer services that are rare – hippotherapy, equestrian theater, photo sessions, as well as organizing holidays and horse rides. The cost of training is from 2.5 thousand rubles.
  • Private instructors. Let’s note the individual approach. The price of one lesson is from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

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