
The most demanded professions for women in the next 5 years

The most demanded professions for women in the next 5 yearsThe continuous development process forces the labor market to change. Professions that were in demand earlier will not be as popular in 5 years.

In 2005, experts predicted that by 2020 the most relevant professions will be marketers, nanotechnology specialists, and IT developers. And they were right.

The content of the article:

  1. Professions of the future
  2. In-demand professions in 5 years
  3. Difficulties in choosing a profession of the future
  4. What professions will cease to exist
  5. How to stay in demand in your profession

At the present time, the analysis of the labor market by employees of the search portal confirms an oversupply of lawyers, psychologists and designers.

There are also a number of professions that are in short supply: agronomists, engineers, doctors.

What professions for women will disappear in the future

Current trends and future professions for girls

Nobel laureate in economics Christopher Pissarides, in his lecture “Human capital after the fourth industrial revolution,” is confident that robots will displace humans – and, as a result, there will be a small number of professions that cannot be supplanted. These include hospitality, healthcare, personal services, household, education.

Analysis shows that global technologization will take place. In this way, robotics and IT will affect all areas to a greater or lesser extent. The basics of programming will also touch the humanitarian sphere.

Head of Julia Sakharova gave a list of professions that will be relevant. The research was carried out by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. According to the data provided in the project, 136 new professions should appear by 2030.

These include:

  • Cosmogeologist.
  • Bioethics.
  • Territory architect.
  • Airship designer.
  • IT medic.
  • Robotic systems engineer.
  • Intellectual property appraiser.
  • Game practitioner.
  • Digital linguist.
  • Navigation specialist in arctic conditions.
  • Big Data Modeler.

Of course, it is not yet possible to obtain these specialties in universities. But by the name of the professions of the future, one can understand – what directions should you start to master todaywhat exactly will be required in the labor market in the near future.

At the same time, in each profession there will be extremely knowledge of English is important… It will no longer be seen as a competitive advantage, but will become a necessity. To prove their skills, they will take international language exams.

This practice still exists, but it is not relevant for all professions.

By the way, you can start learning English today, using the global Internet. Don’t waste your time!

Women's professions of the future

The most demanded professions for girls in the next 5 years

The sales sector is developing more and more intensively. The easiest way to find a job sales assistant for a fashion store… Based on this, the profession is considered in demand. However, this work is considered unskilled and does not require higher education.

Labor market experts advise paying attention to professions that require higher education:

  1. Web Designer… This profession is in demand at the present time – and will be needed for many years to come, since design is the engine of trade, and IT technologies are a young developing area, which will subsequently be the most in demand.
  2. Sales Manager… This is a job for those who can make deals, including large ones. In every large company, you cannot do without a manager who can raise the level of sales. Specialists in this area earn, on average, 60,000-100,000 rubles.
  3. Marketer… The tasks of this position include the responsibility for creating the concept of a service or product, promoting them, positioning, studying the general audience of customers and buyers. In addition, he must carry out constant communication with regular customers and target audience. Increasing the company’s profits is a key goal for a marketer. It increases brand awareness, expands the audience. Salaries range from 35,000 and more.
  4. Educator. This profession is essential at all times. But in recent years, she has not been chosen because of an unpromising salary. Usually a teacher’s salary does not exceed 20,000 rubles.
  5. Dentist. One of the highest paid professions in the field of medicine. It is as relevant as it is now – and will be in demand in the future. Experienced specialists receive a good income, which reaches up to 100,000 rubles. This work is considered very difficult but respectable.
  6. Secretary-assistant… This is a relatively new profession that came from the west. The assistant secretary is recognized as the leader’s right hand. Thanks to him, the work of several structures is coordinated, he works with the archive and develops work schedules.

What professions for girls will be in demand in the next 5 years

Difficulties in choosing a profession of the future for women – what will be in demand in the labor market

It is very important that employees have a set of conditions.

The rapid growth of the development of a market economy requires from workers:

  1. Multitasking. You need to be able to solve many problems at the same time.
  2. Versatility… This is necessary to combine activities in overlapping adjacent areas.
  3. Continuous professional development and its high level.

Since specialties are chosen not only by high school students, but also by those specialists who want to retrain, you need to focus on your own preferences and skills. This is the advice of psychologists.

At the same time, it is necessary to focus attention on the demand for a certain profession. Leading positions are always held by journalists, lawyers and economists… Based on this, the correct decision would be to correlate the needs of society with their own interests.

What demanded professions you need to get today

What professions will cease to exist in the future

The extinction of a certain profession is difficult to predict.

For several years it has been said that librarians unclaimed – but they still work. Although this specialization is actually on the endangered list.

Many experts say that they will be unclaimed and sellers, – and all this is due to the growth in the number of online stores. However, this is not the case, in the next 10-15 years, sellers will find work easily due to the parallel growth of food and industrial organizations too.

It is supposed to disappear postmen, watchmen and elevators

In addition, research suggests that journalists and reporters, since their work will be done by social networks. However, this is also a controversial issue.

It is worth noting that there will be changes in almost every area as organizations practice robots. This practice is considered promising.

What female professions will be in demand in the next 5 years

What to do to remain in demand in your profession on the labor market in the coming years

To get the desired job and high-paying position, the candidate needs to constantly improve.

In order to be in demand, the following algorithm should be observed:

  1. Continuously update knowledge… You can improve your qualifications in various ways. These can be free or paid webinars, foreign language learning, online lessons, internships, etc. This all increases the intelligence of the employee. It is very important to develop within your own sphere, affecting adjacent ones. In the absence of the necessary education, the situation can be changed. Many universities are already practicing online education. Employers take this education into account.
  2. Exploring new markets… New technologies make it possible to evolve in different areas. The introduction of new practices usually requires a lot of specialists, so this area should be studied.
  3. If necessary, switch to another field of activity… With prolonged career stagnation, it is better to change specialization. This will help psychologically get new sensations and find a new vocation. You can retrain at any time – and find a more promising job. Variability is not a negative quality. Psychologists have proven that retraining the brain stays young longer.

It is worth noting that today even those spheres of activity where there is an overabundance of specialists need people – and this will be so in the future.

This is all because employers are looking for qualified citizens for work, not people who just eat diploma

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