The West Wind By John Masefield Line By Line Explanation
“The West Wind” by John Masefield follows a simple rhyme scheme, with rhyming couplets that are both syllabic and a few syllabic words added in for emphasis. This is a simple poem that’s also a little melancholy. Line 54: The speaker complains that the warm wind from the west is “pouring out tears”. However, the speaker does not specify which type of difficulties he’s complaining about. This is a generalization.
The speaker of this poem asks the west wind to carry his verse around the world, empowering it to spread through the world. While many readers may assume that his frustrations are political, it’s important to remember that the poem is not a polemic against politics. It’s a plea for creativity to become a more integral part of human culture and society. This story, while not a novel is about creativity and words.
The speaker wants to emulate the wind, and asks the west wind to carry his verse across the world. He wants to be able to harness the energy of wind. The poem’s unsteady rhythm is a reflection of the energy of wind, which creates chaos and dread. In the end, the poet’s attempt to imitate the west winds’ destructive nature makes him a hero to countless people.
The speaker asks for the west wind’s help in spreading his words across the globe. The west wind promises to increase our creativity and empower us with our thoughts. The speaker seems frustrated and angry with the world in which he lives, and he wants to send out his words and ideas to the world. The majority of readers will assume this is political. But there’s more to the story. The reader will likely be able to understand what the speaker is trying to say.
The west wind by John Masefield is a poem that imitates the wind. Its speaker attempts to absorb its powerful energy to create a new poetry. The west’s unsteady meter is a reflection of the wind’s uncontrollable energy. It aims to reflect the chaos that the poet is experiencing. Although the wind is a metaphor, it doesn’t really address the speaker directly.
Throughout the poem, the speaker uses spiritual references. He imagines the wind as a god. In the Bible, he refers to the end times. The trumpet of prophecy blows when the Christ returns to earth. He is actually able to imitate the wind’s energy. He asks the wind “to blow her own trumpet.”
The west wind by John Masefield is a classic example of a poem that imitates nature. The speaker is trying to take on the violent energy of the wind by imitating it. The speaker’s voice reflects both the “locks and the approaching storm” as well as the clouds of the storm. The wind is the only thing capable of causing such violence. This is why the poet is trying to capture its chaotic energy.
The metaphor “The West Wind” can be applied to any metaphor, but it is particularly striking in this poem. It refers to the violent energy of wind as an element in nature. In this way, the speaker attempts to absorb that same violent energy by taking on the language of the wind. He attempts to make wind part of his daily life by imitating the poetry’s language.
The speaker of the poem calls the West Wind “Thou” over again in the poem. To make the apostrophe more meaningful, he asks. The apostrophe, which is an essential part the poem, conveys that the West Wind is strong. By sharing the power of the poet, the reader will understand the message behind the syllable poem.