
Tutta Larsen on terrible jealousy of the nanny and overcoming it

Today, most modern women are forced to keep up always and everywhere, perform many functions at the same time, successfully combine motherhood, everyday life and career. That is why many decide to seek the services of a nanny and … then feel jealousy, remorse, doubts.

TV presenter and mother of three children Tutta Larsen I experienced it myself, but I realized in time that a good nanny is priceless. The TV star spoke about the (sometimes difficult) relationship between mother and nanny on her Instagram blog.

Tutta Larsen on the relationship with the nanny:
Photo @larsentut

Jealousy, helplessness, and feelings of separation

With the modern pace of life, many women who have become mothers simply cannot imagine their existence without the help of a nanny. On the one hand, she is a person who solves several problems at once: there is no need to make a painful choice between work and a child, there is no need to spend a lot of time and energy on caring for a baby, there is an opportunity to remember a loved one, etc. But there is also a downside to the coin: there is a stranger next to your child, and at some point it may seem that your “mother’s” place is taken.

TV presenter Tutta Larsen faced this when she first resorted to the services of Svetlana’s nanny for her son Luka. According to the TV star, in addition to the professionalism of the nanny, who literally argued in her hands, she felt jealousy and her own helplessness. It was especially painful to go to work, leaving my son, albeit with a good, but still a nanny.

Tutta Larsen on the relationship with the nanny:
Photo @larsentut

“Babysitting is both a salvation and a problem at the same time. Even if you got a gold one like mine. She worked as a nanny for more than one year before us. Professional, with ped. education and extensive experience.

I immediately rolled up my sleeves and into battle. She let me sleep, took on walks, laundry, care. And I? I was left with a joint dream, pens and GW. It would seem, exhale, enjoy. But what is there.

I was covered with terrible jealousy. And also – a feeling of helplessness. My nanny knew my child better than me! She understood why he was crying and how to comfort him, she knew how to make him smile, she knew how to do massage and gymnastics, and she could handle dressing and swaddling much more dexterously than I did. I got the feeling that I am losing my child, that he loves her more than me, that they are together, and I am on the sidelines! “

Tutta Larsen on the relationship with the nanny:
Photo @larsentut

Healthy balance

The star admitted that, because of jealousy, she almost had a fight with the nanny and experienced severe stress: the presenter literally could not look at the tenderness shown by the nanny to her son. Fortunately, she came across a real professional who knows how to find a common language not only with children, but also with parents.

“She was very wise and helped me deal with jealousy and guilt. She always clearly observed the chain of command: mother is in charge. I always talked to Luka about me when I was not around, they waited and met me from work together, I was present in my son’s life, even if I wasn’t physically there. She explained to me that no one will replace my mother, but it took me a long time to believe it, ”Tutta told her subscribers.

Thanks to the healthy balance in relationships and the professionalism of nanny Sveta, she stayed at the TV presenter’s house for 16 years and actually became a member of the family. Tutta does not perceive her as a “staff” and has long let her into her close circle.

Tutta Larsen on the relationship with the nanny:
Photo @larsentut

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