
Uncovering The Best Magnesium Supplement For Weight Loss

Humans need magnesium for the body to function optimally. This mineral plays a role in energy production, blood sugar regulation, and more. Without its presence, specific chemical reactions in the body cannot occur.

Magnesium is necessary for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and heart rhythm. It is involved in transporting calcium and potassium throughout the body, and the heart, muscles, and kidneys cannot function properly without this mineral. In addition, magnesium helps build teeth and bones. Does it help with weight loss?

Magnesium and Weight Loss

Obesity remains a problem in America today. Countless men and women are looking to lose weight and search for the best magnesium supplement for weight loss. They have heard that this mineral helps regulate blood sugar and insulin in the body.

A 2013 study demonstrated the benefits of magnesium for glucose blood level and insulin control. In addition, this study found that the mineral helps minimize bloating and water retention. For this reason, many women increase their magnesium intake when they are menstruating.

However, magnesium alone won’t help a person lose weight. They must restrict their caloric intake and eat a healthy diet. Exercise will also help remove unwanted pounds. Magnesium may boost these efforts but won’t be of much help independently.

Is a Magnesium Supplement Needed?

Most people don’t need a magnesium supplement. They get adequate amounts of magnesium in their diets, so a deficiency is rare. However, magnesium levels may be low. People can quickly resolve this issue by eating healthy foods high in magnesium. These foods include whole grains, nuts, beans, yogurt, and fish. Eating more of these nutritious foods will also help them lose weight.

Certain people might have a magnesium deficiency, though. Anyone with irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease should have their magnesium levels checked regularly. The same holds for those with diabetes or kidney disease, as diseases such as these alter magnesium absorption and storage in the body. Anyone who recently had a stomach virus with vomiting and diarrhea might need to take a magnesium supplement temporarily to overcome that which was lost when they were ill. Excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption can also lower magnesium levels.

How Much is Too Much?

Adults between 19 and 30 need between 310 and 400 milligrams of magnesium daily. Women should stick to the lower end of this range, while men should focus on the higher end. For those over 30, magnesium intake should increase to 320 mg daily for women and 420 mg for men.

Overdosing on Magnesium

A person can have too much of a good thing. Supplements provide magnesium in concentrated form, so a person might experience side effects if they take a higher dose than recommended. They may experience abdominal cramping and an upset stomach. Diarrhea and nausea are common when a person’s magnesium level is high.

If a person mega-doses on magnesium, the side effects are more severe. They may find their muscles are weak, and they feel drowsy. Their blood pressure may drop, and their heartbeat could become irregular. A loss of appetite and being overly thirsty are signs of a magnesium overdose, as is difficulty breathing. Medical attention should be sought immediately.

The United States Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate supplements. It falls on the consumer to know what they are purchasing and ingesting. Only buy from reputable providers to ensure the supplement doesn’t have harmful additives and that the dosage is shown on the label.

Furthermore, always speak to your doctor before taking a new supplement to confirm it won’t interact with other medications or medical conditions you have. Weight loss might be in the future for those who can take magnesium. It’s a matter of how you approach achieving this goal overall.

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