
Walking with a newborn in summer – what you need to buy for birth for walks

Babies also love to take a walk and always enjoy a little adventure. Although the baby is still in the stroller, he can watch the animals running by, listen to the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves. Well, and the most interesting thing is that he can get to know you and study new people – his future environment.

See also: What to buy for the birth of a baby for feeding a newborn?

So, what can be useful for a walk with a child in the summer?

What to buy for walking with a newborn

To make a walk with a newborn a pleasure, you need to prepare all the necessary things, and put them before going out. in a bag for mums, which attaches to the stroller.

  • Drinking water bottle
    If your baby is on mixed or artificial feeding, then you need to provide for some water so that you do not have to go to the store, with its inaccessible steps or doors. So prepare a bottle of drinking water or filtered homemade water in advance.
  • Sun hat for mom and baby, optional sun glasses
    The sun is useful only in a small amount, which is enough to get a light tan and important vitamin D. In summer, you need to protect the delicate skin of the child, which easily reacts to overheating in the form of sunburn or sunstroke.
    The choice of children’s hats is great: kerchiefs, bandanas, panamas, baseball caps, hats – choose what your darling wants. And do not forget about yourself, because this will be a good example for your child.
  • Mini first aid kit
    Perhaps this first-aid kit will be useful to you or to those around you, but with the birth of a child, such a kit can be easily placed in a stroller. You want to have a reputation for being the most prudent mommy? A mini-first aid kit for a walk for a newborn child may contain: a remedy for wound healing, bactericidal plasters, tea tree oil, iodine marker, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, antiallergic drug and heart drops. See also: Home first aid kit for a newborn baby – what to buy in a first aid kit for a baby?
  • Antibacterial wet wipes
    Fighting “dirty hands” is the first rule to prevent infectious diseases, experts say. Remember to wipe your hands with antibacterial wipes before touching anything that touches your child’s mouth. For example, his fingers, pacifiers, bottles, rattles.
  • Toys
    Considering the small age of the baby, it is preferable to take small soft toys or ringing rattles-beepers on the stroller and in the handle. The main thing is to choose only high-quality, certified toys that do not injure the child and do not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Healthy snack
    Until the baby eats regular food, you can take food only for yourself. This way, you can take your time to eat while your little one looks around. If you are on a nursing mom’s diet, then the food should be healthy and light, but not replace the volume for a full lunch or dinner. Apples, bananas, juices, yoghurts or curds, whole grain crisps, vegetable and cheese sandwiches. Well, and, of course, do not forget for ourselves some water in a bottle or tea in a thermos.
  • Change of clothes for a sudden cold snap or warming
    Let nothing harm your walk and spoil the mood of an already filled head! From the rain, take a raincoat for yourself and on the stroller, from the cold – a light jacket, and from the heat – a replaceable top.
  • Mobile phone with headphones
    Oh, this is an irreplaceable thing for mothers who have just given birth! This strong connection with the outside world will help prevent postpartum depression or long-term adjustments to drastic changes in your life.
  • Camera
    You can take it separately for high-quality shots, or take pictures while walking on the camera in your phone. For some mothers, this exciting activity turns into a hobby for the next years.
  • Plaid
    A soft blanket is useful for a picnic, relaxation and crawling on the grass. And if it gets colder, it can be used as a blanket for a stroller. Choose fleece blankets – they are lightweight, stain resistant, breathable and easy to wash. You can also buy a special blanket for nature with a waterproof base.
  • Diapers and disposable diapers
    A couple of diapers and disposable diapers, believe me, can come in handy. First, the diaper can leak, and then the diaper will come in handy. Secondly, in hot conditions we consume and release more fluid, so the baby’s diaper needs to be changed as often as possible.
  • Sling
    According to experienced mothers, a sling is an indispensable assistant when walking with a baby. It will help you breastfeed easily, rock or show your baby the world outside the stroller. Also, you will be prepared for a situation with a disconnected elevator or impossible wheelchair access.

Hopefully our detailed list will give you some hint, what you need to buy for the birth of your baby for walking with him on the street in the warm season

Maintain your good mood, and enjoy walks with your newborn – both in winter and in summer!

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