
what is tantra and how can it be dangerous

Such a mysterious and slightly disturbing word “tantra”. It periodically pops up in our life: we can accidentally hear it on television, from friends, stumble across the Internet. But few people know what lies behind this ancient little-studied term.

Singer Sati Casanova, who has been engaged in spiritual practices for many years, opened the veil of secrets and talked about what “tantra” is, how it can be useful and dangerous.

Sati Casanova spoke about what tantra is and how it can be dangerous
Photo @satikazanova

“Tantra is a great mystery”

Sati Casanova is a big fan of various oriental spiritual practices. The star is not only fond of them, but also willingly tells subscribers about her experience, shares advice and invites you to various seminars on these issues. Recently, the singer posted on her account a post dedicated to the term “tantra”. Many are familiar with this word, but not everyone knows its true meaning. According to Sati, there are a lot of “smart fantasies” around this word today. As the star explained, the meaning of tantra is reduced to communication with God, to establishing contact with him.

“The modern interpretation of the word tantra differs significantly from its true meaning.

In short, Tantra is everything that you do to comprehend God, to build contact and relationships with Him. A simple example: if you do not just sit down to eat, but before you eat, offer it to God – this is tantra. “, – said the singer.

Sati Casanova spoke about what tantra is and how it can be dangerous
Photo @satikazanova

The Dangers of Practicing Tantra

Sati also said that there are many difficulties and pitfalls in the practice of tantra: there is, for example, black tantra, which realizes your desires, but controls your life and even people. A person who practices black tantra can become a conscious “vampire”, “pollute” morally and spiritually.

However, with the right approach, tantras can help in life, give a powerful burst of energy and even change fate. For example, a tantric amulet has many powerful properties.

“One of the oldest tantric yantras – SRI YANTRA – the source of the highest energy, plays a colossal role in the tantric culture. She has amazing capabilities and can reflash fate! ” – Sati Casanova said on her Instagram.

Sati Casanova spoke about what tantra is and how it can be dangerous
Photo @satikazanova

Subscribers (and Sati now has more than a million) thanked the singer for her story. As it turned out, today many people are fond of Eastern spiritual practices, or plan to start studying them together with Sati Casanova.

“I really want to get acquainted with Tantra”, – yanayakubina.

“You rightly said that those who have come into contact with tantra, their life will not be the same. Unfortunately, the concept of tantra has been replaced and devalued. Thank you for the knowledge that you bring to our world “, – zdorovyemoyo.

“Tantra really works wonders and it is good that there are those who feel it … and differentiate – with today’s strange representation of her ”, – 88na_mari.

All goes to good?

Spiritual practices appeared in the life of Sati Casanova after a loud scandal that occurred in 2016. Then, due to the singer’s careless words, she lost many contracts, friends and temporarily faded into the shadows.

But as the star herself admits, just at that period she was at a crossroads in life: the career of a pop singer ceased to satisfy her, she wanted a change. And it was the unpleasant events in 2016 that helped her change course both in her work (the singer became interested in ethnic music and has already released an album) and in life.

Sati began to practice yoga, vegetarianism, and became interested in various oriental cultures. And today he is actively sharing the acquired knowledge with subscribers.

Sati Casanova spoke about what tantra is and how it can be dangerous
Photo @satikazanova

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