
10 best beer halls in Prague – for connoisseurs of real Czech beer

If you love good tasty beer, then you simply must visit Prague, which is rightfully considered the world capital of beer. This drink is drunk here always and everywhere, in large quantities – and this is natural, because beer in local bars is the most delicious in the whole world. As beer fans have noticed, Czech producers have learned how to cook it in such a way that even if you drink it decently in the evening, the next morning your head doesn’t hurt at all.

Read also: Czech Republic for Travelers – the Heart of Europe is waiting for you!

What kind of beer restaurants and bars should you visit when traveling to Prague?


See also: Where to go for the gourmet traveler – 7 best countries for gastronomic tourism.

So where is the best beer in the Czech Republic served?

  • “U Fleku” – this is a restaurant located at Praha 2 – Nové Město, Křemencova 11. This wonderful place is simply a must visit, because this is not just a beer hall, but a real brewery, opened in the distant fifteenth century and working regularly to this day. If you prefer dark beer, then you will surely enjoy the thick beer with an unusual caramel flavor. Each room in the restaurant received an original name: “Suitcase”, “Liver sausage”, etc. Here you can also have a tasty meal, tasting dishes from Czech cuisine (the portions, by the way, are very large). A special atmosphere is created by the orchestra playing in the garden, as well as the “antique” interior. “At Flek’s” you can not only eat and enjoy the taste of beer for a low price, but also go a couple of centuries ago.


  • “At St. Thomas” (U Sv. Tomáše) located at: Praha 1, Malá Strana, Letenská 12. This place also has a long history, it has been operating since 1352. The monks began production, and they conducted tastings in a dark basement. The pub has been considered the center of “progressive ideas” for many centuries. Indeed, this place attracts visitors like a magnet, forcing them to come back here again and again. We recommend ordering a beer with a delicate taste called “Brannik” and completely immerse yourself in such a charming and mysterious atmosphere of this cellar.


  • “At the Chalice” (U Kalicha) – another restaurant located in Praha 2, Na bojišti 14. You can visit this restaurant without even coming to Prague. You just have to read the world-famous book by J. Hasek about the adventures of the soldier Schweik. All the same music, a table made of strong oak, furniture from ancient times, and the wonderful Idle beer, over a mug of which one is so tempted to chat about life. It should be noted that the prices in this pub are quite high, going here, it is better to take money with a margin. That is why locals rarely visit this establishment.


  • “At the Black Ox” (U Černého Vola) – a restaurant with very reasonable prices, located in Praha 1, Loretánské náměstí 107/1. Tourists rarely come here, so if you want to feel the spirit of old Prague, then you just need to visit here. We emphasize once again that the prices here are very affordable, and the atmosphere is very cozy and calm. Being in this restaurant, it seems that time has suspended its course.


  • Brewery House (Pivovarský dům) Is another wonderful place in Prague where you can taste excellent beer. Located at: Praha 2, Nové Město, Ječná 16. The pricing policy is higher here than in U Černého Vola, but the Brewery is also a brewery, so the selection of beer here is very, very impressive. We recommend trying at least a glass of each of them (better, of course, not at one time): unfiltered dark, banana, coffee, cherry, live wheat, champagne beer and May goat (brewed only in May).


  • In bears (U Medvídků) we recommend visiting those who like noisy places with a large number of visitors. The pub was built back in 1466, and in the last century it was transformed into a real cabaret, which was the first in all of Prague. At that time, U Medvídků had the largest beer halls in the entire city. It is interesting that over the course of several centuries a huge number of tourists from all over the world managed to visit here. This place is loved not only by visitors, but also by the Czechs themselves, who gladly come here to take a break from daily worries and communicate. If you want to taste delicious Czech cuisine, as well as taste real Budweiser – then you are in Praha 1, Na Perštyne 7


  • Strahov Monastery brewery (Klašterní pivovar) is located opposite the Strahov Monastery itself, namely in Praha 1, Strahovske nadvori 301. As the story goes, for several generations of monks, starting from the 17th century, they have been brewing one of the most delicious beer in the city called St. Norbert. Visitors can choose between amber and dark varieties of this beer. Nothing bad can be said about the brewery. Firstly, very pleasant prices (699kc for two types of snacks, four glasses of beer), secondly, they cook very tasty, and thirdly, the waiters here are the best in the whole city, they will politely accept the order and you will not have to wait long its execution. Everything that is prepared by the Klašterní pivovar chefs literally melts in your mouth, and all types of beer are simply excellent. Especially for Russian-speaking clients there is a menu in Russian. We recommend trying the marinated cheese, you will definitely like it.


  • Bernard (Bernard Pub) located not in Prague, but in the city of Humpolec, Jeseniova 93. This restaurant is worth visiting, especially since it is located only 100 km from Prague itself. The highlight of the restaurant was the observance of all traditional recipes for brewing beer, which exclude the addition of any concentrates and chemicals. The motto of the pub is “We are against Europiv!”. The brewery’s restaurant was opened relatively recently, but has already won the love of both local residents and visiting beer lovers. You will find the widest choice of meat dishes, as well as beer cuisine. Opening the menu, you will be surprised by the “popular prices”: beer costs in the range from 29 to 39 kroons.


  • Potrefená Hůsa Is not just one beer restaurant, but a real chain of restaurants that you can find at several addresses, including Potrefena Husa Resslova, 1esslova 1775/1, Praha 2-Nové Město. Potrefena Husa are the best beer bars in Prague, they are a chain of branded restaurants from the brewery with the name Staropramen, familiar to Russian tourists. By the way, you can find Staropramena branded restaurants not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovakia. And in Prague alone, there are about a dozen such pubs! The ideal combination of reasonable prices and the highest quality (and this applies not only to the quality of food and drinks, but also to service) – what else is needed for a Russian tourist? If you are planning to visit one of the restaurants of this chain, then you can be sure that you will definitely like it there and everything you order will be very tasty. The waiters and all the service staff here are very polite and intelligent, and they will not be able to cheat you here, because even such a concept does not exist here. Probably for this reason, Staropramen restaurants are the best beer halls in Prague, they have become so popular among the local population.


  • “At the Golden Tiger” (U zlateho tygra) – a pub, which is the last on our list, but this does not mean that it does not deserve attention. Many tourists who have visited several beer restaurants in Prague believe that U zlateho tygra is the best place where men can drink beer. Here you will not find any tourist groups, children and women are also quite rare here. Everyone, both locals and visiting tourists, simply dissolves into a single crowd and noise. It is interesting that although the room is not very large, there is almost always a place for visitors. There is simply no such thing as an empty table for four guests with one visitor. If you are alone, then a few more visitors will surely be hooked up to you, so it will definitely not be boring here. If you like noisy get-togethers and men’s companies – go to Husova 17, Praha 1.


We hope you will be able to visit the best beer restaurants in Prague listed above. As you can see, the Czech Republic is a country of a huge number of establishments, where you can taste excellent and famous Czech beer… Moreover, each of the establishments is unusual, has its own history, its own customs, individual peculiarity, charm, and, of course, is famous for its own unique beer.

Read also: 10 best restaurants in Europe – where to dine for a gourmet?

Noisy pubs or cozy quiet restaurants – the choice is yours! Do not put off your trip until later, because you can already plunge into the unique atmosphere of old Prague.

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