
10 books about strong women that will not let you give up!

10 books about strong women that will not let you give upFor some reason, women are considered to be the “weaker sex” – defenseless and incapable of decisive actions, to protect themselves and their interests. Although life proves that female strength of mind turns out to be more powerful than that of a strong half of humanity, and their resilience in various life situations can only be envied …

Your attention – 10 popular books about patient and strong women who conquered the world.

gone With the Wind

By: Margaret Mitchell

Released in 1936.

Book Gone with the WindOne of the most beloved and popular pieces among women from several generations. Until now, nothing like this book has been created. Already on the first day of its release on sale, this novel has sold over 50,000 copies.

Contrary to numerous requests from fans, Mrs. Mitchell never made her readers happy with a single line, and Gone with the Wind was reprinted 31 times. All sequels of the book were created by other authors, and no book has surpassed “Gone” in popularity.

The work was filmed in 1939, and the film has become a real film masterpiece for all time.

Gone With the Wind is a book that has won millions of hearts around the world. The book is about a woman whose courage and endurance in the hardest times are worthy of respect.

The story of Scarlett is very harmoniously woven by the author into the history of the country, which is being performed to the accompaniment of a symphony of love and against the background of the fires of a blazing civil war.

Singing in the thorns

Posted by Colin McCullough.

Released in 1977.

The Book of the Thorn BirdsThis work tells the story of three generations of one family and events that take place over a period of more than 80 years.

The book leaves no one indifferent, and descriptions of Australian nature capture even those who usually read these descriptions diagonally. Three generations of Cleary, three strong women – and the hardest trials they all have to go through. Struggle with nature, elements, with love, with God and with yourself …

The book was not very successfully filmed in the television version of 1983, and then, more successfully, in 1996. But not a single film adaptation “surpassed” the book.

According to research, 2 copies of The Thorn Birds are sold per minute in the world.

Frida Kahlo

Posted by Hayden Herrera.

Year of writing: 2011.

Frida Kahlo's bookIf you’ve never heard of Frida Kahlo, this book is definitely for you! The Mexican artist’s biography is surprisingly vivid, including not only eccentric love affairs, romantic convictions and “passion” for the Communist Party, but also the endless physical suffering that Frida had to go through.

The biography of the artist was filmed in 2002 by director Julie Taymor. The excruciating pain from which Frida suffered, her many-sidedness and versatility are reflected in her diaries and surrealist paintings. And since the death of this strong-willed woman (and more than 5 decades have passed), both people who “have seen life” and young people never cease to admire her. Frida stoically endured more than 30 operations in her life, and the impossibility of having children after a terrible accident depressed her until her death.

The author of the book has done a serious job to make the book not only interesting, but accurate and honest – from the birth of Frida to her death.

Jane Eyre

Author: Charlotte Bronte.

Year of writing: 1847.

Jane Eyre bookThe excitement around this work arose once (and not by chance) – and is observed to this day. The story of young Jane, who resists forced marriage, charmed millions of women (and not only!) And significantly increased the army of Charlotte Brontë’s fans.

The main thing is not to be mistaken by accidentally mistaking a “woman’s romance” for one of a million stupid and boring love stories. Because this story is completely special, and the heroine is the embodiment of the steadfastness of will and strength of her character in that opposition to all the cruelties of the world and in the challenge to the patriarchy reigning at that time.

The book is included in the TOP-200 of the best in world literature, and it was filmed about 10 times, starting in 1934.

Step forward

Posted by Amy Purdy.

Year of writing: 2016.

Book Step ForwardAmy, in her early years, could hardly have imagined that ahead of her, a beautiful successful model, snowboarder and actress, was waiting for bacterial meningitis and leg amputation at the age of 19.

Today Amy is 38 years old, and most of her life she moves on prostheses. At 21, Amy underwent a kidney transplant, which her dad gave her, and less than a year later, she already took her “bronze” in the first para-snowboard competition …

Amy’s book is a powerful and inspiring message to everyone who needs it – not to give up, to go forward against all odds. What to choose – the rest of your life in the state of a vegetable or to prove to yourself and everyone that you can do everything? Amy chose the second path.

Before you start reading Amy’s autobiography, search the Global Network for a video of her participation in the Dancing with the Stars program …


Author: Georges Sand.

Released in 1843.

Consuelo's bookThe prototype of the heroine of the book was Pauline Viardot, whose wonderful voice was enjoyed even in Russia, and for whom Turgenev left his family and homeland. However, there is a lot in the heroine of the novel and from the author himself – from the bright, very freedom-loving and fantastically talented Georges Sand (note – Aurora Dupin).

Consuelo’s story is the story of a young slum singer with a voice so amazing that even the “angels froze” when she sang in church. Happiness was not given to Consuelo as an easy gift from heaven – the girls had to go through the whole difficult and thorny path of a creative person. Consuelo’s talent laid a heavy burden on her shoulders, and the tragic choice between the love of her life and fame in reality would be the hardest for any, even the most powerful woman.

The continuation of the book about Consuelo was the no less interesting novel The Countess of Rudolstadt.

Glass lock

Posted by Walls Jannett.

Released in 2005.

Book Castle made of glassThis work (filmed in 2017) immediately after the first release in the world threw the author into the TOP of the most popular writers in the United States. The book became a real sensation in modern literature, despite the varied and “motley” reviews, reviews and comments, both professional and from ordinary readers.

Jannett hid her past from the world for a long time, suffering from it, and only freed from the secrets of the past, she was able to accept her past and live on.

All of the memories in the book are real and are Jannett’s autobiography.

You will succeed my dear

Author of the work: Agnes Martin-Lugan.

Released in 2014.

Book You Can Do It My DearThis French writer has already won many hearts of book lovers with one of her bestsellers. This work has become another one!

Positive, lively and exciting from the first pages – it should definitely become the desktop for every woman who lacks confidence.

Can you really be happy? Definitely yes! The main thing is to clearly calculate your strengths and potential, stop being afraid and finally take responsibility for your own life.

Steep route

Book Steep RouteAuthor: Evgeniya Ginzburg.

Released in 1967.

A work about a man who was not broken by fate, despite all the horrors of the Steep Route.

Could it be possible to go through 18 years of exile and camps without losing kindness, love of life, without hardening and sinking into “excessive naturalism” when describing the horrific “freeze frames” of the hardest fate that befell Evgenia Semyonovna.

Irena Sendler’s brave heart

Posted by Jack Mayer.

Released in 2013.

Braveheart by Irena SendlerEveryone has heard of Schindler’s list. But not everyone knows the woman who, risking her own life, gave a second chance to 2,500 children.

For more than half a century, they were silent about the feat of Irena, who was nominated for the Peace Prize 3 years before her centenary. The book about Irene Sendler, filmed in 2009, is a real, difficult and touching story about a strong woman who will not let you go from the first lines to the book’s cover.

The events in the book take place in Nazi-occupied Poland in 42-43. Irena, who is allowed to periodically visit the Warsaw Ghetto as a social worker, secretly takes Jewish babies out of the ghetto. The denunciation of the brave polka is followed by her arrest, torture and a sentence – execution …

But why then no one could find her grave in 2000? Maybe Irena Sendler is still alive?

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