
10 homemade ways to save faded things

Not all housewives know what to do if a new expensive item sheds during washing. Of course, this is a rather serious problem, and it will be difficult to remove such stains, but it is still worth trying.

We will tell you about the most effective ways to get rid of faded stains.

How to remove faded stains

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9 ways to clean up faded things

  1. If, immediately after washing, you notice that another thing has shed on your favorite white dress, immediately wash it in cold water several times… After manipulation, it should return to its original color.
  2. The best way to remove shed stains is stain removers… Fortunately – now there is a huge selection of them. For white things, you need to choose products marked “White”, for colored – “Color”. It is best to choose oxygen bleach; they do this better than chlorine bleach.Stain remover
  3. Exists special universal agent K2r – it perfectly removes stains from clothes made of any fabric and any color. However, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to its instructions for use. One sachet is designed for 8-10 liters of water. Immediately after you soak your clothes in this product, they will turn grayish, but then return to their original color.
  4. If a tragedy happened to a white thing, then you can easily wash it off, soaking in whiteness for 20-25 minutes… Then, wash your clothes thoroughly again.
    Faded white things
  5. If you do not have special stain removers on hand, you can use the following recipe: you will need one tablespoon of citric acid, starch, soap shavings and ½ tbsp. l. table salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to faded spots and leave for 12 hours. Then wash the item again. This method allows you to remove faded stains from almost all types of fabrics.
  6. Solve the problem with faded spots can help you ammonia… To do this, you need to soak the damaged things in its aqueous solution (20 ml of alcohol per 10 liters of boiling water). In the resulting solution, clothes should spend at least an hour. Then it should be washed well again. Of course, the smell will not be very pleasant, but the result is worth it. This method works well for both white and colored fabrics.
    Faded things
  7. To save a faded thing can help you hydrogen peroxide 6%… To do this, you need to soak the damaged items in a solution of peroxide and washing powder for several hours. Then wash and rinse the garment again.
  8. On thick denim, you can remove faded stains using baking soda… To do this, apply a soda slurry to the stains, and then after 10 minutes, wash the clothes well again.
  9. If you have tried all the methods, but you still cannot get rid of the stains, try simply repaint a thing in a darker color. For this, special dyes or blue are used.

Remember: even if you really want to restore the color of a faded thing, you should not use the above methods several times – this can ruin the fabric, and then even repainting in a different color will not help you.

How to wash so that things don’t fade?

    1. Before washing, carefully study the label on the clothes – it will be sure to indicate at what temperature it is best to wash it so that it does not deteriorate.
    2. Always wash white, dark and colored items separately.
    3. Remember – most often cheap synthetic fabrics of bright colors shed, natural fabrics are safer.
    4. It is best to wash new items separately from the rest.
    5. To avoid trouble, you can pre-soak the item for several hours in a solution of kitchen salt. This will fix the dye on the fabric and prevent it from shedding during washing.

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