
10 job search tools – where to look for a job?

Job search is an ongoing process. Even with employment. Because a person is always looking for “where is better.” More attractive options and offers are considered involuntarily. And in the absence of work, all means are used to find their “place in the sun”.

How and where can you find work today? Read on COLADY.

Social psychologist told where and how is the best way to look for a job - 10 best methods
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The content of the article:

See also: How and where to find a job for university graduates – instructions for finding a job after graduation.

How to start your job search – tips from experts

Not everyone knows that there are not only the right “tools” for finding a job, but also seasons, due to the change of which a lot is changing in the labor market:

  • January to May – a period of high activity in the job market with numerous layoffs and many vacancies. Winter hibernation promotes a leisurely and adequate assessment of candidates, salaries, etc.
  • May to mid-July – time to make decisions. Dynamic but short period. As in the case of hot tours, during this period, there are many “hot” vacancies. And even an unqualified candidate can be lucky with work if he is promising. Adaptation in a new team at this time is almost painless – there is time until autumn to join the work, understand the subtleties and find a common language with everyone.
  • July to mid-September – not the best period for job search. Although the competition among candidates is lower, and the attitude of the management towards them is more loyal.
  • From mid-September the most active period in the labor market begins. There are a lot of opportunities, but the dropout framework is also tighter.
Social psychologist told where and how is the best way to look for a job - 10 best methods
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Where do you start looking for a job?

  1. First, decide on the type of future work and the ratio of the desired vacancy to qualifications. That is, ask yourself questions – “What can I do?” and “What would I really like?”
  2. If you want to radically change your profession, it might make sense think about professional development, additional courses or second education.
  3. Analyze – what professions are in demand nowwhat is the average salary.
  4. Decide on your salary requirements, remoteness of work from home. And also – what are you willing to give up for the sake of a good job.
  5. Go to the professional / consultation, where, as a result of serious testing, you can get information about which professions it makes sense to choose your own, permanent.
  6. Write a good resume.
  7. Having decided use all the “tools” to find a job.
  8. Don’t rush to the first offer – Explore all the options and highlight those that are really interesting to you. But do not forget that delaying the response to a vacancy means giving your potential job to another candidate.

Where to look for work: revealing the secrets of where people look for work

First of all, you should remember where you shouldn’t look for a job… We immediately exclude:

  • Work from home. Most of these offers are fraud in order to make money on unemployed people. At best, you will be offered a job with an extremely low salary. At worst, you will lose money, which you will definitely be asked to invest “in advance” for the materials.
  • Recruitment agencies. You should not completely discard this option (if the search is not crowned with success, it may be useful to you), but first you should try your luck without outside and not gratuitous help. Moreover, the task of a fake recruiting agency is not to find you a job, but to get money from you.
  • Ads with too attractive terms (cosmic salary, home environment in the team, ample opportunities for career takeoff, huge bonuses and a nice bonus – the schedule is adjusted to suit you).
  • Specialized Internet Resources Nobody Knows About… Typically, such a site turns out to be fraudulent. And its purpose is to obtain personal data of naive applicants or outright fraud.
  • Vacancies with an offer to send an admission fee, pay for any services, take part in financial schemes or do a test task of a fairly large volume.
  • Announcements on poles and fences

10 effective job search tools

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  1. We draw up a resume.
    This is the very first and most important step, and also half the success. Remember information content, literacy, brevity. Do you speak English? Additionally, write a resume on it. Then you will have a chance for a vacancy in a foreign company or in a domestic one, but with broader prospects.
  2. We are looking in the newspapers.
    The source is universal, despite the delights of civilization. For example, “Work for you”. Pros: The percentage of empty and fraudulent ads is several times lower than on the Internet. There are a lot of chances to find a job. Often in newspapers advertisements are made by those employers who, for some reason, simply do not have their own websites. Of course, you can’t count on a solid catch (any self-respecting company has its own Internet resource), but there are enough opportunities to search for a job with a “lower rank”.
  3. Independent search for ads with the text “Wanted …” in your neighborhood.
    Walking around your area, you can accidentally and sometimes very successfully stumble upon a new job.
  4. We call friends and relatives.
    Even if they don’t immediately offer you anything interesting, they will keep you in mind if an interesting vacancy appears.
  5. We are looking on the Internet.
    It is desirable on sites with a good reputation. For example, “” or “”. Post your resume and look for interesting vacancies.
  6. Self-promotion
    If you have a personal website, make it your business card and do not forget to link to it. The employer will immediately understand how promising you are as an author, web artist, photographer, etc. No opportunities to create your own website? You can use the automatic template on the free “”. Place on it your portfolio, photos, the most informative information about yourself – not an album “as we came off last summer”, but information that will not compromise you.
  7. We register on professional forums and social networks.
    Promote yourself online from the right side. Perhaps the employer will find you himself.
  8. We go to the labor exchange.
    Not the worst option. Cons – lack of time for visits to the institution and insufficiently wide base of employers.
  9. We apply to a recruiting agency.
    Not the first one that comes across, but the one whose reputation has no black spots (conduct a thorough analysis, read the reviews). Reputable agencies don’t make mistakes. Of course, you will pay for the services, but on the other hand, you will not have to stand in line, your resume will not be lost, the job will be provided exactly what you are looking for, and rather quickly.
  10. In advance ask what the interview might beand how to prepare for it.
    Provide yourself with recommendations – they will surely be asked for.

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