
11 unlucky numbers and their meaning in numerology

Numerology is all about the power and energy of numbers, and there can be good and bad options among them too. By the way, if you often notice certain combinations of numbers, do not ignore them.

Unlucky numbers are not necessarily “bad” – they are more warning ones, so be on the lookout. Let’s take a look at the meanings of some of those, and don’t let these numbers confuse or upset you. If you are prepared for adversity, you can always get around them or deal with them with the least possible loss.

So, 11 unlucky numbers in numerology. Have they ever caught your eye in your daily life?



The four holds back and slows down, preventing you from creating and developing. When you see a 4 all the time, it probably means that you are stuck in a routine and do not want to leave it, because you are warm and comfortable there.


The 7 has good and bad aspects. It contains highly toxic and repulsive energy that forces you to build distance where you shouldn’t. You close, abstract and distance yourself, not wanting to interact with others.


There is a little, so to speak, “sinister” energy in the nine. It portends a significant change, and it’s pretty scary. The 9 reminds you that you are in the transition phase, and it can be either good or bad, depending on what decisions you make.


There are many superstitions around the number 13 that you are certainly aware of. At the same time, numerologists do not quite agree with this, but still the number is controversial, since we ourselves endow it with “bad” power.



The number 18 indicates that you have trouble forgiving and letting go of hurt feelings. This prevents you from living peacefully, since you are at the mercy of negative emotions. Nothing comes out of you and falls out of your hands, so you should learn to cope with your state and way of thinking.


It usually shows that you have become a cold and indifferent person on the inside. You have ceased to feel people (even the closest ones) and prefer to ignore them. This number is considered unlucky and is usually a wake-up call that you have become the Snow Queen.


This is the number that serves as a warning. It says that there are some unfavorable events ahead, and you should be on your guard. That being said, you can get very nervous trying to figure out what to expect.


The number 44 helps healing, but it also destroys what is dear to you. When you see it, it can mean the end of something that you are used to and without which (you think) you cannot do. On the one hand, it will benefit you, but on the other hand, it is difficult for you to come to terms with it.


11 unlucky numbers and their meaning in numerology

This number suggests that people around you use you and your kindness if you are relaxed and do not know how to protect your boundaries. As a result, you begin to treat everyone, without exception, with great suspicion.


The number 71 shows you that you are expecting much more than you should. You have high expectations and demands that will only lead to disappointment. Lower the bar so as not to brake in your forward movement.


The number 81 is the mirror image of the number 18. It can negatively affect your thinking and even your personality. If you usually have a positive outlook, this number will push you to exaggerate any situation and think darkly.

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