
5 dangers of workaholism – why workaholism is destructive

How many of them are workaholics among us? More and more every year. They forgot what rest is, forgot how to relax, in their minds only – work, work, work. Even on holidays and weekends. And sincere faith – so, they say, it should be. COLADY will talk about 5 dangers of workaholism. Find out how to organize your workflow without harming your mental and physical health.

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See also: What to do if the chef makes you work on weekends?

Who are workaholics?

The psychological dependence of a person on his work is similar to alcoholism. The only difference is that the alcoholic is dependent on the effect, and the workaholic is dependent on the process itself. The rest of the “diseases” are similar – serious consequences for health and “breaking” of the body in the absence of the subject of addiction.

Read: The most common office disease is prevention.

They become workaholics for various reasons: excitement and to their work, thirst for money, dedication from childhood, emotional breakdown and flight from problems, work filling emptiness in personal life, lack of understanding in the family, etc. Unfortunately, a person thinks about the consequences of workaholism only when there are serious health problems and in a relationship.

Why is workaholism dangerous?

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  1. Lurch (or even sinking) of the “family boat”. Workaholism presupposes the almost constant absence of a person at home – “Work is my life, family is a small hobby.” And the interests of the work will always be above the interests of the family. Even if the child sings for the first time on the school stage, and the other half needs moral support. Family life with a workaholic, as a rule, is doomed to divorce – the spouse will sooner or later get tired of such competition.
  2. Emotional burnout. Constant work with a break only for lunch and sleep depressingly affects the psychological state of a person. Work becomes a drug – only it pleases and gives strength. Lack of work plunges into horror and panic – there is nowhere to put oneself to, nothing to be happy about, feelings are dulled. The workaholic becomes like a robot with a single program inside.
  3. Inability to rest and relax. This is one of the main problems of every workaholic. Muscles are always tense, thoughts are only about work, insomnia is a constant companion. Workaholics quickly run away from any holiday, in the bosom of nature they do not know where to stick themselves, while traveling – they dream of returning to work.
  4. Decreased immunity and the development of a large number of diseases – VSD and NCD, dysfunction of the genital area, pressure surges, psychosomatic diseases and the whole “set” of office diseases.
  5. Workaholic children gradually move away from him, getting used to independently solve their problems and enjoy life without a parent, with all the ensuing consequences.

Who can become a workaholic

You run the risk of becoming a workaholic if:

  • All your thoughts are occupied with work, even outside the work walls.
  • You have forgotten how to rest.
  • Outside of work, you experience constant discomfort and irritation.
  • You do not enjoy the time spent with your family or any kind of leisure.
  • You have no hobbies / hobbies.
  • When you are not working, guilt gnaws at you.
  • Problems in the family circle only cause anger, and work failures are perceived as a disaster.

If this symptomatology is familiar to you, it’s time to change your life.

How to organize your work to avoid becoming a workaholic

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If a person is able to independently realize that he is a workaholic, then it will be easier to cope with addiction.

First of all, you should dig up the roots of addiction, understand what a person is running from, solve these problems and answer the question – “Do you live for work, or do you work to live?”

The second step is to be free from workaholism. With the help of simple rules and recommendations:

  1. Stop making excuses to your family. – “I work for you!” These are excuses. Your loved ones will not die hungry if you devote at least one day off a week to them. But they will become a little happier.
  2. As soon as you leave the working walls – put all thoughts of work out of your mind… At home for dinner, on weekends, during lunchtime – avoid talking and thinking about work.
  3. Find a hobby for your soul… An activity that will allow you to forget about work and fully relax. Swimming pool, cross-stitching, playing the guitar, skydiving – whatever, if only the soul froze with delight, and the feeling of guilt for the “simple” worker would not torment the brain.
  4. Work to make sure you have enough to live on. Don’t live for work. Workaholism is not a desire to provide loved ones with everything they need. This is an obsession that must be shed before your life is cracked at the seams. No one will give you back the time lost at work and those important moments that you miss sitting at the office desk.
  5. Remember: the body is not iron, not two-core, not official. Nobody will give you a new one. Working Monday every day leads to serious and often irreversible damage to the body. Make it clear for yourself that the holidays, weekends, and vacations are time for relaxation. And only for relaxation.
  6. “Rest is wasted time and wasted money” – put that thought out of your head! Rest is the time during which you recover your strength. And the time that you give to loved ones. And the time it takes for your nervous system to reboot. That is, these are prerequisites for a normal, healthy, happy life.
  7. Don’t forget about your family. They need you more than all the money you won’t make anyway. Your other half, who has already begun to forget how your voice sounds, and your children, whose childhood passes by you, need you.
  8. Instead of discussing work points with colleagues during lunchtime go outside… Take a walk, sip a cup of tea (not coffee!) In a cafe, listen to music, call your loved ones.
  9. Take time to release physical stress – sign up for a pool or a sports club, go to tennis, etc. Unload your tired body regularly.
  10. Do not disturb your sleep pattern! The norm is 8 hours. Lack of sleep affects well-being, mood and work efficiency.
  11. Save your time – learn to plan it correctly… If you learn to turn off the monitor on time and not waste precious minutes / hours on social networks, then you will not have to sit up at work until the night.
  12. Are you used to returning home “after midnight”? Wean yourself gradually from this bad habit.… Start with 15 minutes. And add 15 more every day or two until you start coming home like all normal people.
  13. Not sure what to do after work? Are you annoyed with “doing nothing”? Prepare a program for yourself in advance for the evening, weekends, etc. Going to the cinema, visiting, shopping, picnic – any rest that distracts you from thinking about work.

Remember! You have to manage your life, and not the other way around. All in your hands. Set limits on your working hours, learn to enjoy life, and remember that it is too short to devote entirely to your work.

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