
6 popular types of telephone divorce

Gullible citizens, who more and more often do not even know that they are being processed by a competent fraudster, become victims of phone scams. How not to fall for a phone scammer? And what if you are caught off guard?

COLADY will tell you about 6 of the most common phone scams these days. Your task is to remember and not give the “breeders” a chance!

Warning: phone scammers!  6 common phone divorce schemes
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See also: The most common types of fraud on the Internet – how to protect yourself from fraud?

  • One call “at 10 dollars
    Japanese craftsmen in their time came up with a wonderful and simple in their strategy way to leave citizens without an insignificant amount of money. The essence of the method was that a person was called from an unknown number, but then dropped even before the subscriber picks up the phone. The person called back to the number that came to him out of pure curiosity, after which he was answered either by an answering machine, or there were long beeps. No one guessed that while the call was going on, money was dripping into the account of the scammers. That is why you should deliberately approach unknown subscribers calling your phone.
  • Chicken by seed, or lottery
    Modern scammers have decided to change their tactics, starting to work for large masses, extorting small sums from citizens. More and more often, this way of getting a small amount consists in the fact that an SMS comes to the phone stating that you allegedly won a large amount of money in the lottery, or a trip to a resort, a car, etc.
    For more information on how you can collect your prize, you are asked to send either a response SMS to this number, or transfer some (small) amount of money to the specified account. From 2 to 5 dollars goes into the hands of a fraudster with one such SMS. Working for the general public, they collect a significant amount from their SMS mailings.
  • Phishing
    Every morning, afternoon and evening, a sea of ​​SMS from organizations of various types comes to our phones. From computer repair services to promotions of large retail chains. Being calm about this kind of advertising, we calmly delete unnecessary information. However, some messages are composed so competently, enticing the subscriber that he abruptly clicks on the link indicated in the message, after which he goes to the site of the scammers. And without realizing it, the subscriber connects a slow-action bomb. All information from his phone, which is confidential – and this is personal data: mail, bank accounts – fall into the hands of telephone scammers. Don’t click on suspicious links. Is it worth paying attention to them at all?
  • Phone money?
    With the advent of mobile phones to a wide range of people, from grandmothers to schoolchildren, telephone scams related to SMS have become popular, which indicate something like “Hello. This is Sasha. Please put me 1000 rubles on my phone. Urgently!”
    The request looks like a regular message from your friend, friend, or even relative. You frantically run to the ATM to transfer the indicated amount to the number. However, the money does not go to your friend, but to scammers. Therefore, you should not call the number back, specifying, and in general it is necessary to be very wary of this kind of SMS.
  • Loan not repaid
    Telephone scammers increasingly began to resort to the method of extracting personal information from the subscriber in order to hack his personal account in the bank, and thereby break a big jackpot. An SMS comes with a message that your loan has not been repaid, and you urgently need to contact a bank employee by phone. However, there may not be a loan, but you still call back and answer all the questions, not realizing that there is a fraudster on the other end of the line.
    In similar situations, you only need to communicate directly with the bank’s employees via the phone number indicated on the official website of your bank.
  • Refusal to send SMS
    There have always been many problems with text messages, ranging from SMS with the text “Save the child, transfer money to the account”, and ending with “You won the jackpot, because 100,000 subscribers of our network ”.
    When a message arrives with the text “unsubscribe from SMS mailing”, many consider it commonplace. They are asked to send a return message confirming the decision. As a result, it turns out that you withdraw from your account from 300 to 800 rubles, since this SMS is not free, and not according to the tariff.
Warning: phone scammers!  6 common phone divorce schemes
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In conclusion, it is worth saying – in order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, you need at least be vigilant, and best of all – never send your personal data to anyonestarting with your phone number, of course!

Have you encountered telephone scammers? Have you been bred on the phone? Share with us in the comments!

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