7 Best Housekeeping Apps For Women
In the modern world, the leisure of housewives is very different from the hobbies of women 20 years ago, when mobile gadgets were not yet so popular. Nowadays, many people cannot imagine life without these devices.
Consider the most popular and interesting applications for women, among which you will definitely find something you need for yourself.
Culinary recipes
Applications with recipes for various dishes for any budget will appeal to all housewives. You can find a way to cook a dish for yourself, or feed all family members deliciously.
Most of them are convenient to use, since the dishes are presented according to the main ingredient (goose, rice, fish, etc.). You just need to choose what the lunch will be from, and the application will provide a choice of recipe options.
Gym at home
We ate deliciously – you can put your figure in order. After all, it’s not enough to be well-fed, you also want to look fit and athletic to the delight of yourself, your husband and friends.
And if it is possible at home, without a trip to the gym, then the budget will also remain intact. This is a godsend for women who value their time, money and take care of their health!
The application will be irreplaceable for women who are on maternity leave, are engaged in raising a child and do not have the opportunity to get out somewhere.
But they need to put their figure in order after the birth of the baby. Surely you have gained a lot of extra pounds after pregnancy, and your back, arms, lower back need to be trained. The beloved child grows by leaps and bounds, and you need to carry it on your hands every day, or roll a heavy stroller.
Then a useful app comes to the rescue. It remains to download it – and you can choose the most effective exercise among the exercises.
Here they will also offer music for training, to make it more fun, as well as a video showing how to perform the exercises correctly.
Shopping coordinator
Almost every time a woman goes to the store, she does not have the goal of buying something specific, she leaves the shopping basket untouched – and as a result, already at the checkout, she realizes that it will be difficult for her to bring the purchases home. In two hands she finds herself with packages filled with “tasty, useful and special offers.”
In addition, after arriving home, it turns out that she forgot to take mayonnaise and eggs. And so – every time.
To prevent this from happening, there is another useful application that will make a list of necessary purchases – and help you follow it in the process. In some shopping organizers, purchased products are crossed out using a voice command, in others – manually.
Excellent helpto resist marketing gimmicks!
Calorie calculator
For women who want to lose weight or gain weight, it is a lot of inconvenience to count calories in food every day.
This application will take over this task, you just need to enter the foods eaten, your height, weight, and more. The smart program will tell you the exact number.
A life will become even more serene and comfortable.
Cost accounting
A woman in the family performs the duties of a mother, wife, cook, and she is also assigned the role of a banker.
A wealthy lady does not belong to the category in which finances are kept to the smallest detail: clothes are chosen in expensive boutiques under well-known brands, products are bought only of the best quality, holidays abroad several times a year – and everything is paid for with a gold card.
But, if this is not about you, then it will be useful to keep track of expenses using this application. It was created in order to record expenses and analyze how to save the family budget while reducing expenses.
Women’s calendar
This useful application allows women to mark critical days, keep track of favorable periods for conception and calculate “safe” days. With the reminder function, you won’t be able to miss these important dates.
Now present calm confidence, and there will be no unexpected moments outside the home.
Master call
The app is ready to come to the rescue at any time. With it, you can easily call a specialist at home. For example, guests suddenly have to arrive, and you urgently need to get a manicure or hairdo to look beautiful. You just need to send an application – and the master will arrive in a matter of minutes.
In the database – only trusted employees, and the price is fixed, which is good news.
The main feminine strength lies in solving any business in a multitasking mode. You need to wash, iron, prepare food, clean the apartment – and, with all this, look feminine and attractive.
It will help here cunning in the form of using mobile applications. They will give advice and regulate life processes, and tune women’s logic to the right wave.
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