
Angelina Jolie gets pregnant by Brad Pitt before his divorce

Not all marriages are in heaven, and not all men are good choices for strong women. They destroy their illusion that there can be only one true love in life. The pain and aftertaste from such a failed relationship is a stimulus for strong women on the path to a better and happier life.

The collapse of the Aniston and Pitt family

brad pitt and jennifer aniston

In May 2004, Jennifer Aniston came to the end of filming for Friends, and she was going to plan a pregnancy with her beloved husband, but instead Jen found herself alone in their rented house in Malibu. In January 2005, she and Brad Pitt had already officially announced their upcoming divorce:

“After seven years of marriage, we are breaking up. For those who follow such things, we would like to clarify that our parting is not related to the rumors about which the tabloid media write. This is our decision, and it is deliberate and deliberate. “

Even then, it was actively rumored that Pitt had an affair with Angelina Jolie during the filming of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” However, both Pitt and Jolie denied this. Aniston herself ignored this information, who was constantly accused of unwillingness to have children, which means that this was supposedly a reason for handsome Pitt to go left.

An affair with Jolie immediately after breaking up with Aniston

brad pitt and angelina jolie

“Jen was extremely upset that he was seen so quickly with another woman after they broke up,” – told the publication Vanity Fair actress Andrea Bendewold, one of Aniston’s closest friends since her early youth.

Aniston continued to behave correctly and with dignity and in an interview in September 2005 said: “We ended this relationship as beautifully as we started it.”… Although Jen was not naive, she still decided to believe her husband, although there were rumors that Jolie was pregnant, and even before their divorce was finalized. When Aniston was asked head-on about Pitt’s romance, she replied: “Little will surprise me at this point, but I prefer to believe him.”

brad pitt and angelina jolie 2

However, Brad Pitt was already taking pictures with might and main with Jolie and her son Maddox, and all the magazines were full of their pictures.

“Is there a reason this happened in my life,” Jen reacted. “You know, I just have to believe and accept it. I’m alone? Yes. I’m upset? Yes. I’m confused? Yes. But I’m fine. I have an incredible support team and I am a tough nut to crack. “

Pregnancy Jolie

Brad Pitt’s first child with Jolie was born on May 27, 2006, and this proves that Jolie was indeed pregnant before Pitt and Aniston divorced (the divorce was finalized in October 2005).

Many years have passed since then. Aniston remarried and divorced again, and Pitt divorced Jolie. And it seems that the former spouses renewed their friendship and began to communicate wonderfully.

pregnant jolie

“I love Brad, I really do. I will always love him. He’s an amazing person. I do not regret anything and am not going to reproach myself, ”- this is how Jennifer once said about her first wife.

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