
Astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya

Elena Verbitskaya – invited expert “Radio Romantika”, astropsychologist, coach. Every month she tells radio listeners astrological predictions for all signs of the zodiac for the coming month.

In November, a new axis is activated, which is called the Axis of self-preservation of finances, personal resources, and activity. This axis refers to Scorpio and Taurus, so listen to everything and carefully analyze everything that will happen.

Calculating your horoscope is easy. You can “drive” your data on the Internet and see where the position of your second zodiac sign, the ascendant and the position of the moon are. Then compare all these 3 signs to make your prediction more accurate.

General November trend for all signs

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In November, on the 5th and 6th, there will be a New Moon, which must be met quite easily. In astrology there is such a “degree of vanity”, which is just activated during this period. And many may have deep questions for themselves: “Who am I?”, “What are my values?”… They are a manifestation of vanity, so you need to think about it.

November 19 will be a lunar eclipse, which in astrology is called “By the eclipse of the burnt path.” This is when a certain fire can both cleanse and consume. Therefore, the main thing is to stay calm and control your emotions.

In November, the combination in the sky is quite serious. The four planets (Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter) will be squared. It is the concentrated energy of change that can weigh on us. At the same time, you will want to make very quick, radical decisions. But there is no need to rush anywhere.

You can sign contracts, create presentations, projects, redo something, but very carefully.

It is necessary to be careful when dealing with other people, not forgetting that the aspect of vanity will manifest itself. You will want to show that you are better, stronger, and taller than someone. In no case should this be done.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

You will have an impulse for development, because the eclipse, which will occur on November 19, just happens to be in the financial sector. This is the very axis that will turn on in 2022 and will work out not only your resources and values, but the whole system of making money will change. The following questions will come to the fore: “Where to make money?”, “How?”

New opportunities and abilities may open up for you. And those trends that you will lay down during this period will be with you until October 2023.

You shouldn’t start new projects before November 12th. After that, it will already be possible to make large purchases, create new projects, meet people, optimize your life. It is very important for you to draw up a financial plan for the year.

You’re doing well in your relationship, too. For those who are lonely, there will be an opportunity to meet a very interesting person, maybe a little older than you. See who is already in your environment. For those who are in a pair, the main thing is not to show their vanity. Control your emotions, especially on November 19th.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
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For you, this period is the beginning of transformation, because the eclipse is going straight along your sign and along the Sun. Sun in Taurus. Ascendant Taurus and who has the Moon in Taurus will feel that changes are very necessary.

If you have a crisis, then “push off the bottom”, because this is an opportunity to enter a new resource. Ask yourself a question: “Am I doing this now?”, “What transformations do I need to reach my goal?”

You will be under such close supervision throughout 2022. But don’t worry. Keep positive, make a financial plan, listen to the prompts that will come to you.

Ask yourself a question: “What am I ready to do right now?”… Anything that will leave you, say goodbye to this and listen to the new. People around you will tell you which direction to take.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
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For you, this eclipse will be played along the axis of serving the sectors of work and can illuminate the path, show that area of ​​life where changes are needed. The main thing is to free yourself from routine, from work that is not your joy. And the way of life can change.

The eclipse of November 19 lays the foundation for the entire year 2022. If you are stubborn, do not want to change anything, then you will still be pushed to these changes. Therefore, it is better to create all the opportunities for your lifestyle to change for the better, both physically and spiritually.

There will be a development of your strength. The main thing for you is to free yourself from the burden in your life (get rid of some secret, fulfill some duty, make peace with someone, etc.).


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

A sector of results, dreams, a new direction of action opens up for you. Your field of activity, friends, will change, your desires will come true, many new ideas will come. Create in November a framework on which you can do something new, creative, interesting all year round. Focus on online education, work, hobbies.

In November, you will be freed from your close environment, which will be for your good. Act decisively and with ease. On the 19th and 21st, a picture of the future will be “drawn”. Some insights may come – what kind of lifestyle you want, what kind of environment, etc.

a lion

Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
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You have a very bright sector of your career, status, breakthrough. You will have the opportunity to see your potential, there may be changes related to work, your status, lifestyle.

Adult Lions can have grandchildren, children can create their own families. There may be a promotion in a career, a job change.

Prioritize correctly. Those born from August 16 to August 21 will strongly feel this eclipse, and the crisis can become a “growth point”.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
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A sector of luck opens up for you. This is the sphere of worldview, lifestyle, goals, prospects. There will be a lot of work, maybe even in a foreign company.

Possible marriage with a foreigner, obtaining a visa (for whom this is relevant).

Those who are in law, work with papers, you too can have a change.

Do something new that can broaden your worldview.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
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You will activate the axis of the monetary sphere of other people. Be very careful, do not take new loans until the end of the month, postpone investments for a while. It will be possible to solve these problems after November 19.

The main thing for you is to find where you can earn more.

This may be some kind of consulting activity, that is, where you present information, where your opinion is authoritative. Registration of inheritance may also be lost.

Your fears can surface. The main thing here is transformation. It is soft to enter this state and still remember that any crisis is a “point of growth”.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

Your sign will be under close scrutiny, as if you were under a magnifying glass. Namely, the sector of partnership and publicity will be manifested. You can come to the fore, be bright, express yourself. Some may get married.

You will see a change, a change in your approach to different areas of your life. Changes that will be associated with you and your partners. The environment can change, people from the past appear.

Listen to your intuition, to yourself, observe others. Find out what you really want from a partnership. Your relationship will be tested. Strong and strong couples will pass this milestone and you will have a truly new level, a transition to a new stage in your life.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

The sector of habits, work, health, service opens up for you. You can make a meal plan for yourself. The daily routine may change, the routine may go away, the schedule will become much easier.

Some new habits will appear, a new pet. Moving, repair is possible.

November is a very good period for you to renovate something, create coziness in the house, ennoble yourself and your inner world.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

You will open up a sector of children, holidays, new hobbies, self-realization in creative potential. The planet Uranus has been following your sign for a long time, and it changes you, creates something new.

There will be a tendency for a period of changing views precisely through partnerships, through a creative approach. Show yourself, your qualities and talents.

The main thing is to define for yourself how you want to spend this year. Embed a state of joy in yourself and bring it into your life.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

Your house (real estate, family) is being played. It is in these areas that situations will change. The planet Uranus has been following your sign since 2019. It is always progress. You will be able to create something new in these areas of life.

Moving, childbirth, marriage, divorce is possible. There may be conflicts in November. But, if you take away your vanity, then you will avoid them. The main thing for you is to move on no matter what. Your fortitude, energy can create the necessary impulse in November and for the whole year.


Energy of change: astrological forecast for November 2021 from Elena Verbitskaya for all signs of the zodiac
Photo by Pixabay

In November, some new direction is activated, new ideas – training, courses, certificates. You can realize your potential in new ways. New horizons will be opened.

You will be moving around a lot. Something will change in your immediate environment, there may be a crisis in the relationship. The main thing is to keep your internal strategy. Your financial axis will be activated, which will help you earn even more money.

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