
Choose a plant and find out how you annoy people

We all get on someone’s nerves at times. We do not want to annoy people, we do not provoke them, and we have no bad intentions, but it still happens.

How do you know if you are annoying someone? If your friends start to avoid you, take this test and find out the possible cause.

Take a look at the image and choose the plant you like the most. The answer will depend on this choice, how and with what you can irritate others.

What they dislike about you:

  • ignoring their opinions;
  • your strange ideas;
  • envy;
  • greed or strange altruism?

Now let’s get started!

Test: pick one plant and find out how you annoy others
Colady illustration by Lara Lauren
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Take our other test: Austrian psychoanalyst test – Select a picture and find out what your subconscious is trying to say

Test: pick one plant and find out how you annoy others

Plant 1

You are constantly improving yourself and working hard on yourself. You set the bar high for yourself and you have very ambitious goals. As a result, you are constantly turned inward, and you are always thinking about those issues that are vitally important to you, in your opinion. You love being alone, although you have enough friends who perceive you as a friendly and helpful person.

What annoys others: you don’t let anyone into your personal space and behave aloof and closed.

Plant 2

You strive to be as independent as possible and live only by your own rules. You are not interested in being a role model, let alone asking someone’s permission for advice or opinion. You strive to be persistent and want to be respected and reckoned with. You demand straightforwardness and honesty from others, and you cannot stand fake compliments and condescension.

What annoys others: your isolation from everyday reality.

Plant 3

You work hard and hard, as you strive to make your life and the lives of those around you much better and more comfortable. You believe that desire and persistence will transform our world into a more beautiful place. Keep pushing forward and stay true to your principles, but do it consciously and resist the temptation to make spontaneous decisions or choices.

What annoys others: your strange and sometimes unjustified altruism.

Plant 4

You are a reliable and responsible person, but you also know how to live for your own pleasure and rest from work. You definitely need time for yourself, but you are not selfish and know how to take care of other people, which always deserves their trust and sympathy. You know how to find the right words for them and you know how to clearly explain your point of view.

What annoys others: your own opinion and a deliberate demonstration of indifference to the point of view of others.

Plant 5

You are savvy, energetic, always sincerely enjoy life and try to infect others with this joy. You prefer to be active, seek new experiences and constantly make changes in your life. You cannot be stopped when you have made a decision or set a goal. You want to see in everything only positive, advantages and benefits.

What annoys others: people think that you are jealous of others’ successes and always try to prove to everyone that you are better.

Plant 6

You are creative and imaginative. You cannot bear the thought that someone or something is capable of limiting or taking away your freedom. You are an inquisitive explorer, eager to discover something new and hate routine and everyday obligations. You listen to your intuition and are confident that you were born for great deeds and achievements. You know how to understand other people without judgment and criticism, but you still form a certain opinion about them.

What annoys others: your love of freedom and vivid fantasies sometimes give rise to strange ideas and thoughts that are completely incomprehensible to people.

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