
Famous personalities who built happiness on the misfortune of others

They say that you cannot build your own happiness on someone else’s misfortune, but these historical figures could argue with such a statement.

At one time, for the sake of achieving a cherished goal, be it power or happiness in their personal lives, they committed various unseemly acts, forcing other people to suffer, but in the end they still emerged victorious.

Colady will tell you which historical figures built their happiness on the misfortune of others.

1. Alexander the Great: wife in addition to satrapy

Alexander the Great
Photo @avar_nation

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Each student read about the brilliant victories and conquests of Alexander the Great, but not everyone knows what is behind his love for the Bactrian princess Roxana.

Paradoxically, the path to mutual love was blazed by fire and sword: Alexander walked through the fragments of the Persian Empire and Sogdiana, ruled by Roxana’s father, fell under his onslaught. Young Roxana and her family became a prisoner, but, fortunately, caught the eye of the conqueror, who was captivated by her beauty.

The marriage of Alexander and Roxana was happy: his wife accompanied the commander on all his campaigns, they sincerely loved each other, although all this was the result of Alexander’s victory over Roxana’s father.

2. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska: to power over the heads

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Photo @ hurre_m1111

Many history buffs or just TV viewers familiar with the series “Magnificent century” admire the intelligence of Khyurrem Sultan, who went from a simple slave to the wife of the Sultan, became, in fact, his right hand. But at what cost!

The victims of the intrigues of the cunning concubine were many of the Sultan’s close associates, in whom she saw at least some kind of threat: for example, his comrade-in-arms Ibrahim and son Mustafa.

And the black-eyed Makhidevran’s former favorite of Suleiman can only sympathize. The woman was with him even before he became a sultan, gave birth to an heir, was a favorite and still was overthrown by Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska.

It is not known whether Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was tormented by her conscience, but she became the only and most influential one.

3. Fredegonda: amorous intrigue and the Civil War

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Photo Wikipedia

The Frankish queen, who lived in the 6th century, can be safely called the “Iron Lady of the Middle Ages.” She came to the court of the Frankish king Chilperic I in the status of a simple servant, but very quickly became the monarch’s mistress, cunningly destroyed his marriage with his first wife, then forced him to get rid of his second wife, which entailed a number of dynastic wars and losses.

But Fredegonda was not embarrassed by all this – for the sake of her ambitions and the attention of the king, she was ready to go over their heads. As a result, she managed to become the wife of Chilperic I, survive him for several years and practically single-handedly rule the country after his death.

The pangs of conscience about several ruined destinies and the unleashed Civil War did not torment her.

4. Elizabeth Blount: problems of monarchs for the benefit of themselves

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Is it beautiful to use other people’s family problems and squabbles for your own good? The English maid of honor Elizabeth (Bessie) Blount considered this quite acceptable.

King Henry VIII was going through hard times. His marriage to Catherine of Aragon was bursting at the seams, the favorite Anne Boleyn showed character and demanded a divorce, and therefore Elizabeth quickly took possession of the heart of the king, tired of scandals, and later gave birth to his son.

Although Elizabeth did not demand much and from the outside seemed completely non-ambitious and modest young lady, she can hardly be called naive: rather, she was far-sighted and patient. It was thanks to the latter quality that she managed to survive in the web of endless intrigues of the times of Henry and become a noble and wealthy lady.

Heinrich patronized his favorite in every possible way, so that by the end of her life she had a huge fortune. By the way, Bessie’s second husband (the first did not live long) was already 14 years younger than her, so in her personal life everything worked out too.

5. Peter I: unloved wife – to the monastery

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Photo @istoriya_rossii_v_datah

It so happened in Russia that unwanted wives were exiled to a monastery. Peter I, with all his love for innovation, did not retreat from this tradition and forcibly sent the unloved Evdokia Lopukhina to the Suzdal-Pokrovsky Monastery, which he did not regret later.

But unlike many other monarchs, Peter managed to find personal happiness: Marta Skavronskaya (after the baptism of Catherine) conquered the emperor with a cheerful disposition and light character.

Despite constant traveling, Peter’s tendency to betrayals and a complex character, they were inseparable until the death of the sovereign, and then, as you know, by his order, she became empress.

6.Alexander II: the mistress on the floor above

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Photo @aleksanderr_ll

Emperor Alexander II did a lot of good for the country and, of course, was one of the greatest reformers in Russian history.

But as for personal life, everything is not so simple here. After many years of marriage with Maria Alexandrovna, who bore him eight children, the emperor unexpectedly fell in love with Princess Ekaterina Dolgorukova, who was 29 years younger than him.

Soon, Catherine moved to the Winter Palace, her chambers were located just above the chambers of the sovereign. Maria Alexandrovna knew everything, but she could not influence the situation: the empress was very sick and wasted before her eyes.

After her death, Alexander remarried, without waiting for the end of mourning. And although from the outside this whole picture does not look very beautiful, it is enough to read the correspondence between the sovereign and the princess to understand how much they loved each other and how happy they were together.

7. Bram Stoker: a friend’s betrayal

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However, if no one is surprised by the audacious actions of the monarchs, then the story of the broken heart of the famous writer Oscar Wilde is really amazing. Moreover, it was not just anyone who took part in it, but his close friend and colleague Bram Stoker.

After graduating from Oxford, Oscar Wilde planned to marry the beautiful Florence Balcam, for whom he had long had feelings, but his dreams were not destined to come true: another novice writer Bram Stoker literally “took away” the bride from his own friend.

For Oscar Wilde, the result was sad: disappointment in love led him to an interest in men and boys, which, in turn, ended in imprisonment. But Bram Stoker was happily married, which lasted 34 years.

8. Prince Charles: infidelity and remarriage

Photo @irinabells

When young Diana Spencer married Prince Charles in 1981, she had no idea what awaited her. Unfortunately, the most famous marriage of the 20th century turned out to be one of the most tragic. Charles had no feelings for his wife, being in love with a married woman, Camilla Parker Bowles.

After many years of endless betrayals, quarrels and humiliations, Charles and Diana nevertheless divorced, and soon there was a car accident that claimed the life of the popular British favorite and mother of Princes William and Harry.

Despite this, Charles did not abandon the idea of ​​legalizing his relationship with his mistress and in 2005 he married Camilla. Their marriage turned out to be very happy and strong.

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