
Family games with children at home

What to play with children at home?Nowadays, when the Internet is gradually crowding out real life with its joys, it is very important to spend more time with your children. Only live communication makes relationships stronger and becomes the thread that parents and growing children need so much to trust each other.

True, many modern mothers themselves do not know how to captivate their kids and schoolchildren at home.

Are you thinking about what to do with your child? We will show you!

The content of the article:

  1. Age – 1-3 years
  2. Age – 4-6 years old
  3. Age – 7-9 years old
  4. Age – 10-14 years old

Age – 1-3 years: more imagination!

  • What to play with a child 1-3 years old at homePuzzles. If the baby is still very small, then the puzzles can consist of 2-3 parts. Start small. Choose bright designs that will appeal to your child.
  • We draw with mom and dad! Who said you need to draw carefully? You need to draw from the heart! Use watercolors, finger paints, gouache, flour, sand, etc. Is the baby dirty? It’s okay – but how many emotions! Spread large sheets of Whatman paper on the floor, and create a fairy tale with your baby. Or you can set aside an entire wall for creativity, pasting it with cheap white wallpaper or securing the same sheets of Whatman paper. No limits for creativity! We draw with brushes and pencils, palms and cotton swabs, a dish sponge, rubber stamps, etc.
  • Treasure search. We take 3-4 plastic jars, fill them with cereals (you can use the cheapest ones, so you don’t mind spilling them) and hide a small toy at the bottom of each. Both fun and rewarding (fine motor development).
  • Making beads! Again, develop fine motor skills and creativity. We are looking for large beads in the bins (you can make them together with a child from dough or plastic), pasta rings, small bagels and everything that can be strung on a string. We make beads as a gift for mom, grandmother, sister and all neighbors. Of course, only under supervision so that the child does not accidentally swallow one of the elements of the future masterpiece.
  • Egg Run. You don’t have to take the eggs directly (otherwise running will turn out to be very expensive), we replace them with ping-pong balls or a light ball. We put the ball on a teaspoon and give the task – to run to dad in the kitchen, keeping the ball on the spoon.
  • We catch a fish! Another fun exercise for developing fine motor skills. We collect water in a plastic bucket and throw small objects into it (buttons, balls, etc.). The task of the little one is to catch objects with a spoon (collect enough water so that the baby does not have to dive into the bucket entirely – 2/3 of a spoon in height).
  • The cat in the bag. We put 10-15 different items in a woven bag. The task for the little one: put your hand in the bag, take 1 item, guess what it is. You can put in a bag items that, for example, all begin with the letter “L” or “P”. This will help in learning the alphabet or in pronouncing certain sounds.
  • Let’s not let the fish get dehydrated! Put a toy fish at the bottom of the bowl. Pour water into another bowl. Task: using a sponge to “drag” water from a full bowl to an empty one, so that the fish can swim again.

Educational toys for children from 2 to 5 years old – choose and play!

Age – 4-6 years old: how to entertain a child on a long winter evening

  • Games at home for children 4-6 years oldPicnic in the living room. And who said that picnics are only in nature? You can relax at home with equal pleasure! Instead of grass – a carpet that can be covered with a blanket, prepare food and drinks together, more pillows, large and small, and watch an interesting cartoon. Or play games with the whole family. You can even turn off the lights, turn on the flashlights and listen to Dad play the guitar – the picnic should be complete.
  • Making a fortress. Who among us in childhood did not create a fortress of pillows in the middle of the room? Any child will be delighted if you build such a “castle” together from scrap materials – chairs, bedspreads, cushions, and so on. And in the fortress you can read fairy tales about knights or tell scary stories under a cup of cocoa with tiny marshmallows.
  • Bowling alley at home. We place plastic pins in a line near the window (you can use plastic bottles) and knock them down (taking turns with mom and dad) with a ball. We pack the prizes in advance in bags and hang them on a string. We blindfold the winner and give him scissors – he must cut the string with his prize on his own.
  • Unknown animal – Opening Day! Each – a sheet of paper and a pencil. Objective: to scribble anything on the sheet with your eyes closed. Next, from the resulting squiggle, you need to draw a fabulous beast and paint it. Have you painted? And now we make design frames for all unknown animals and hang them on the wall.
  • The funniest collage. We take out old magazines with newspapers, paper, glue and scissors from the nightstands. Challenge: create the funnest paper collage ever. An “anonymous” good wish made from cut letters is a prerequisite.
  • We are preparing a festive dinner. The absence of a holiday on this day does not matter. Can you make every day a holiday? Let the child come up with the menu. Prepare all dishes exclusively together. Your child should also lay the table, lay out napkins and serve in the chosen style.
  • The tallest tower. Almost every modern family has constructors. And for sure there is a “Lego” of large parts. It’s time to compete for the highest tower.

Age – 7-9 years old: no longer a toddler, but not yet a teenager

  • Games with children 7-9 years old at home when the weather is badBoard games. Even if your child is not dragged away from the computer, spending time with mom and dad will certainly help you get him to turn off the monitor. Choose checkers and chess, play loto or backgammon, any other board games. Do not discard the idea of ​​puzzles – even big children are happy to collect them if mom and dad participate in the process. 10 best board games for the whole family
  • Enemies are all around, but our tanks are fast! Create an obstacle course that your child will be interested in. Task: get into the enemy’s lair, grab the “tongue” (let it be a big toy) and drag it back into the trench. Hang up “stretch marks” along the way (elastic bands or strings stretched at different heights, which must not be touched); put one of the enemies (a toy on a stool), which will need to be knocked down from a crossbow; lay out balloons that can be popped by anything except hands, and so on. The more obstacles and difficult tasks, the more interesting it is. The winner gets a “title” and a “leave” to the cinema with mom and dad.
  • We draw on stones. Pebbles, large and small, are loved by all children and adults. If there are such pebbles in your house, you can involve the child in drawing. You can paint stones that are gathering dust idle in a bank or in a closet in accordance with the upcoming holiday or just to the best of your imagination. And from small stones beautiful panels for the living room are obtained.
  • Learn traffic rules! With the help of bright scotch tape, we recreate our neighborhood on the floor in the room – with its roads, traffic lights, houses, schools, and so on. After construction, we try to get from home to school in one of the cars, remembering the traffic rules (they are remembered best through the game!).
  • Winter garden on the window. Do not feed children of this age with bread – let them plant something and dig into the ground. Let your child set up their own garden on the windowsill. Allocate containers for him, buy land and, together with the child, find in advance the seeds of those flowers (or maybe vegetables?) That he wants to see in his room. Tell your child how to plant seeds, how to water, how to care for a plant – let it be his own responsibility.
  • Fashion show. Fun for girls. Give your child everything to dress up in. Do not worry about your outfits, the child is not going to eat dumplings in them. And don’t forget the mezzanines and old suitcases – there is probably something old-fashioned and fun in there. Jewelry, hats and accessories will also do the trick. Your child today is a fashion designer and a model at the same time. And dad and mom are admiring spectators and journalists with cameras. There are more soffits!

Age – 10-14 years old: the older, the more difficult

  • Indoor games for children 10-14 years oldDance and fitness evening. We send dads and sons to the store so as not to interfere. And for mom and daughter – a day of fiery dances, sports and karaoke! If you send dad and son a little further away (for fishing, for example), then you can continue in the evening by arranging a warm and cozy bachelorette party in front of the TV with culinary joys and sincere conversations.
  • We conduct experiments. Why not cheat a little? All ages are submissive to chemistry! Moreover, there are a lot of interesting books in which the most interesting experiences for children and their parents are described in an accessible and step-by-step manner. Even a teenager will be interested in creating a starry sky in a jar, a mini-volcano or a tiny stove.
  • We shoot a clip. Your child sings amazingly, and he still does not have his own music video? Disorder! We are urgently fixing it! Today there are enough programs in which you can process videos. Moreover, they are simple and understandable even for a computer “teapot”. Shoot a song on video, add sound, create a clip. Naturally, together with the child!
  • Japanese dinner. We decorate the living room in Japanese style (renovation is not necessary, a light decor is enough) and we make sushi! Can’t you? It’s time to learn. You can start with the simplest sushi. The filling can be anything you want – from herring and shrimp to processed cheese with red fish. The most necessary thing is a pack of nori sheets and a special “mat” for rolling the rolls (“makisu”). Rice can be used ordinary, round (it is enough to digest it a little until it becomes sticky). Buy sushi sticks by all means! So it’s much more interesting to eat them, especially if you don’t know how.
  • Learning to earn pocket money on your own! If your teenage child has no problems with the Russian language, and has a desire to work, register him on one of the article exchanges and teach these articles to write. If the child is so fond of the computer, then let him learn to work on it for the benefit of himself.
  • Have a Cinema Mania day. Prepare delicious, favorite dishes with the children and watch your favorite films all day.
  • New life of old things. Is your daughter bored? Get out your basket with needlework, open the Internet and look for the most interesting ideas for bringing old clothes back to life. We make fashionable shorts from once torn jeans, an original shirt with stripes from the one with frayed sleeves, scuffs on classic jeans, pompons on a scarf, etc.
  • We draw up a plan of obligatory affairs for the year. Doing this with your child is much more fun, and the reason is wonderful – at least for a couple of hours to tear the child off the laptop. Present your child with a special diary (tear off your heart or buy a new one), and together write lists of to-dos and desires that need to be completed by the end of the year. Get started immediately!

What do you play at home with your children? Share your parenting recipes in the comments below!

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