
Folk remedies for coughs for children

How to cure a child's cough with folk remediesWith “adult” medicines, parents try to treat their crumbs as rarely as possible. And it is undesirable to often use medications for the treatment of babies. And kindergarten, as you know, is a constant shake-up of children’s immunity. As soon as the baby is cured, and already again – a cough and a runny nose, he has to take sick leave. What if your child is very often sick? What popular proven methods can be used to defeat a child’s cough?

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How to cure a child’s cough with folk remedies – folk recipes for coughing for children

Do not forget about the rules for taking folk remedies: for babies under 4 years old – 1 tsp three times a day, 4-10 years old – a dessert spoon three times a day, and for kids over 10 – a dining room, 3-4 r / d. So, what traditional methods are most effective in dealing with a cough? See also: what folk methods can increase the child’s immunity.

  • Sugar onions.
    Cover the chopped onion with sugar overnight (2 tbsp / l), in the morning and during the day, take the onion itself along with the juice (or at least juice, if the crumb is completely disgusting). The course is 3-4 days.
  • Onion juice with honey.
    Mix honey and onion juice, one to one. The remedy helps with colds and bronchial coughs.
  • Radish with honey.
    Radish for cough in a childCut off the top (lid) from one black bellied radish. Scrape out the inner flesh, put a couple of tablespoons of honey in the resulting depression, cover with a “lid”. Place the tail of the vegetable in a jar of water. The resulting juice should be given to the child three times a day, no more than 3 days.
  • Potato warmers.
    Peel the boiled potatoes, knead them thoroughly, add iodine (2 drops) and olive oil (20 ml), put on the back and chest on top of the paper, cover with plastic or foil, wrap. Keep the mustard plasters until they cool.
  • Soar legs in mustard.
    Soar the legs of a child from coughingDissolve a couple of tablespoons of dry mustard in a clean basin, pour hot water. The required temperature is not lower than 37 degrees. Add a cup of water at about 40 degrees during the procedure (of course, at this point, the legs should be removed). Legs soar for no more than 15 minutes. three times a day (in the absence of fever!) After the procedure, put on warm socks, having previously smeared the feet with warming ointment (asterisk, doctor mom, badger, etc.). You can also put dry mustard between cotton socks and woolen socks or lay dry mustard plasters.
  • Inhalation.
    Inhalations for coughing in a childInhalation is most effective with mineral water or baking soda. Just remember that the water temperature in this case should not be higher than 40 degrees. You can buy a nebulizer – with it, inhalation is much easier and more effective.
  • Fresh air against coughing.
    Don’t forget to ventilate your baby’s room! Dry stale air aggravates the course of the disease and the cough itself. Mandatory – wet cleaning and airing. A dry cough is much more difficult to treat.
  • Chest massage.
    Massage of the chest and back is very useful for coughing. Using massaging movements several times a day, “expel” phlegm from the bottom up, towards the throat.
  • Bear fat with honey.
    Cough compresses for childrenMix 1 tsp each – honey, vodka and bear fat. Warm up a little, rub the baby overnight and wrap it up.
  • Salt water compress.
    Dissolve salt in water (about 40-45 degrees) – a spoon with a slide on a plate of water – stir, use a woolen cloth to make a compress overnight. Wrap a sweater on top.
  • Pine nuts in milk.
    Milk with pine nuts for coughing in childrenBoil a glass of raw unpeeled pine nuts in a liter of milk. After boiling for 20 minutes, strain and drink twice a day.
  • Figs with cocoa and interior fat.
    Mix melted lard (about 100 g) with ground figs (100 g) and cocoa (5 tablespoons / l). At one time – 1 spoon. The course is 4-5 days, 4 times. Interior fat can be rubbed into the chest at night, not forgetting to wrap it up warmly.
  • Iodine mesh.
    Soak a cotton swab in iodine, apply a mesh on the chest. The distance between the lines is about 1.5 cm.
  • Lemon with glycerin and honey.
    Lemon with honey for coughSqueeze the juice from the lemon boiled for 10 minutes, add purified glycerin (2 tbsp / l), mix, add liquid honey to the very top of the glass. Reception – a spoonful a day. With severe attacks of coughing – three times a day.
  • Milk with butter, soda.
    Do not forget about warm milk with butter and soda (on the tip of a knife) at night – it promotes the discharge of phlegm.
  • Figs with milk.
    Brew fresh figs (5 pieces) with hot milk (0.2 l), insist and grind directly in milk. Drink before meals, 70 ml 3-4 r / d.
  • Banana with sugar.
    Banana for a cough in a childRub 2 bananas through a sieve, boil in 0.2 l of water, adding sugar. Drink hot.
  • Milk with honey and mineral water.
    Add alkaline mineral water and 5 g of honey (for 0.2 milk) to hot milk (1: 1). For very little ones, the medicine will not work, but older children can be successfully treated.
  • Onions, garlic and honey with milk.
    Onions, garlic and honey for a child's coughCut 10 onions and a head of garlic, boil in milk until soft, add honey (1 tsp) and mint juice. Drink 1 tbsp / l when the dry cough subsides for at least 20 minutes.
  • Cough candy.
    Pour sugar in a spoon and gently hold over the fire until the sugar darkens. Then pour into a saucer with milk. Dissolve the candy with a dry cough.
  • Mustard plaster of cabbage with honey.
    Apply honey to the cabbage leaf, apply to the chest, cover with paper, secure with a bandage and wrap in a sweater overnight.
  • Cheksnok compress on the legs.
    Rub a head of garlic with oil or fat (100 g), rub over the feet overnight and wrap your legs.
  • Inhalation over potatoes.
    inhalation over potatoes from a cough in a childBoil the potatoes and breathe alternately – either with your nose or with your mouth – over a saucepan, covered with a towel. The course is 3-4 days, 10 minutes at night. You can also use pine buds for inhalation, boiled in boiling water for 15 minutes (1 tbsp / l) and diluted with 10 drops of essential cedar oil.
  • Cough mixture.
    Mix honey (300 g), chopped walnuts (0.5 kg), juice of 4 lemons, aloe juice (0.1 l). Reception – three times a day before meals, h / l.

Herbs for coughs for children – folk treatment for cough in children with decoctions, infusions and medicinal tea.

  • Decoction of pine buds.
    Decoction of pine buds for cough in childrenPine buds (2 tbsp / l) pour water (half a liter), boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour, drain. Drink three times a day on a spoon with the addition of honey.
  • Thyme tea.
    Thyme (1 tbsp / l) pour boiling water (glass), after 5 minutes of boiling, leave for 30 minutes and drain. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day.
  • Tricolor violet infusion.
    Decoction of pine buds for cough in childrenPour a tri-color violet (1 tsp) with a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes, strain, be sure to bring boiled water to the original volume. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day.
  • Anise broth with honey.
    Pour 0.2 liters of water with anise (2 liters), boil for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, strain, add a spoonful of honey. Drink a quarter glass three times a day.
  • Linden blossom tea.
    Linden blossom (a handful of flowers) pour boiling water (0.5 l), cook for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, after straining, drink warm with the addition of a spoonful of honey, ½ cup three times a day.
  • Ginger tea with honey.
    Ginger tea for coughing in a childPour boiling water over the peeled ginger (2 rings of 3 mm), leave for 20 minutes, remove the ginger, add a spoonful of honey, drink it hot.

The main thing is to remember that a doctor’s consultation is required! You can’t joke with children’s health. Moreover, it is very easy to make a mistake in the cause of the cough.

The website warns: before turning to any folk methods, you should consult a doctor about the nature and causes of the child’s cough, self-medication is unacceptable and dangerous!

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