
Interview with Tatyana Shitova – how to find yourself in modern realities

Tatiana Shitova is a theater and film actress, voice actress. Her voice is spoken by the heroines of such world famous actresses as:

And also, Tatyana’s voice can be heard using the virtual assistant Alice.

"Get to know yourself and the world": Actress Tatyana Shitova on how to find your individuality in modern realities
Photo @shitovaactress

Especially for Colady magazine, Tatiana Shitova talked about how to raise a daughter in modern realities, whether the continuity of generations is important and how to find your individuality. And also Tatiana through our magazine “wrote” a letter to the descendants.

Interviewer – Colady magazine journalist Galina Kharitonova.

Colady: Given your constant transformation into the characters you voice, how do you separate the present from the imaginary? Is it necessary at all in the process of reincarnation to return to reality, or is it necessary to completely let go of oneself?

Tatyana: Awesome question – no one asked that. I am simpler in life, and besides, there are always so many worries, problems, questions in it – I have no time for “imagination”.

Colady: Has the character of modern movie heroines changed in comparison with the last century? What new characters have appeared, goals and desires, and have they appeared at all?

Tatyana: In fact, nothing changes, except for new means of embodiment. The modern language today is gadgets. Films with the use of artificial intelligence are easier for today’s youth to understand – a smart friend, a smart home, and so on. But morality is always the same at all times – do not kill other commandments.

Colady: Do you consider yourself a strong woman? What life events made you become more collected and stop being afraid of obstacles?

Tatyana: I am probably strong, but to some extent. After all, I am not a programmed artificial intelligence, I can conditionally “fail”, and hurray! – I’m a living person, especially the weaker female sex.

Colady: The voice is your main instrument when voicing a character. What additional tools help you with your work?

Tatyana: The voice is a tool, a means. But to be engaged in dubbing, you need an acting education – this is primary. You will debug the voice in the process, this simple “science” is given by training.

Colady: What is more difficult in terms of psychological comfort: work in the theater / work in the cinema / work in a TV series / dubbing? Was it difficult to get used to being a dubbing actor? Why did you switch to this hypostasis of acting?

Tatyana: In no case did I go anywhere, and I didn’t give up anything. I love variety, and I’m not limited to anything, never. I love theater, cinema, dubbing, and entertainment content.

"Get to know yourself and the world": Actress Tatyana Shitova on how to find your individuality in modern realities
Photo @shitovaactress

Colady: You are raising a daughter. Is it difficult to raise a girl in modern realities? How do you build a relationship with her? Are you a mom friend, or are you a more strict parenting type? Does your daughter spend a lot of time on social media?

Tatyana: I have a beloved and only daughter, Vasilisa. This is a teenager, she is 13 years old with all that it implies. How do I raise her? This is by no means a one-man process; I am raising her, and she is me! It is reciprocal.

Social networks have engulfed us all today, but the conclusion for living online and offline is the same for me – be yourself! With your opinion! Do not be afraid of anything! Life is not built with an “outrageous majority”, but individually!

I understand that it is difficult for not strong minds to understand, I try to reason together. This is not always successful, but “The road will be mastered by the walker” – I hope good will win – it was so in fairy tales, it will always be so.

Colady: Do you instill in your daughter an interest in the acting profession, or does she have completely different interests? Is it important for you that your daughter is proud and respected of your profession?

Tatyana: I do not cultivate a motto in my daughter: “Mom, Dad are actors, this is your way”… This is the 21st century – the stakes are increasing: I cultivate everything, theater and museums.

She always supported all her daughter’s interests: rhythmic gymnastics, taekwondo, equestrian sports, figure skating, tennis, Todes, drums and so on. Today it is: a theater studio (that was) and a new one – biology (namely animals!).

"Get to know yourself and the world": Actress Tatyana Shitova on how to find your individuality in modern realities
Photo @shitovaactress

Colady: It is generally accepted that the actor needs to have an almost childlike openness to new experience and spontaneity. Do you have these qualities, do they help in your work and personal, extra-work activities, or do you, on the contrary, use other methods and approaches?

Tatyana: I think that “openness and spontaneity” is good for young talents. For adult actors, this is not enough. What is forgivable to a young artist is never a big one.

My favorite artist for today is Leonardo DiCaprio! He seems direct, but behind him is incredible experience and work, and talent, he is inimitable, there is no second DiCaprio.

"Get to know yourself and the world": Actress Tatyana Shitova on how to find your individuality in modern realities
Photo @shitovaactress

Colady: How to find your individuality in the broadest sense of this concept, how to realize your real desires and goals?

Tatyana: Never get hung up on anything, don’t “be determined” right away – develop your horizons! Expand your own framework, get to know yourself and the world, and only then make a decision. But, by the way, life is long, you can manage to find yourself in different guises.

Colady: What kind of relationship did you have with Tatyana Vasilyevna Doronina? What kind of person is she?

Tatyana: Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina is an unconditional personality! I will always love her and I will be grateful to her for the fact that even at the beginning of my career, she believed in me and put all of herself into me! Together with her, I worked for only two years, but this, that time, that era, that personality, which is not forgotten!

Colady: Is the continuity of generations important, what value does this process of transferring experience carry? Is it important at all to analyze the life path of another person?

Tatyana: I believe that continuity is important! Personal and historical. It’s like a bond “past present Future”. Whoever spits on his story will achieve little tomorrow!

Colady: If you had the opportunity to write a letter to your descendants, what would you say to them?

Tatyana Shitova: My parting words will definitely be inspiring:

  • Only forward!
  • Don’t be afraid of anything!
  • Be strong and wise!
  • The road will be mastered by the walking!
  • Do good!
"Get to know yourself and the world": Actress Tatyana Shitova on how to find your individuality in modern realities
Photo @shitovaactress

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