
Lymphatic drainage diet – effectiveness and reviews through the eyes of a nutritionist

All our desires to lose weight begin with finding the most effective diet. But how to choose from a million options and not harm your health?

What is the most effective diet?

Preference is given to those diets about which the most positive reviews. The second selection criterion is health benefits.

Lymphatic Drainage Diet: Losing Weight with Health Benefits
  • You could tell how to properly approach the process of losing weight in order not only to reduce weight, but also to keep it.
  • One could mention a rational, balanced diet, which contains enough proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • One could also talk about how to properly compose a diet on your own, taking into account taste preferences.

But we will limit ourselves to just one remark, which has been confirmed by recent studies.

Scientists wondered which of the diets is the most effective – vegetarian, protein-rich (for example, the Kremlin) or balanced (for example, Mediterranean). In total, about seven different diets were chosen, the most popular in recent years. It turned out that with equal calorie content and with a different set of products, there is no difference in efficiency between them. It’s all about a calorie deficit.

So, you can eat anything, the restrictions apply only to the volume and, as a result, the daily calorie intake.

If you can cope with this task on your own, you can forget about diets forever. But it happens that it is difficult to adhere to such recommendations. The constant feeling of hunger, the constant thoughts of mountains of food on large plates, put all efforts at risk. A delayed feeling of satiety may be the cause.

Lymphatic Drainage Diet: Losing Weight with Health Benefits

Lymphatic drainage diet – lose weight and improve health

We turned to the expert of our magazine, nutritionist Irina Erofeevskaya, with a request to talk about the lymphatic drainage diet.

It is intended:

  • to cleanse the body;
  • for alkalization of the body with certain food products;
  • to stimulate the lymphatic system.

6 principles of lymphatic drainage diet:

  1. We increase the volume of liquid by 1 liter.
  2. We remove the rest of the drinks, leaving only water.
  3. We use a contrast shower 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening for 3 minutes).
  4. We add fruits and vegetables, cereals and nuts, whole grain bread to the diet.
  5. For the duration of the diet, we exclude animal products (meat, dairy products, eggs).
  6. We do lymphatic drainage massage.

Breakfast: porridge in water with the addition of fruits and berries, you can add honey and nuts.

Snacks: fruits, berries, nuts.

Dinner: cereals with fresh or stewed vegetables.

Dinner: vegetable salad seasoned with any vegetable oil.

Water: 2.5 – 3 liters per day.

Duration of the diet: 21 day.

Summer is the perfect time to cleanse the body. However, before embarking on this healthy diet, watch our expert Irina Erofeevskaya’s video. In it, the doctor explains in detail all the nuances of this method:

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