
Maternity bandage – is it worth buying and which one?

Maternity bandageQuite often, modern doctors recommend pregnant women to wear a bandage. Therefore, it is not surprising that many have questions – why is it needed at all? Are there situations where it can do harm instead of good? What kind of bandage is better to choose? “

It is to them that we will try today to give an answer.

The content of the article:

Why do pregnant women need a bandage, and is it needed?

Maternity bandageThe bandage is a special orthopedic device for pregnant women and only women who have given birth. It was developed taking into account the needs of expectant and young mothers, to prevent various unpleasant situations. The main function of the bandage is support of the spine and removal of unnecessary loads from it
However, there are other reasons why it is desirable to wear a bandage:

  • A pregnant woman who is used to driving active lifestyle, more than 3 hours a day is in an upright position. She is often troubled by back pain. In such a situation, the bandage will help relieve unnecessary stress from the spine;
  • Maternity bandageWeak pelvic floor muscles and the anterior abdominal cavity. The bandage will help support the stomach and avoid stretch marks;
  • Low fetal position. The bandage helps to fix the child and does not allow him to go down prematurely;
  • Multiple pregnancy… In such a situation, the spine is under increased stress and a bandage is simply necessary;
  • If, six months before the onset of pregnancy, a woman has suffered abdominal surgery… The bandage reduces the pressure on the scars;
  • If there are scars on the uterus after any gynecological surgery, it is also recommended to wear a bandage.

Maternity bandageTo date, there are no contraindications for wearing a bandage. However, not all gynecologists believe that such a device is advisable to use. So before buying a bandage, be sure to consult with your doctor
Many women begin to wear a bandage as early as 4 months of pregnancy, because it is at this time that the belly begins to enlarge, and stretch marks may appear. You can use it until the very last days of pregnancy. However, it is important to remember that the bandage cannot be worn for 24 hours, every 3 hours you need to take a 30-minute break.

Types of bandages for expectant mothers – which one is better?

Today, on the market of goods for pregnant women, three types of bandages are most popular:

  • Briefs-bandage – this is an underwear that has an elastic supportive insert in the front of the lower abdomen and on the lower back at the back. You need to wear it in a horizontal position in order to properly fix the stomach. The main disadvantage of such a bandage is that it is used as a panties, and accordingly it must be washed frequently. And since every three hours it is necessary to take a short break while outside the house, it will be very problematic to remove such a bandage.
  • Bandage belt – such a belt is worn over underwear, so there is no need to wash it often. And also it is very easy to remove. Such a belt is fixed with Velcro under the belly. Most of the models also have fasteners on the sides, which allow you to correctly adjust the size of the band. Such a bandage can be worn both standing and lying down.
    Maternity bandage
  • Lace-up bandage – This is a domestic version of the bandage belt. However, it differs from its foreign counterpart in its inconvenience in use. It is made from an inelastic material, so it does not support the belly very well. Fortunately, our producers also received the “blessings of civilization”, and instead of lacing, they began to use Velcro.
    Maternity bandage

There are also postpartum bandages, which allow you to get rid of the tummy in the shortest time. They also relieve fatigue from the spine. Such bandages can be in the form of an elastic band, or panties made of elastic fabric. There is also a special type of bandages on the modern market that are used both before and after childbirth. So called, combined, or universal
Maternity bandage
However, it should be remembered that not everyone can wear a postpartum bandage. For women who have undergone caesarean section, suffering from diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, allergic and skin diseases, such a device is not recommended

Recommendations of women

I had a bandage in the form of a belt. I believe that this is an irreplaceable item in the arsenal of a pregnant woman. I wore it when I went for a walk or stood at the stove, I did not feel fatigue at all in the lower back. Cool thing! I recommend everyone to try it.

A bandage is a good thing. However, you need to be able to choose the right one. Therefore, girls, do not hesitate to measure it in the store before buying. Because if you pick it up incorrectly, there will be no effect.

I spent the entire pregnancy without a bandage, and there are no stretch marks. Therefore, I believe that if your back really hurts, your stomach is big and it is difficult for you to move, then such a device is needed, and if not, then the bandage will not be particularly useful to you.

The first time I bought a bandage, I was not very comfortable with it. But then I got used to it and began to feel that my back really began to hurt less. And it became much easier for me to walk.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, I bought myself a bandage – panties, a very convenient thing. I always wore them when I went outside. No back fatigue. Therefore, I recommend just such a model.

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