
New Year’s contests for corporate events, games for the Year of the Horse 2014

New Year is a Christmas tree, sparklers, a festive table, fun and joy. To create a bright, lively and warm atmosphere of celebration, and not turn a corporate holiday into an ordinary booze, you need to prepare in advance and come up with New Year’s contests for the corporate.

Read also: Competitions for the company for the New Year

Before deciding on the games for the New Year’s corporate party, take into account the peculiarities and composition of the team: the number of women, men and their age.
Funny games, competitions for the Year of the Horse 2014 for a New Year's corporate party

The content of the article:

Games and contests at the table at the New Year’s corporate party

At the beginning of the evening, after congratulating the management, you need to entertain the guests uncomplicated drinking competition… For example, the facilitator asks simple questions, and whoever gets the most answers gets a prize.

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Funny games, competitions for the Year of the Horse 2014 for a New Year's corporate party

Table competition for a New Year’s corporate party

Sample questions for a table contest:

  • Phenomenon of nature, which, without sprinkling with sand, can cause New Year’s death of people (Ice).
  • Ice casting (Skating rink).
  • It’s time for the Snow Maiden to live (Winter).
  • Winter sculpture made from natural material (Snowman).

Playing at the “Guess the Phrase” table

The presenter reads out a phrase in which each word is the opposite of the encrypted phrase. For example, “there was a fir-tree in the forest”, the correct phrase is: “there was a birch in the field”; “He doesn’t want to die in Piccadilly” – “she would like to live in Manhattan.”

Competitions for the hall, which can be held at the New Year’s corporate party 2017

Competitions and indoor games are best held after the ceremonial part at the table is completed, and the transition to cheerful celebration began.

See also: What image to choose for meeting the New 2017?
Funny games, competitions for the Year of the Horse 2014 for a New Year's corporate party

“Gift bag”

  • The host announces: “Now Santa Claus is coming to us. He brought us gifts. And each of you will add something of your own to his gifts. “
  • Santa Claus comes in, where at first he congratulates all those present with the coming 2014 and says: “When I was going to your holiday, I took a bag of gifts with me, and in it: a fir-cone, candy …”.
  • Subsequent participants must add one more subject to the words of Santa Claus. For example, “When going to our party, Santa Claus took a bag of gifts with him. And in it: a spruce cone, candy, tangerine “, etc. The game continues until one of the contestants can list all the items.

“Flying snowflake”

You can use a feather or a small piece of cotton wool as a flying snowflake. It is necessary that the “flying snowflake” can fly from the slightest breeze. The essence of the competition is to keep a snowflake in the air by blowing, and touching with your hands is prohibited. At whom the snowflake falls, he is eliminated. The remaining last two contestants receive prizes.


The presenter collects from the contestants one of their personal things, and they, in turn, write on the sheets of paper not very difficult tasks. Then the confiscated things are put in one bag, and in the other – the sheets with tasks. Everything gets mixed up. Then each of the contestants comes up and takes out one thing and a task from the bags. Whose thing was pulled out, he performs the task.

“Who is faster”

There are two teams of 2-3 people each. Teams are given a glass larger than average, filled with juice or mineral water. Also, each contestant receives two straws, which must first be connected into one long tube. The task of each team is to empty the glass as quickly as possible using a long straw. The fastest team wins.


  • Guests are divided into teams. By the way, this can also be done in an unusual way. For example, to propose to unite in creative teams of namesakes. Let the victors, Marina, Boris and Tatiana create an ideological union.
  • Then they bring black boxes into the hall, which contain champagne or ice cream, or something else. The task of each team is to advertise within 2-3 minutes what is in the black box. The best creative team – a prize.
  • You can pre-intrigue the audience by announcing that now will be advertised what people of all ages love, it comes in different colors and contains fats, proteins, but most importantly, it brings joy!

The upcoming 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, so funny games and contests at a New Year’s corporate party can be made with an emphasis on the symbol of the year:

“Song of the Birds”

  • Several well-known songs about birds should be prepared in advance (of course, mainly about chickens, a rooster and a hen).
  • The song comes on. In the middle of the verse, the song is turned off, and the participants are asked to finish the verse to the end. The one who successfully completed the task receives a valuable prize – a souvenir in the form of a keychain or a fridge magnet with a picture of a cockerel.

“Catch the cockerel”

One presenter is chosen (he is blindfolded), the rest are cockerels, chickens and hens. Chairs are placed around the room.

On command, the cockerels and hens begin to tease the host, who is trying to catch them. Chickens and cockerels jump on chairs – thus, on the chair they become out of the game, this is protection.

The caught cock changes with the leading roles.

The most successful presenter receives the desired prize (notebook, flashlight, battery pack, etc.).
Funny games, competitions for the Year of the Horse 2014 for a New Year's corporate party
If you approach the holiday scenario responsibly, think carefully New Year’s contests and games in the Year of the Rooster, then the meeting of the New Year in the team of employees will be held creative and fun atmosphere

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