
Psychological test – Find out your emotional state

Psychologists are sure that gestures can tell a lot about a person, especially about his emotions. Today Colady’s editors invite you to find out about your current emotional state. You may not even know what emotions you are actually experiencing. Are you ready to test yourself? Then let’s not waste any time.

Test instructions:

  1. Focus on yourself. Take a few deep breaths in and out.
  2. Get into a comfortable position. Look straight at one point.
  3. Raise one hand up and hold it.
  4. Pay attention to the brush. What position is she in? Compare your brush to the picture.
  5. See the result.
emotion test
Colady illustration by Lara Lauren
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Test results

Find out your emotional state with this test - 99% accuracy

# 1 – Joy

If the first option suits you, then you are in high spirits now. Something inspires and inspires you. You experience a lot of positive emotions and that’s great. Something important (or someone important) made you happy.

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# 2 – Surprise

At the moment you are in a confused state. Someone did something that you did not expect from him, upset, offended. The second option is that the circumstances were not the best for you. The third option is that you are intensively thinking about something, making an important decision.

# 3 – Suffering

You feel bad. You are very sad about something. Your state can be described as follows – “The earth has gone from under your feet.” It is possible that your mental anguish is associated with finances. You clearly feel the loss of strength. You worry and worry.

# 4 – Anger

You are very angry with someone or something. Most likely you are hiding it. Psychologists call this state “passive aggression.” It is possible that some person from your inner circle has slandered you, but you cannot defend yourself for some reason, so accumulate negativity inside.

# 5 – Fear

Someone really scared you the day before. Perhaps you are faced with something that you have always been very afraid of (it could be circumstances or specific people). It is possible that you are worried about a loved one. Are you scared. The feeling of anxiety does not leave.

# 6 – Contempt

You are uncomfortable and uncomfortable. You feel disdain, contempt for someone from your environment. I would like to hide from an unpleasant person (or people), retire, forget. You want to abstract from everything, to be alone.

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