
Rick Cox Net Worth

Rick Cox net worth is not disclosed. This is a very popular actor who was born in the United States. He is most famous for his roles in A Light in the Darkness, Part One, and Part Two. Cox has also performed several other roles. In addition to his acting career, he is a successful businessman.

His net worth is estimated to be about $2 million, based on his $323K salary. This figure includes royalties from songs he has released and his other projects, such as collaborations with other artists. Rick Cox has achieved a lot of respect in his field, and even Thomas Newman has borrowed from his sound and style. This makes his net worth much higher than average.

Rick Cox met Thomas Newman in the early 1980s, while he was transitioning from performing on the stage to working in a studio. In the studio, he took a shine to the technical side of music. He also collaborated with many other artists and composers. Thomas Newman was influenced by Cox’s work and the two men later collaborated on the electro-acoustic album 35 Whirlpools Below Sound.

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