
Roy Plunkett Net Worth

You’re here to find out how much Roy Plunkett’s net worth is. We’ve estimated his net worth by looking at his age, height, and other relevant information. Check out his estimated salary and income too. Don’t forget about his car and other assets. Depending on how much you think they’re worth, you might be surprised to learn that his net worth is quite substantial.

Roy J. Plunkett is a chemist who was chief chemist at DuPont Chambers Works from 1939 to 1952. He was responsible for many foreign patent filings. The scientist was a member of the company’s scientific board for 39 years before he died of cancer on May 12, 1994. He was born in New Carlisle (Ohio) and died on May 12, 1994.

Plunkett began his career as a research chemicalist at DuPont’s Jackson Lab. He was given the task of synthesizing new forms Freon, a DuPont refrigerant. He worked methodically until April 6, 1938 when Plunkett made an error. This mistake was what led to the invention. In addition to his considerable net worth, Plunkett’s net worth is a healthy $240 million.

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