
Star fathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs

On the screens they are strong, courageous and unshakable, and at home they are the best dads in the world. Being a father is not everyone’s task. Our today’s heroes have proved that their children are the meaning of life, no matter what around.

The busy schedule and workload of the actors does not prevent them from rushing home to those who are most waiting for their return – their children.

We did not assign places in the ranking of the best fathers, because we believe that every dad deserves to be the best.

Chris Hemsworth

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs

Mighty Thor is a father of many children. In 2014, he and actress Elsa Pataki had twins – sons Sasha and Tristan. But it is in the first-born – the daughter of India Rose – that the actor does not like the soul.

The Australian dances with her and personally puts her on a surfboard. At 4 years old, the baby announced to her parents her desire to become a boy. Fortunately, Chris is not Angelina Jolie: turning everything into a joke, he simply began to choose more “girly” entertainment for his daughter.

According to his wife Elsa, the actor loves to cook snacks for his children. It doesn’t matter that he just returned from the premiere of one of the films.

Ryan Reynolds

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @vancityreynolds

Another star superhero is a dad with many children. Deadpool is raising three daughters who are all as one like his wife Blake Lovely.

Many people say that Ryan is a dream dad. What are some of his “tweets” dedicated to raising girls. So in one, he shared that he was telling his daughters that the sun was setting and night was falling because they were behaving badly, and in another he admitted that he adores dressing up babies in pink socks and a black leather mask.

“I like my life. I love my children. I know that it is not customary to talk about it, but it can be difficult with three girls. “

The actor admits that he often changes diapers to babies himself and does not consider it to be something terrible. Ryan notes that he watches with affection how the girls care for each other.

By the way, after Ryan became the father of three daughters with many children, he began to joke that he had found a great way “Wipe men off the face of the earth”

Dwayne Johnson

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @dwyanewade

“When Daddy Rock – children have nothing to be afraid of.”

Showman father of many children. The eldest daughter Simone Alexandra is 20 years old. She followed in her father’s footsteps – she goes in for sports. Over a year ago, Simona signed with WWE Performance Center, an organization dedicated to the professional promotion of wrestling in America.

“It is a great honor for me that my daughter not only wants to follow in my footsteps, but more importantly, to create and pave her own path in sports, which is very important to me. I go crazy just thinking about it, ”- admitted Johnson.

The two youngest daughters – Jasmine Lia and Tiana Gia – are 6 and 3 years old, respectively. The father spends a lot of time with them and, apparently, enjoys every moment.

It is the photo with the youngest daughters that “Skala” publishes on Instagram, placing cute captions under them.

Mark Wahlberg

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @markwahlberg

Actor, musician, philanthropist and father of many children. Together with his wife, Mark is raising two sons and two daughters. Pictures with children regularly appear on Wahlberg’s Instagram page.

“If I don’t work, then I spend all the time at home with my family, we constantly communicate, discuss what is happening with us, we travel together. We are also trying homeschooling. ”

Mark is a loving but strict father. He does not allow his children to spend the night with friends and watch a film with his participation.

“My children then asked: “Okay, pa, so can we finally watch your bear movie?” And I explained that no, the bear is bad, he says a lot of bad words, which, of course, makes them want to see the film even more. We control everything they watch at home! It is forbidden for their classmates to spend the night with us, and our children do not stay overnight with anyone. “

However, Wahlberg does not deny that things will change with age.

“I’ll show the film to the boys first, but I’ll save the girls from it. As a father and as a man, I want to protect my girls. ”

Jensen Ackles

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @jensenackles

Eccles is not only an actor, but a director, singer and father of three. On his Instagram page, you can find many cute pictures and even videos of Jensen playing with his eldest daughter.

He allows his baby to do everything – she plays with him as a hairdresser, paints her lips and nails. From such touching pictures, all the subscribers of the star come to emotion.

By the way, Jensen himself does not consider himself a superdad. Because of his work, he cannot always spend time with children, which he regrets and shares on social networks.

“To be honest, it breaks my heart to realize that I am not such a good father. It also hurts me to see how fast it grows, I would really like to slow down time for us. I really believe that I can do it, the main thing is to figure out how this superpower works. If anyone has a life hack, let me know. “

Will Smith

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @willsmith

Agent Jay is three times dad. Allied with Jada Pinkett, he has Jaden and Willow. And from his first marriage, the actor brings up the son of Trey. By his own admission, it was not easy for him to establish communication with his first child after the divorce, but over the years a warm friendship was established between his son and father.

With his second son Jaden, Will is connected not only by family relations, but also by professional ones. Since childhood, he attracted him to filming, and then helped to make a career in the music industry. Jaden has repeatedly admitted that the authority of his father will always remain above all for him.

The actor has a special bond with his only daughter. They bear a common name and, by mutual recognition, owe a lot to each other.

“The most important thing that I can give my children is the freedom to be who they are. Because it is impossible to be happy when you pretend to be someone who you are not really. No gardener will force an oak tree to become an apple tree. “

Maksim Galkin

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @ maxgaalkin

Among Russian celebrities, according to a poll by StarHit magazine in 2015, Maxim was recognized as the best father in show business. Together with Prima Donna Scarlet Pugacheva, they raise twins Lisa and Harry.

As a responsible parent, Maxim devotes all his free time – and the showman does not have much of it – devotes to them. Judging by Galkin’s page in “Instagram”, It is known that his children are not developed for their years. Lisa and Harry are already showing their talents in language learning, swimming, dancing and singing.

Just don’t think that Lisa and Harry are just doing what they learn. Parents let their kids fool around and do nothing.

Igor Krutoy

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @igorkrutoy_musicandlife

The famous composer is no longer only a dad, but also a grandfather. He has an adult son Nikolai from his first wife Elena, a granddaughter Christina, and a daughter Alexander from his second wife Olga. In addition, Krutoy is raising an adopted daughter, Vika, who took the composer’s surname.

He does not divide children into friends and foes. Igor Yakovlevich supports any of Vika’s initiatives, both in creativity and in business. In Monaco, at the solemn celebration of the girl’s wedding, Krutoy himself led his adopted daughter to the altar.

Pavel Volya

Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @pavelvolyaofficial

Showman Pavel Volya has two children – son Robert and daughter Sofia. The Comedy Club resident is known as an anxious and caring dad who carefully protects the lives of his children from prying eyes.

“I will always protect you! I will always be there to cover your backs. To call out and see your carefree, happy faces. Because you are my family! “

Only occasionally does the showman allow himself to make a couple of jokes about his happy fatherhood and the growing up of his son at his performances. Pavel Volya periodically shares news from the life of his son in the microblog. Moreover, the tonality of these posts makes it clear – look for such a loving dad!

And Pavel’s wife, the famous gymnast Laysan Utyasheva, calls her husband the main expert in raising her son.

“When the father is at home, Robert doesn’t need anything else: his father is his main friend.”


Starfathers who gave the best childhood to their heirs
Photo @bastaakanoggano

Vasily Vakulenko has two daughters – Maria and Vasilisa.

“He is a wonderful father – like a holiday that bursts in and makes everyone happy. Girls are always delighted when dad is not at work. Of course, an insane asylum immediately begins, but the main thing is that everyone is happy, ”said Basta’s wife Elena.

According to the musician, for his daughters, he does not strive to be perfect in everything. But this is precisely what the artist wants to teach his daughters – the ability to forgive.

“I am one of the progressives. My parents raised me by example, and I do the same. I show the children that I may not be the nicest person on this planet – I have many shortcomings. And I teach them that even people with disabilities need to be able to forgive, that mercy is the most important thing. “

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