
The 7 best maternity work options for pregnant women and moms

With the first restful sleep of the child, you understand that this time can be used for something. And what is most depressing in the decree? Probably the lack of independence: in time, in finances, in planning the day …05
And all these factors are closely intertwined. And, if the dependence on time and the child’s regime gradually disappears as the child grows up, then you yourself can partially decide financial independence. Read below examples of work on maternity leave, at home.

Home kindergarten

The idea is to organize a home kindergarten, possibly an informal one. This has been practiced in Europe for a long time, so mummies, keep up!


It is good if you have your own private territory or a good area in front of the house. Your sociability and good reputation among acquaintances will be a significant plus.


The system is like this – you walk with the kids, do developmental activities, feed at lunchtime (this can be lunches from your parents) and put you to bed (usually the parents decide the issue with beds). Children should be close in age to your child. Number in a group: from 2 to 5. Many parents use such kindergartens only for half a day, before the child sleeps. In general, a good job during maternity leave for women who are good at managing children and have organizational skills.


If you are into handmade, try selling it online. In my opinion, a very pleasant and creative job for moms on maternity leave.

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Do you like to cook? Why not try this delicious maternity job for moms? And it won’t hurt the family, and the child is not offended, and you yourself will definitely eat well. And then, after all, many mothers on maternity leave suffer from a deficit of attention to themselves. And this often manifests itself in malnutrition, weight loss, and health and mood problems.

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Professional advice

If you were a good specialist before the baby was born, then it’s time to organize consultations via the Internet. You can do this yourself or search the Internet. Many thematic sites require narrow specialists: doctors, lawyers, economists, builders, etc.

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Secretary on the phone

Some businesses use remote assistants to save on taxes. Secretary, taxi dispatcher, consultant – all this can be done without sitting in the office. What do you need? It is desirable to have good diction, hearing, attentiveness, patience, comfortable headphones and a notebook at hand. Such maternity work at home does not require special skills or higher education.

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Child development lessons

An advertisement for such work on maternity leave can be vivid photos of happy children from a free invitation lesson. How to keep the kids busy? Sculpting, simple cooking, painting, puppetry or fun gymnastics. Here, first of all, you should focus on the age of the group. You can advertise your classes through the contact page and announcements at playgrounds.

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Advertising agent

Not a bad job for women on maternity leave is mediation. For example, for a certain percentage, you find customers for a store or various services, for example, for a family photographer or travel agency you know. Do you know how it used to be: mummies are standing, someone tells something, and the other liked it – “Will you give me a phone number?”

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