The most beautiful wedding dresses of brides from around the world
A wedding is an exciting and solemn event that marks a new stage in the life of every girl. Therefore, the wedding ceremony, in particular, along with the bride, is given such great attention. In different cultures of the world, a wedding dress has its own characteristics associated with national religions and customs. Together with Colady we study the most amazing, beautiful and unusual outfits of brides from around the world.

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Mysterious and many-sided East
United Arab Emirates it is no coincidence that they are considered a country where the traditions of the East and West are closely intertwined. The modern Arab wedding and the dress of the bride on it perfectly reflects this phenomenon of combining cultures. As a rule, this is a white (sometimes silvery, golden, powdery) dress with rich decoration, very similar to those that brides try on in our latitudes.
However, the style of such an outfit is always as closed as possible, covering the shoulders, neckline and neck of the bride, which fully corresponds to Arab traditions. The dress is made of expensive materials and at the same time they do not skimp on the decor, so that in the end the outfit looks luxurious. The image is completed by a wedding hijab that covers the girl’s head.

Traditionally a wedding dress in Turkey was red. This color symbolized fertility and fire. But in our time, the image of the Turkish bride has changed a lot and combined indigenous and European customs, turning into a lush white dress, complemented by a red ribbon and a red veil. If you wonder why wedding dresses have long trains, head on to Avery Austin for the answer.

Such an unusual Asia
Asia – an amazing place where traditions, religions and beliefs are very strong, therefore wedding ceremonies in many Asian countries have preserved national characteristics, and wedding dresses of brides from different countries are distinguished by the uniqueness and originality of the local flavor.
V Nepalwhere the wedding is traditionally called “Bibach” and is celebrated over several days, the bride’s attire is particularly rich and vibrant. The girl is dressed in a red sari, decorated with gold embroidery and jewelry. For the entire celebration, she can change several outfits, but they should all be red and look solemn.

V Pakistan the wedding dress also combines red and an abundance of gold. It is based on a long beautiful dress (less often a sari) made of silk or brocade with gold embroidery. The bride’s head is adorned with a light dupatta and a veil, also richly decorated with beads and gold embroidery. The image is completed by numerous large ornaments in the ears, hair, and on the wrists. Sometimes a girl’s head is adorned with a tiara.
Wedding outfit indian girls are a whole work of art that you can admire endlessly. However, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, all this luxury also has a symbolic meaning. The main element of the wedding dress, of course, is the red sari, but depending on the region of India, it can be burgundy, orange or gold.
In general, in Hinduism, red is a sacred color, symbolizing the power of Shakti and the goddess Laya Gauri, who helps childbirth. The wedding outfit is complemented by numerous jewelry, including haar – a wedding necklace, chudiyan – bracelets on the wrists, kamarband – a gold belt and mangtika – jewelry in the parting.

Another country where red is the color of wedding dress is China. For the wedding, a Chinese bride tries on a long red silk robe embroidered with beads and pearls. The most common images on it are a dragon and a phoenix. And on the girl’s head is a large crown, also depicting a phoenix. The bride’s face is often covered with a red veil.

The Japanese wedding ceremony is an amazing sight, which refers us to the traditional aesthetics of the Land of the Rising Sun and its unique customs. The bride’s outfit here can be of three types at the request of the bride: a white kimono – siromuku, symbolizing the girl’s innocence, a festive multi-colored kimono – iroutikake, or a black kimono of the samurai era – kurobiki furisode.
The bride’s head is adorned with a specific headdress – wataboshi or tsunokakushi, which is traditionally designed to “hide the horns”, that is, to hide away all the negative character traits of the future wife and make her quiet, meek and obedient.

In Africa and overseas
Wedding dress in Peru is especially bright and colorful. The bride is getting married in a layered elegant cotton skirt and a multicolored poncho with tassels and national ornament. The image can be complemented by a wide-brimmed hat.

In Nigeria, for the wedding itself, modern brides come in an ordinary European white dress, but already at the celebration they appear in a national dress: a bright dress of any color and a rather closed style, complemented by a headdress called a gel.
Wedding dresses in Ghana (a state in West Africa) are also distinguished by their brilliance. The style of the bride’s dress may very much resemble the European one we are used to, but it is made of traditional kente fabric with numerous geometric ornaments that have a sacred meaning and are unique for each family.