
Treatment of polyhydramnios – is it possible to give birth with polyhydramnios or is it necessary to have a cesarean?

Diagnostics and treatment of polyhydramnios during pregnancyOne of the happiest (and most difficult) periods in a woman’s life is, without a doubt, pregnancy. Unfortunately, this state rarely proceeds easily and “with a song”. One of the pathological conditions that cause many problems for the expectant mother is polyhydramnios. And you can’t ignore him in any way – he requires treatment without fail.

How to give birth if you have polyhydramnios, and what you need to know?

The content of the article:

  1. Diagnostics of polyhydramnios
  2. Treatment of polyhydramnios
  3. Features of childbirth with polyhydramnios

Diagnostics of polyhydramnios – how, when and who decides on the type of childbirth with polyhydramnios?

The term “polyhydramnios” in medicine is usually called an excess of amniotic fluid with a serious excess of normal values.

In the case when the pregnancy proceeds normally in all respects, the amount of amniotic fluid usually does not exceed 1500 ml, when this amount is exceeded, they speak of polyhydramnios.

This kind of complication occurs in the 1st case out of a hundredand the diagnosis can be made even in early pregnancy.

Given the constant change in the composition of amniotic fluid, it is important to track their amount in each trimester.

Diagnostics of polyhydramnios - types

Types of polyhydramnios – what is it like?

  • Moderate. In this case, there is a gradual increase in symptoms and their intensity. Moreover, in most cases, polyhydramnios of this form is completely asymptomatic, and a very long period remains simply unnoticed. The risk of this form of polyhydramnios is in the birth of a baby with anomalies in its development due to a constant lack of oxygen.
  • Expressed. With this form, the general condition of both is disturbed – both the mother and the fetus. Such polyhydramnios is observed, manifesting itself in an acute form, from the 16th to the 24th week. A sharp increase in amniotic fluid is possible for not even days, but several hours, so constant medical attention / supervision is necessary for emergency assistance if necessary. Often, childbirth with this complication of pregnancy leads to miscarriage, the birth of a baby with defects, or stillbirth.

Diagnosis of polyhydramnios in a pregnant woman

Procedure for required measurements (including the height of the bottom of the uterus and the circumference of the tummy) is usually carried out at every appointment of the expectant mother at the gynecologist.

They also check the compliance of all indicators with the established norms, the presence of an increased tone of the uterus and the activity of the fetus.

Polyhydramnios may be suspected when the fetal heartbeat is poorly heard. In this case, for a more accurate diagnosis, the expectant mother is sent to Ultrasound, where the specialist clarifies whether the volume of amniotic fluid corresponds to the mother’s gestational age at the moment, as well as the amniotic fluid index is calculated, and aboutthe weight of the fetus is determined

Amniotic fluid index by gestational age - table
Table of norms of the amniotic fluid index by gestational age

When the diagnosis made by the gynecologist is confirmed by ultrasound, the cause of this pathology is determined.

Polyhydramnios on ultrasound

What’s next?

  • Expert ultrasound, necessary to assess the general condition of the fetus, as well as to exclude the presence of malformations. At the same time, the heart rate of the crumbs is also monitored using the “cardiotachograph” device and the blood flow indicators are assessed by the Doppler in the existing “mother-placenta-fetus” system.
  • If there are indications, then the expectant mother is prescribed amniocentesis, designed to assess the condition of the fetus and help in the fight against polyhydramnios. Amniocentesis for polyhydramnios
  • Laboratory tests are also assigned: for microflora (for the presence of urogenital infections), for blood sugar, for TORCH infections, as well as serological and regular blood tests, the detection of antibodies to fetal antigens (if the mother has negative / Rh factor blood).

Treatment of polyhydramnios – are antibiotics, folk remedies, etc. used?

Treatment for polyhydramnios is indispensable. The most important thing is the fight against the root causes, which (if identified) should be brought into a state of remission.

  • If the nature of polyhydramnios is infectious (note – as well as with idiopathic polyhydramnios), then in this case, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used for the mother and the fetus (the drug is injected directly into the amniotic fluid).
  • If the underlying cause is diabetes mellitus, then the mother is required to be prescribed drugs that stabilize carbohydrate metabolism and sugar levels, as well as a rigid diet, shown for this type of disease.
  • Hypertension requires drugs that stabilize blood pressure.
  • If there is oxygen starvation of the unborn baby, a specialist prescribes drugs that can prevent the appearance of blood clots and improve blood flow in the vessels of both the placenta and the uterus.
  • Increased tone of the uterus removed with special drugs, tocolytics and antispasmodics.
  • General immunity support with vitamin therapy.
  • Amniotic fluid is usually reduced with mild diuretics, and in some cases, a certain part of the water is taken through amniocentesis.

Treatment for unexpressed pathology can take place in a hospital or at home, depending on the condition.

Traditional medicine with polyhydramnios cannot be used without a doctor’s recommendation!

In the event that polyhydramnios has reached severe form, often choose the option of stimulating early birth, and with a period of up to 28 weeks and the presence of malformations – termination of pregnancy.

Features of childbirth with polyhydramnios – is a cesarean section necessary, and is there a risk of premature birth?

In accordance with the severity of this pathology, the doctor may decide on caesarean section – it is already an extreme method, implying the presence of serious contraindications to EP.

Unfortunately, in most cases, natural childbirth with polyhydramnios threatens with serious complications, therefore, they are carried out in a certain way and only obstetricians with experience:

  1. After a lateral puncture of the fetus / bladder, the doctor controls the rate of discharge of water actually manually, to protect the mother and baby from falling out of the umbilical cord or parts of the fetus.
  2. If it is necessary to stimulate labor, they usually wait 2 hours from the moment of the outpouring of water. – it is impossible to use drugs earlier in order to avoid placental abruption.
  3. During childbirth, drugs are used to improve the contractile functions of the uterus.

Babies who were born with acute polyhydramnios in their mothers most often need urgent resuscitation and further follow-up by neonatologists.

Unfortunately, there is no absolute insurance against polyhydramnios. It is practically impossible to spread “straws” here.

But if you find a pathology at an early date, then treatment may be more successful, and the chances of a favorable pregnancy resolution for the mother and the baby are higher.

The website warns: the information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! If you have any health problems, consult your doctor!

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