
Victoria Talyshinskaya – an exclusive interview about life for

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for colady.ruA popular singer, a member of the Nepara duet, Victoria Talyshinskaya told us about the delights of motherhood, 16-year work in a group, the fight against shortcomings, and also shared the secrets of a happy marriage.

– Victoria, you recently became a mother. How do you manage to combine raising a daughter and a singing career? Was there not a desire to push work into the background, and take care of purely raising a daughter, preserving the family hearth?

– Yes, in October 2016 I became a mother. I try to spend all my free time with my daughter, and when I am busy at work, a wonderful nanny and my mother help me with this.

I try to be constantly engaged in raising my daughter and preserving the hearth. These chores are a joy to me.

But I also love my work very much, and it does not in the least prevent me from taking care of my child sufficiently. Many mothers work, but, nevertheless, they protect their family hearth.

– You became a mother at a fairly mature age – at 39 years old. Do you think this is a good age for motherhood? What are the advantages of motherhood at a conscious age, and what difficulties have you encountered?

– I do not consider the age at which I had a chance to give birth to a child unfavorable. Our daughter and my husband were born consciously, we were absolutely ready for this and really wanted a child.

It seems to me that late motherhood has its unconditional advantages: it allows you to feel everything that, perhaps, eludes young mothers. There are no longer any temptations and desires inherent in young people.

Fortunately, I did not have a chance to face any special difficulties – my pregnancy and the birth itself went well with the great support of my husband.

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

– How has motherhood changed you? Have you noticed that you have acquired new qualities? Or is it the other way around – fears and fears? They say that with the birth of children, women become even more suspicious. Has this happened to you?

– Fears, of course, appear in any woman when she suddenly becomes responsible for a small miracle.

I probably didn’t become suspicious, but more sentimental, very empathizing for mothers with sick children, when I see TV programs about it – yes.

I absolutely cannot watch films where children suffer.

– Do you want more children?

– If God gives us another opportunity to become parents, I will definitely give birth.

– Does your husband help in looking after Varvara? In your opinion, there are some purely female responsibilities in caring for a child, and what can a man do?

– Varya’s code was just born, my husband helped me a lot, moreover, he could independently feed the child, and change the diaper, and change clothes and even rock out. Now, of course, he spends a lot of time at work, and helps with completely different actions.

He is a very responsible dad, he never forgets anything, he is one of those fathers who, even if you wake them up at night, without hesitation, will tell you what vaccinations and when Vara were given, and which still remained. Always remembers what needs to be done for her; when he has time, he walks with us.

– It is known that after giving birth, you, like many other women, had a chance to fight overweight. How did you manage to lose weight?

– Yes, after giving birth I had a chance to fight overweight, and I was able to lose weight – so far, however, not enough.

I am still working on it. I can’t say that I love sports very much – but, nevertheless, I go to the gym three times a week and work out with an individual trainer.

I have a wonderful coach, a former ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, who has developed a system of exercises for me based on where I need to lose weight, and where, in general, I don’t need it.

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

– What are your food preferences? Are there any favorite “harmful things” that you cannot refuse, despite their calorie content or not the most useful composition?

– As such, my favorite “harmfulness”, which I cannot refuse, I do not have.

I don’t use any buns and cakes – simply because I never liked them.

– If it’s not a secret, how do you feel about alcohol? For many, this is a way to relax. And for you? What kind of alcoholic drinks do you prefer?

– When guests come to us, my husband and I prefer dry red wine. But this does not happen often.

– Many girls, despite being slim, feel uncomfortable in their bodies. Why do you think? Have you had any complexes associated with being overweight, or any others, and how did you overcome them?

– As such, complexes associated with being overweight, I didn’t really have it.

I have always said that, although I recovered, I got my daughter in return, whom I love more than anyone else in the world.

Of course, this period of my life was not very pleasant for me. But the kids are worth it!

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

– Do you have any corporate beauty secrets? Do you prefer home care for yourself, or are you a frequent visitor to beauty salons?

– In my life I don’t use makeup at all, I don’t wear smart toilets and high heels. And I feel comfortable in jeans, sneakers and jackets. We live outside the city, so this type of clothing is the most acceptable for walks with a child.

There are, of course, any necessary solemn exits, in addition to my work. But, again, very infrequently.

I go to beauty salons only when necessary: ​​haircut, manicure, pedicure.

– Do you like shopping? What clothes and cosmetics do you buy most often? And in general – how often do you manage to “shop”?

– I have never liked and do not like shopping, I get tired very quickly in stores – and I want to get out of there.

Now I fell in love with shops with children’s clothing. This is where I find it interesting – especially if I have to go somewhere abroad.

But for myself, I rarely buy cosmetics. I love a good face cream – “Guerlain”.

– It is known that there was a break in your creative tandem with Alexander Show. If it’s not a secret, for what reasons, and who initiated the resumption of cooperation?

– Alexander was the initiator of both leaving and returning back to resume cooperation. I didn’t mind.

“Nepara” for me is a whole life. After 16 years of the duo’s existence, it was difficult to get out of the habit, to forget these songs and everything that made our work interesting.

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

– Are you thinking about a solo career? Or, perhaps, you would like to try yourself in new roles?

– I don’t think about a solo career – besides, it’s not as easy as it might seem from the outside. I don’t write songs, and buying them is not cheap.

I do not strive to try myself in new roles. But life is very unpredictable, and no one knows what awaits us tomorrow.

– Victoria, at one time you had a relationship with your group partner Alexander Show. In your opinion, was the joint work influenced to some extent that you broke up? Do you think two artists can be together? Or is it easier to maintain a relationship if at least one person in a pair is not from the world of show business?

– You know, all 16 years of work Alexander and I have been asked about the relationship. Well, firstly, it was before our partnership in a duet, and it was not the joint work that influenced our separation.

We parted not because of joint work, but for personal reasons, which happen to every second young couple.

It seems to me that two artists cannot exist together for long; and, of course, it is easier to maintain a relationship if one of the partners is not from the world of show business.

– In an interview, Alexander said that you like to be late. Do you consider non-punctuality your disadvantage? Do you struggle with her somehow?

– You know, in almost every interview, Alexander talks about my lack.

Yes, this is my huge disadvantage. He comes from my childhood, I always miss 20 minutes in my life. I am of course struggling with this.

Honestly, I’m not very good at it, but I try.

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

– And how did your current spouse, Ivan, conquer you?

– Serious attitude to marriage, mutual respect for each other, decency. The fact that for him the family is the main thing.

We do not have stupid jealousy with him, we are absolutely confident in each other.

– In one of your interviews you said that one of the main secrets of a happy marriage is respect for each other. What is unacceptable in the family for you, and why?

– Definitely a betrayal. I will never forgive him.

– Many families complain that their feelings are “eaten up” by everyday life. Have you encountered a similar problem?

– I cannot say this about our family, because, firstly, our life is decorated with love for our child and for each other.

Secondly, you need to try to please each other as often as possible – and, of course, arrange holidays in your family, albeit small ones.

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

– How much time do you spend with your spouse? Do you think that each person should have a personal space, or do the “halves” need to spend almost all their free time together?

– As for personal space, we have it: Vanya has his favorite work, and I also.

Well, after work we always strive to spend our free time together. When we put our baby to bed, we sit on the veranda in the evenings, discussing something.

We always have something to talk about.

– What is your favorite pastime with your daughter?

– With my daughter, I really like to play at home or go for a walk. We go with her to playgrounds, where she communicates with other kids, they make cakes in the sandbox or ride on merry-go-rounds and slides.

Recently, we began to take Varya to dances, where children up to three years old are engaged, we already have certain successes.

And the other day I brought her to Moscow, we visited the zoo, and the observation deck on the Lenin mountains, and the Old Arbat, and a beautiful square with a pond near the Novodevichy Convent. Vara liked it very much. But three days later, when we arrived home, she happily ran to greet her toys in the playroom, she got bored (smiles).

– Victoria, can you say that today you are an absolutely happy person, or is there something missing? What is “happiness” in your understanding?

– Yes, I can say with confidence that today I am absolutely happy.

Our happiness often depends on ourselves, on the state of mind that we allow ourselves.

And yet, it seems to me that if everyone is healthy, there will be no injustices in the world – and, God forbid, wars – then this is already happiness when you are surrounded by people dear to your heart.

Victoria Talyshinskaya - an exclusive interview about life for

Especially for Women’s magazine

We thank Victoria for an interesting conversation! We wish her family happiness and success in all endeavors, always stay in harmony with herself, her creativity and the world around her!

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