
Wedding in September – features, signs, customs, calendar

A wedding, being one of the most important events in a woman’s life, requires a special approach: even the tiniest, insignificant details acquire a certain meaning.

An important day is scheduled for autumn. Wedding in September – what are the signs, traditions and customs? If you do not want to lag behind the cultural heritage of our people, then this information is for you.

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See: How to organize an interesting bachelorette party before the wedding.

The content of the article:

To be or not to be a wedding in September: folk signs and predictions

Regardless of whether a woman is superstitious or not, before the wedding she will definitely inquire about signs on this topic, listen to what the oracles say, and check if the stars favor the newlyweds this month and day. This legacy of our ancestors has undergone some changes, but for the most part, it still has survived to this day.

Wedding in September – folk signs:

  • The wedding, which was played this month, promises to be the beginning of a strong and long family union.
  • Relationships promise to be harmonious and warm, the house – a full cup, with comfort and prosperity.
  • You cannot play a wedding this month with borrowed money – the prosperity promised by a sign will turn into serious debts.
  • Promises wealth and rain that will fall unexpectedly during the ceremony.
  • Windy weather during a wedding promises the same windy life for spouses.
  • The reliability of the marriage union also depends on the time of day – it is better to choose the time before noon.
  • You cannot play a wedding on your birthday.

Whatever the signs tell us, the main thing is to remember that they come true only if they attach too much importance.

Advantages and disadvantages of a September wedding

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Compared to summer or winter, a September wedding has a lot of advantages:

  • No frost and scorching heat – perfect velvet weather. Warm enough to put on almost any dress and indulge in the pleasure of high-quality photography and walking.
  • The beauty of the autumn landscape will significantly decorate the wedding album.
  • September colors will also help in decorating a festive table, hall and even dress.
  • Wedding bouquets in September will be more varied and original. See: How to keep a bouquet of fresh flowers for a long time.
  • In September, the cost of fruits and vegetables is much lower. Which, by the way, are much more.
  • In September, all friends and relatives have already returned from vacations. That is, you do not have to worry that someone very important will not be at the wedding.
  • The cost of wedding services in September will be lower.
  • There will also be no special problems with queues at the registry office or with ordering a restaurant.

Concerning cons of September wedding, only one can be distinguished – this is the unpredictability of the weather. A sudden rain or sudden cold snap can spoil your mood a little.

Customs and traditions of weddings in September

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Unlike the end of autumn, golden September is sun, warm weather, an abundance of fruits, leaves underfoot and … September wedding traditions.
What customs are known at weddings this month?

  • Necessarily – photo session against the background of falling colorful foliage… Autumn parks, yellow and red tree caps, a light wind that slightly lifts the dress – wonderful romantic shots that neither winter nor summer newlyweds can boast of.
  • The festive table is a solid still life from paintings of artists of the 19th century. Decorations from pumpkins, apples, watermelons. Fruit compositions. Fresh mushroom dishes. Orange, yellow-red shades in the decoration of tables and rooms, including autumn bouquets, etc.
  • When decorating the hall, maple / oak leaves are used, decorative baskets with berries, rowan branches and even acorns with cones. And with the help of apples, you can arrange seating cards.
  • September wedding menu Are autumn vegetables and fruits in abundance. Of course, pumpkins with eggplants are unlikely to be eaten by anyone, but they are suitable for decorating dishes. Desserts are dishes made from berries and fruits, and the wedding cake is decorated in an autumn style, using hazelnuts and chocolate.
  • For those brides who want originality in a wedding dress, you can choose not a classic white dress, but dress in autumn shades – bronze, gold, orange, red and yellow… Better from satin or brocade. And, it is desirable that the sleeves are long (just in case).
  • September bridal bouquet is teardrop shape and autumn shades… Of the flowers, chrysanthemums, red calla lilies, yellow roses or gerberas in the same September range are usually chosen. The bouquet contains bunches of mountain ash, wheat ears and maple leaves.

Wedding calendar September 2021 – which day will be the most favorable for a wedding

children at the wedding 2
Photo by Pixabay

Days of the week and wedding signs:

  • Wedding in Monday – prosperity for future spouses.
  • Tuesday – good health for both.
  • Wednesday – harmonious relationships, well-being.
  • Thursday – will only bind money.
  • Friday – quarrels in family life.
  • Saturday – “the stars are in favor.”
  • Sunday Is the perfect day for a wedding.

The best days to get married according to the lunar calendar 2021

  • From the 11th (starting from 9.36) to the 12th (until 15.35) September.
  • September 22nd (until 21.36).

But our ancestors for the wedding in September chose 3rd and 6th, 12th and 17th, and 24th and 27th… These days, in their opinion, were endowed with a special mystical meaning, and the families born on these days were accompanied by wealth, joy and warmth of relations.

Church wedding in September 2021

If you are going to get married in September, then all superstitions, prejudices, “prophetic dreams” and fantasies are set aside. Faith, wedding and superstition are incompatible concepts. But for the Orthodox Church, there are periods when it is simply impossible to get married. It depends, of course, on church calendar, church traditions and the number of weddings on the selected day.

What does the church calendar say about the wedding in September 2021?

The wedding is impossible:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays, preceding the fast days.
  • On Saturdayspreceding public holidays.
  • V temple holidays (days when the names of the saints given to the temples are glorified).
  • During menstruation (don’t forget to check your personal calendar).

Auspicious days for the wedding in September 2021

The most favorable days for a wedding in September 2021 are September 19, 22 and 29.

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