
What is the hidden meaning of the cartoon “Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile”

“- I like this beast. He, you know, looks like a defective toy, so to speak.

– You will work with us. Stand in a window and, so to speak, attract the attention of passers-by. Clear?

– Yes it is clear. Where will I live?

– Live? Where will you live? Yes, at least here. This will be your home, so to speak. Clear?

– Yes”.

Everyone’s beloved Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile became famous not only in their native country, but all over the world. This cartoon, originally intended for children, has become a favorite for many adults, because cute and kind moments reflect the whole essence of growing up, and also teach children to be responsible for their actions.

The history of the creation of the cartoon

What is the hidden meaning of the cartoon "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile" and why is it so loved all over the world?

The animated plot was based on the book by Eduard Uspensky “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”. The film itself was released in 1969. The Soyuzmultfilm film studio has taken up the task of creating a memorable image of Cheburashka and a funny crocodile.

The history of the cartoon is confusing and interesting. The author himself, Roman Kachanov, together with Adzhubya, with whom they worked all the time, saw an interesting picture: the children were enthusiastically reading the book by Eduard Uspensky. The next day Roman went to the bookstore, bought the same edition and came to a friend with the words: “We are making a film based on it.”

After that, the exciting work began on creating a memorable story. The heroes turned out by themselves, and their image was born right before our eyes.

Author’s idea

Since the cartoon was staged based on the tale of the same name-story by Uspensky, the meaning of the cartoon was transferred from the pages of the book to the screen. The main idea of ​​the piece is to help people. It is difficult for a person without friends, and if there are people who are ready to help at any second, then life will become much easier and easier.


Roman Kachanov himself liked the simple and understandable message that could easily be reflected in the cartoon. The cartoonist has always glorified light, but deep ideas, because the main thing is hidden in them – good is most important, it lives forever.

Who is Cheburashka?

“- Who are you?

– I do not know…

– You, by any chance, are not a bear cub?

– May be. I do not know”.


Cheburashka is the main character of a fairy tale, as well as the central person in the Kachanov cartoon. It is a clumsy animal with large ears and childish, innocent eyes. Looking at him, it is difficult to imagine that such a creature can do something bad or at least somehow offend.

The name Cheburashka was invented by Eduard Uspensky himself. Cheburashka was called her niece, who constantly fell and got into trouble. Animators have long been inventing this character. According to polls, many compare Cheburashka with such animals as:

  • koala;
  • sloth;
  • Mona the monkey.

Cheburashka is a cute character who is liked by all his appearance, kind heart and open soul.

Whom do crocodile Gena and Shapoklyak represent?

Two other equally important characters are the crocodile Gena and the old woman Shapoklyak. According to the author himself, he copied Shapoklyak from his first wife, but there are coincidences with his mother-in-law. Shapoklyak always wore an old-fashioned headdress, and with her was her faithful companion – the rat Larisa.

“- Whoever helps people is just wasting time.

Good deeds don’t make you famous, haha.

Therefore, I advise everyone and everyone

Do everything exactly like that

As an old woman named Shapoklyak does.

As an old woman named Shapoklyak does. “


Gena is a strange character, because no one knows why the author portrayed him so sad and with whom he described him. It is only known that this is a crocodile who loves his cigar so much, wears a red jacket, an unusual hat and tie.

“- It’s good, it’s good that you are green and flat.

– But why?

– Very simple. You are lying on the lawn and you are not visible. We throw the wallet on a string …

– A passer-by bends down – and the wallet runs away. Great? Great, huh?

– No, not great.

– And even very stupid.

– What? Then I declare war on you. Hey!”


Why is this cartoon so loved all over the world?

The main question is why the Russian Cheburashka liked the people of other countries so much? It all started in Japan, when in 2003 local animator Makoto Nakamura decided to film a sequel to the famous storyline.

What is the hidden meaning of the cartoon "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile" and why is it so loved all over the world?

His attitude towards this character turned out to be very reverent. The main reason why compatriots fell in love with this character so much are childish naive traits that adults lose so quickly. The Japanese love simplicity and beauty. In Japanese, there are concepts such as:

  • yugen, which means untold beauty;
  • Wabi Sabi, which speaks of modest beauty.

These features and concepts Cheburashka reflected in his image, and that is why he attracted not only Russian viewers, but also people from other countries.

Cheburashka is a primordially Russian character who, with his unique simplicity and ease, was able to win the hearts of millions of people around the globe. The best thing is that it is simple, so the cartoon will live forever and delight everyone with its heroes.

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