
Which private kindergartens should not be sent to children – safety rules and important criteria

How to choose a private kindergartenNot all mothers can take care of their babies on their own before they enter school, and a working mother does not always have the opportunity to leave a child to grandmothers. In addition, there are many parents who consider kindergarten an essential component of the full development of children.

But – alas! – not every mother who wants to send a child to a kindergarten is able to do this – there are simply not enough kindergartens for everyone. And parents are familiar with this problem, who have been in the queue for the garden for more than one year, not by hearsay.

The only way out is a private kindergarten. What to look for when choosing it?

The content of the article:

  1. Choosing a kindergarten according to the direction of activity
  2. Choosing a private kindergarten or nursery according to the training program
  3. What to ask, what to see when choosing a kindergarten?

What private kindergartens are there – we choose a kindergarten in the direction of activity of the educational institution

A rare mother turns a blind eye to the conditions in the state kindergarten. And even more closely, parents study private institutions of a similar nature.

In reputable private kindergartens (and not set up at home by incomprehensible individuals without the appropriate permits, documents, etc.), as a rule, children have everything they need – high-quality food, safety, curriculum, interesting leisure time, professional teachers, etc. Of course, education of a kid in such a preschool institution “will cost a pretty penny”, but if financial opportunities still allow, then this is a wonderful investment in the development of children.

Departmental and private kindergarten – we compare, analyze the pros and cons

What are modern private gardens – classification according to the direction of work of institutions:

  • General development institution with a choice of development directions. For example, a mother wants to develop the child’s artistic talents, or pay attention to his intellectual abilities. The priority gardens have all the possibilities for the realization of mother’s and children’s wishes.
  • Development center. Such institutions are usually designed for integrated learning, and the child has the opportunity to develop in many ways. In the development center, children are provided with fine art studios and swimming pools, modern computer classes and gyms, theater activities and other activities for general development.
  • The institution is of a combined type. Or, as the people say, “nursery-garden”. Very small toddlers are usually brought to such a kindergarten, and development groups are divided into recreational, combined and general.
  • Compensatory institution for developmental correction. Children with various diseases are expected here, in which a special pedagogical approach is required – with speech or vision impairments, with problems of the musculoskeletal system, etc. In this kindergarten, only professionals are responsible for the children, who can not only prepare the kids for school, but also improve their health.
  • Private kindergarten at home Not the best option for a child (as a rule), but sometimes the only option for a parent. As a rule, it is cheaper to give a child to such a garden, located in a spacious private apartment equipped for teaching kids, than to the institutions described above. The number of children in groups rarely exceeds 7-8 people, and the comfort in the rooms allows you to provide a homely atmosphere in which the kids will feel more comfortable.

Video: Good kindergarten – School of Doctor Komarovsky

Choosing a private kindergarten or nursery according to the training program

Choosing a private garden for your child is always a difficult process that requires special attention. After all, the child does not just spend half the day in the garden and absorb everything that the teachers give him in the garden – he also has to pay a lot of money for training. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly study the institution before giving the baby there.

All kindergartens, including private kindergartens, work according to specific educational programs.

If there is no clear educational program in the kindergarten, it is not recommended to send a child to it!

In most private modern kindergartens, teachers work according to one or several programs at once, choosing both Russian and foreign methods:

  • Montessori technique. When learning according to this program, kids are taught, first of all, independence, broaden their horizons, and are guided towards creative search. Alas, not all teachers who teach kids using this method are professionals in it, as a result of which there is simply no real return on training.
  • Cecile Lupan technique. In this case, the idea is to encourage the motor activity of toddlers, to lay down the language basis, to stimulate the baby’s five senses and to encourage any of his efforts in knowing himself and the world. The essence of the technique is smart care without violating the personal space of children.

Also, many private gardens work according to Russian programs, the most popular of which are:

  • Kindergarten is a house of joy. In this technique, parents participate in the upbringing process to no less extent than teachers, and the main emphasis is placed on the development of individuality and maximum activity.
  • Harmony. This program prepares toddlers for school by developing creativity and artistic / intellectual abilities.
  • Origins… A comprehensive technique for toddlers 2-7 years old, which allows to give a start for the full development of all children, regardless of their preparedness, as well as to strengthen their health and prepare them for school in many ways.
  • Rainbow. High-quality program for effective preparation of kids for school. With this technique, children will be taught to read and count, think logically, express their thoughts coherently, and so on. “Rainbow” will give children confidence in their abilities and teach them not to give up even on the most difficult obstacles.
  • Development… This program covers most areas of work with kids, and the emphasis is on the development of artistic and intellectual talents, on expanding knowledge through experimentation, on an independent search for solutions to various creative problems.
  • Childhood. A technique with an emphasis on the development of the creative “I” (dance and music, folklore, arts and crafts, etc.).

In some private gardens, specialists compile own methodswhich, in fact, turn out to be very effective.

In addition, it is not uncommon for division into weak and strong classeswhich occurs after the children pass the tests. In the weak group, the usual “kindergarten” program is taught, and in the strong group, the training is more in-depth and intensive.

It is also worth noting that, unlike government institutions, most private kindergartens teach foreign languages, which, of course, becomes the advantage of such institutions.

Video: Private kindergartens

Close attention to detail: step-by-step study of the conditions and safety rules in a private kindergarten – what to ask and what to see?

If the decision – to send the baby to a private garden – has already matured, and you are in search of the best institution, then recommendations on the right choice of garden will come in handy.

What, first of all, should you pay attention to when choosing a kindergarten for your child?

  • Premises. It should be bright, well lit, clean and safe. There should be no unpleasant odors. Pay attention to the presence of a sleeping and play area, a dining room, a toilet, hangers or lockers for each baby. Naturally, the premises intended for the garden (regardless of whether it is an apartment, a cottage or a separate building) should not be used for anyone’s residence.
  • Documentation. They should be checked first. The owners must have documents for the premises itself, for the implementation of educational activities (licenses, certificates, etc.). Read the agreement carefully – as a rule, you can find many pitfalls in it. It is better to take this document with you before signing and calmly re-read it at home. In addition to the clause on payment, pay special attention to the clauses on helping children and on the responsibility of the kindergarten for the health of children, as well as on the list of services provided by the kindergarten. Important: no “penalties” should appear in the contract – this is illegal.
  • Educators and educators. It is to them that you will trust your children, so we check to see if they have books, appropriate education and experience, personal charm. For one group of kids, with their number of 10-15 people, there should be 2 adults (for example, a teacher and an assistant). Pay attention to how adequately and generally well-meaning these specialists answer your questions.
  • About the number of babies. Naturally, the fewer there are in the group, the more careful control over them, care, etc. The maximum number of children in a group at which quality care remains is 10.
  • The presence of a doctor, nurse, child psychologist. In kindergarten, this staff must be present without fail. In addition, it is important to inquire about the possibilities of the kindergarten in emergency situations when first aid is needed. And you should also ask about how the payment for the garden is carried out in the event of a child’s illness.
  • Walking. Not all private gardens welcome walks. And not all gardens will have conditions for such walks. For example, if the garden is in the apartment, and the teacher is a neighbor, then she is unlikely to cope with 10 children on the street. At the same time, a solid private garden may simply not have its own territory for walking or the necessary conditions on the site (reliable fencing from the road, safe slides and swings, etc.).
  • Nutrition. Take an interest – what they feed the children, look at the menu, study the suppliers of products or dishes to the garden.
  • Quiet hour. Each kid in the garden should have their own private place for a quiet hour. Be curious about how things are with the bedding, and if it is given out in the garden, then how often it is washed, etc.
  • The price of the issue. Naturally, mothers ask this question first of all. But it is important to remember that the amount at the end of the month can grow unexpectedly due to additional services. Therefore, find out in advance whether food is included in the agreed amount, and what additional services may be added to you. It will also be important to know about the presence / absence of the possibility of hourly payment for incomplete visit days or refunds for days missed due to illness.
  • Opening hours of the institution. Naturally, the longer it works, the higher the chances that the garden works “like clockwork”, and in this case the system has long been well debugged. In addition, the work of the kindergarten “until the last child” will be convenient for mothers who sometimes have to stay late at work.

And given our turbulent times, it’s important to be curious – is there a guard in the garden, and how well (and by whom) is tracked – who enters the garden and who leaves it.

The possibility that a stranger (or a child) can easily enter the territory of the kindergarten is the reason for refusing such a garden.

Video: 5 common mistakes parents make when choosing a kindergarten

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