
10 best books for boys and girls 3 years old

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which books are better to read with a baby of three years old, because children even at this age not only have different interests, but also differ from each other in intellectual development. Someone is already able to assimilate long enough stories and stories, someone is not even interested in short stories and poems.

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How do children perceive books at 3 years old?

As a rule, the different perception of books by three-year-old children depends on several factors:

  • How much the child is accustomed to spending time with his parents and what is the use of joint activities with mom and dad for the baby
  • To what extent the child is psychologically ready for the perception of books
  • How much the parents tried to instill in their baby a love of reading.

Situations are different, as well as the degree of readiness of the child to read together. The main thing for parents do not compare your child with others (“Zhenya is already listening to” Buratino “and mine is not even interested in” Turnip “), but remember that every child has his own pace of development. But this does not mean that parents should give up and just wait until the child wants to. In any case, you need to deal with the baby, starting with short rhymes, funny fairy tales. In this case, the main goal should be set not to “master” a certain amount of literature, but do everything to instill in the child an interest in reading

Why should a child read?

With the development of modern technology, one often hears the question: “Why should a child read?” Of course, both a TV and a computer with educational programs are not a bad thing. But they still cannot be compared with a book read by their parents, primarily for the following reasons:

  • Educational moment: mom or dad, reading a book, focus the child’s attention on episodes that are important in educational terms specifically for their baby;
  • Communication with parents, in which not only the child’s attitude to the world around him is formed, but also the ability to communicate with other people;
  • Formation of the emotional sphere: the reaction to the intonation of the reading parent’s voice helps to form the child’s ability to empathize, nobility, the ability to perceive the world at a sensory level;
  • Development of imagination and literate speech, broadening one’s horizons.

What do psychologists say?

Of course, every kid is different, and his perception of reading books will be individual. Nevertheless, psychologists identify several general recommendations that will help parents make reading together not only enjoyable, but also productive:

  • Reading books to a kid pay special attention to intonation, facial expressions, gestures: at the age of three, the child is not so much interested in the plot as in the actions and experiences of the characters, the kid learns to react correctly to life situations.
  • Clearly identify good and bad deeds in a fairy tale, highlight good and bad heroes… At the age of three, the child clearly divides the world into black and white, and with the help of a fairy tale, the child now understands life, learns to behave correctly.
  • Poems are an important element in reading together. They develop speech, expand the child’s vocabulary.
  • Among the huge variety of books in stores, not all are suitable for a toddler. When choosing a book, pay attention to the fact that does the book carry a moral load, is there an instructive subtext in the book… Your best bet is to buy already tried and tested books.

10 best books for 3 year olds

1. Collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time …”
Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3This is a wonderful colorful book that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. The book includes not only fifteen of the most beloved Russian fairy tales by kids, but also folk riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, tongue twisters.
The world that a child learns through the relationship of the fairytale heroes of Russian folklore becomes for him not only clearer and more colorful, but also kinder and fairer.
The book includes the following tales: “Ryaba chicken”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Bubble, straw and bast shoes”, “Geese-swans”, “Snow Maiden”, “Verlioka”, “Morozko”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” , “Little fox-sister and gray wolf”, “Cockerel and a grain of beans”, “Fear has big eyes”, “Three bears” (L. Tolstoy), “Cat, cock and fox”.
Parents’ comments on the collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time”


This book is the finest edition of famous Russian fairy tales that I have come across. The eldest daughter (she is three years old) immediately fell in love with the book for its wonderful colorful illustrations.
Fairy tales are presented in the most folkloric version, which is also attractive. In addition to the text of fairy tales, there are nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles and sayings. Would highly recommend to all parents.


Very kind fairy tales in a wonderful presentation. Before this book, I could not force my son to listen to Russian folk tales until I bought this book.

2. V. Bianchi “Fairy tales for kids”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3Children at the age of three are very fond of the stories and tales of V. Bianchi. There is hardly a kid who would not like animals, and Bianchi’s books will therefore not only be interesting, but also very informative: the child learns many interesting facts about nature and animals.

Bianchi’s tales of animals are not just interesting: they teach goodness, teach friendships and help friends in difficult situations.

Parents’ comments on V. Bianchi’s book “Fairy Tales for Kids”


My son is very fond of all kinds of spider bugs. We decided to try to read him a fairy tale about an ant who was in a hurry to go home. I was afraid that she would not listen – he is generally a fidget, but oddly enough he listened to the whole story in its entirety. Now this book is our favorite. We read one or two fairy tales a day, he especially likes the fairy tale “Sinichkin Calendar”.


A very successful book in my opinion – a good selection of fairy tales, wonderful illustrations.

3. Book of fairy tales by V. Suteev

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3Probably, there is no such person who would not know the tales of V. Suteev. This book is one of the most complete collections ever published.

The book is divided into three sections:

1. V. Suteev – author and artist (includes his fairy tales, pictures and fairy tales written and illustrated by him)
2. According to the scenarios of V. Suteev
3. Fairy tales with illustrations by Suteev. (K. Chukovsky, M. Plyatskovsky, I. Kipnis).
Reviews of parents about the book of fairy tales by Suteev


For a long time I chose which edition of Suteev’s fairy tales to choose. Still, I stopped at this book, primarily because the collection includes many different fairy tales, not only by Suteev himself, but also by other authors with his illustrations. I was very pleased that the book included Kipnis’s tales. Wonderful book, wonderful design, highly recommend to everyone!

4. Roots Chukovsky “Seven best fairy tales for kids”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3The name of Korney Chukovsky speaks for itself. This edition includes the most famous fairy tales of the author, on which more than one generation of children grew up. The book is large in format, well and colorfully designed, the illustrations are very bright and entertaining. The little reader will definitely like it.

Reviews of parents about the Seven best fairy tales for kids by Korney Chukovsky


I always liked the works of Chukovsky – they are easy to remember, very bright and imaginative. After two readings, my daughter began to quote whole pieces from fairy tales by heart (before that, they did not want to learn by heart).

5. G. Oster, M. Plyatskovsky “A kitten named Woof and other fairy tales”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3A cartoon about a kitten named Woof is loved by many children. The more interesting it will be for kids to read this book.
The book unites under its cover the fairy tales of two authors – G. Oster (“Kitten named Woof”) and M. Plyatskovsky with drawings by V. Suteev.
Despite the fact that the illustrations differ from the images of the cartoon, children will like the selection of fairy tales.
Parents’ comments on the book “A Kitten named Woof and Other Tales”


We love this cartoon very much, that’s why our book went off with a bang. Both the daughter and the son love the heroes of fairy tales. They love to recite small stories by heart (as a daughter we love “Secret Language”, and for their son they prefer “Jump and Jump”). The illustrations, although they differ from the cartoon, also pleased the children.


Plyatskovsky’s tales about Kryachik the duckling and other animals have become a discovery for children, we read all the tales with pleasure. I would like to note the convenient format of the book – we always take it on the road.

6. D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alenushkin’s Tales”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3A bright and colorful book will introduce your child to children’s classics. The artistic language of Mamin-Sibiryak’s fairy tales is colorful, rich and imaginative.

The collection includes four fairy tales from the cycle “The Tale of the Little Hoop”, “The Tale of the Brave Hare”, “The Tale of the Komar-Komarovich” and “The Tale of the Little Voronushka-Black Head”.

Parents’ comments on the book “Alenushkin’s Tales” by Mamin-Sibiryak


The book is great for kids three to four years old. My son and I began to read it at the age of two and eight months and overcame all the fairy tales quickly enough. Now this is our favorite book.


I chose the book because of the design: colorful illustrations and little text on the page – what a small child needs.

7. G. Tsyferov “Locomotive from Romashkovo”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3The most famous fairy tale by the children’s writer G. Tsyferov – “The locomotive from Romashkovo” is rightfully considered a classic of children’s literature.

In addition to this fairy tale, the book also includes other works of the writer: There lived an elephant in the world, A story about a piglet, Steamer, About an elephant and a bear cub, Stupid frog and other fairy tales.

G. Tsyferov’s fairy tales teach children to see, understand and appreciate the beauty in life, to be kind and sympathetic.

Parents’ comments on the book “The Locomotive from Romashkovo” by Tsyferov


This is a must-read book for your kid! The story about the little train, in my opinion, is especially useful, and the children really like it.


The book itself is colorful and very easy to read and view pictures.

8. Nikolay Nosov “The Big Book of Stories”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3More than one generation has grown up on the books of this wonderful writer. Together with children, adults will gladly re-read funny and instructive stories about dreamers, a living hat and Mishka’s porridge.

Reviews of the great book of stories by Nosov


I bought the book for my son, but did not even expect that he would like it so much – we do not part with it for a minute. She herself is also very pleased with the purchase – not only because of the good selection of stories, but also because of the classic drawings and excellent printing.


My daughter loves this book! All the stories are very interesting to her. And I remember very much in my childhood.

9. Hans Christian Anderson “Fairy Tales”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3This collection includes eight fairy tales by the famous Danish writer: Thumbelina, The Ugly Duckling, Flint (complete), The Little Mermaid, The Snow Queen, Wild Swans, The Princess and the Pea, and The Tin Soldier (abbreviated). Andersen’s fairy tales have long become classics and are very loved by children.

This collection is perfect for the first acquaintance of the kid with the work of the writer.

Parents’ comments on the Tales of G.Kh. Anderson


The book was presented to us. Despite the bright illustrations and adapted text, I thought that these fairy tales would not work for a three-year-old boy. But now we have a favorite book (especially the fairy tale about Thumbelina).

10. A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Buratino”

Favorite children's books and fairy tales at the age of 3Despite the fact that the book is recommended for primary school age, children at the age of three are happy to listen to the tale of the adventures of a wooden boy. This edition successfully combines large text (convenient for older children to read on their own), and kind and colorful illustrations (like children two or three years old).
Reviews of parents about the adventures of Pinocchio


We started reading the book with our daughter when she was two and nine. This is our first “big” fairy tale – which was read several evenings in a row.


I really liked the illustrations in the book, although they differ from those familiar to me from childhood, they are very successful and kind. Now we play Pinocchio every day and re-read the tale. My daughter also likes to draw scenes from a fairy tale herself.

And what kind of fairy tales do you love when you are 3 years old? Share with us!

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