
10 reasons to leave work early

You came to work, but the mood is not at all working? Look at the amount of work that needs to be done, but thoughts fly away from the workplace, somewhere to fragrant nature, where the foliage of trees rustles with inspiration, and birds are singing or somewhere in a warm corner of your house, where you want to relax in peace or just Do you want to watch a match of your favorite team on TV?

There is a way out – to find suitable reasons to leave work early.

10 important reasons to take time off from work early - looking for plausible reasons
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Also read: 10 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Your Chef at Work.

Often, management does not welcome spontaneous leaving work ahead of time, as well as being late for it. Therefore, so that the boss does not have unnecessary questions, you need to find compelling reasonsto take time off from work.

Read also: 30 effective excuses for the boss if you are late for work.

When talking with the boss, your voice should not tremble, you should not mumble and tell in detail the reason why you want to leave work. Just state the purpose of your conversation clearly and confidently.

Immediately from the list of weighty arguments, you can exclude reasons such as lack of sleep, overwork, absent-mindedness, but:

  1. Unbearable toothache is a weighty argument. You can make a martyr’s face and say that the pills do not help and an urgent need to visit the dentist.
  2. Real estate issues… Registration of documents for the purchase, sale or exchange of an apartment, house or other real estate is quite useful to leave work early.
  3. Family matters… The child has the first matinee in kindergarten, parental meeting or the first call at school, as well as health problems of your relatives – for such reasons, the boss will definitely allow you to leave work early.
  4. Everyday problems… You were flooded by neighbors or someone flooded, the lock on the front door does not work, and you are waiting for the emergency service – the reasons why you can not come to work at all, if, of course, you warn your superiors in time.
  5. Transport. If you have a personal car, then taking time off from work will not be difficult for you. After all, a car can stall halfway through, break down, or just stand in a traffic jam for an unlimited time. Another option for a plausible “excuse” from a working day for a non-superstitious person can serve as the theft of a car. In this case, you tell the chief that you will be at the police station all day, so you will not come to work today.
  6. Exams passage. This, of course, is a weighty argument, but after assessing knowledge at a university or driving school, you will have to submit to the boss a document that confirms your presence there, and not at the workplace.
  7. Visiting official authorities. For example, you urgently need to get to the passport office, gas service or water utility. This will serve as a decent option for taking time off from work.
  8. Blood donation – another argument thanks to which you can take time off from work for the whole day. According to our legislation, the donor is entitled to two paid days after donating blood. But nobody will do your job for you. Therefore, we can say that you are going to donate blood to a friend who needs exactly your blood type, but literally the next day you will definitely be at your workplace.
  9. Visit to the hospital. You can approach the boss and say that you feel pain in your chest, that you have not done fluorography for a long time, that there are suspicions of tuberculosis or pneumonia, and in order to dispel all doubts, you need to take time off from work for a day and do lung fluorography.
  10. Meeting of relatives. Sometimes it happens that relatives come to visit, whom you have not seen for a very long time. You need to meet them from the train or from the plane – they will not be able to do without you, and for you this is an opportunity to leave work early.
man at work
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If you do not want to look for some reason to take time off from work, but you want to take a break from workdays very much, then write without any explanations and imaginary reasons application for one day without pay… The chef will let you go in any case, and you will rest and start working with renewed vigor.

See also: How to avoid workaholism at work – important rules.

Whatever you find a reasoned and weighty reason to take time off from work, do not forget that this should not be abused. According to research by psychologists, too frequent absences from work cause resentment even in a patient boss, so do not abuse the trust of management: take time off only in extreme cases.

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