
Adaptation to the school of a first grader – problems and solutions

Features of adaptation of first graders to schoolHaving crossed the threshold of school, the child finds himself in a completely new world for him. Perhaps the child has been waiting for this moment for a long time, but he will have to adapt to a new life, where new trials, friends and knowledge await him. What difficulties can a first grader have in adapting to school? Learn about the problems of adapting first graders to school. Learn how to help your child adapt to learning and overcome challenges. Is your baby just going to kindergarten? Read about adapting your child to kindergarten.

The content of the article:

Children do not all adapt equally. Someone quickly joins a new team and is included in the learning process, while someone takes time.

What is adaptation to school and what factors does it depend on?

Features of adaptation of first graders to school Adaptation is the restructuring of the body to work in changed conditions. Adaptation to school has two sides: psychological and physiological.

Physiological adaptation includes several stages:

  • “Acute adaptation” (first 2 – 3 weeks). This is the most difficult period for a child. During this period, the child’s body responds to everything new with a strong tension of all systems, as a result of which in September the child is susceptible to diseases.
  • An unstable device. During this period, the child finds close to optimal responses to new conditions.
  • A period of relatively stable adaptation. During this period, the child’s body reacts to stress with less stress.

In general, adaptation lasts from 2 to 6 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

The impairment of adaptation depends on several factors:

  • Adaptation of the child to schoolInsufficient preparation of the child for school;
  • Prolonged deprivation;
  • Somatic weakness of the child;
  • Violation of the formation of certain mental functions;
  • Violation of cognitive processes;
  • Violation of the formation of school skills;
  • Movement disorders;
  • Emotional disorders;
  • Sociability and socialization.

Features of adaptation to school of a first grader, levels of adaptation to school

Levels of adaptation of the child to schoolEach first grader has his own characteristics of adaptation to school. To understand how the child adapts, it is recommended to learn about the levels of adaptation to school:

  • High level of adaptation.
    The child adapts well to new conditions, has a positive attitude towards teachers and school, easily assimilates educational material, finds a common language with classmates, studies diligently, listens to the teacher’s explanations, shows great interest in independent study of the program, happily completes homework, etc.
  • Average level of adaptation.
    The child has a positive attitude towards school, understands the educational material, performs typical exercises on his own, is attentive when completing assignments, concentrates only when he is interested, performs public assignments in good faith, is friends with many classmates.
  • Low level of adaptation.
    Disorders of adaptation to school in a first graderThe child speaks negatively about the school and teachers, complains about health, often changes mood, there is a violation of discipline, does not absorb educational material, is distracted in the classroom, does not regularly do homework, when performing typical exercises, teacher’s help is required, does not get along with classmates, social assignments performs under guidance, passive.

The problem of adaptation in the school of a first grader – the causes and signs of maladjustment

Disadaptation of a child to schoolDisadaptation can be understood as expressed problems that do not allow the child to learn and the occurrence of any difficulties associated with learning (deterioration in mental and physical health, difficulties in reading and writing, etc.). Sometimes maladjustment is difficult to notice.
The most typical manifestations of maladjustment:

Mental disorders:

  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Poor appetite
  • Fatigue;
  • Inappropriate behavior;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Violation of the tempo of speech, etc.

Neurotic disorders:

  • Enuresis;
  • Stuttering;
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.

Asthenic conditions:

  • Reasons for the maladjustment of a child at school Decrease in body weight;
  • Pallor;
  • Bruising under the eyes;
  • Low efficiency;
  • Increased fatigue, etc.
  • Reducing the body’s resistance to the outside world: the child is often sick. How to improve immunity?
  • Decreased learning motivation and self-esteem.
  • Increased anxiety and constant emotional stress.

For the adaptation of the first grader to be successful, it is necessary to help the child. This should be done not only by parents, but also by teachers. If a child cannot adapt even with the help of parents, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. In this case, a child psychologist.

How to help your child adapt to school: recommendations for parents

  • How to help your child adjust to schoolInvolve your child in the preparatory process for school. Buy stationery together, notebooks, students, organize a workplace, etc. The child must himself realize that visible changes are taking place in his life. Make school preparation a game.
  • Create a daily routine. Make your schedule clear and clear. Thanks to the schedule, the child will feel confident and will not forget anything. Over time, the first grader will learn to manage his time without a schedule and will better adapt to school. If the child copes without a schedule, there is no need to insist on drawing up one. Alternate activities to avoid overwork. It is necessary to include only the main points in the schedule: lessons at school, homework, circles and sections, etc. Do not include in the schedule time for games and rest, otherwise he will rest all the time.
  • Adaptation of a first grader to schoolIndependence. To adapt to school, the child must learn to be independent. Of course, you do not need to send your child to school alone from the first days – this is not a manifestation of independence. But picking up a portfolio, doing homework, and folding toys is self-reliance.
  • Games. A first grader is, first of all, a child and he needs to play. Games for first graders are not only rest, but also a change of activity, from which he can learn a lot of new and useful things about the world around him.
  • Helping a first grader to adapt to schoolThe authority of the teacher. Explain to the first grader that the teacher is an authority that means a lot to the child. In no case do not undermine the authority of the teacher in front of the child, if something does not suit you, talk directly with the teacher.
  • Help your first grader adapt to the challenging school life. Do not forget to help your child in difficult times and explain incomprehensible tasks. Parental support during school adaptation is very important for children.

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