
All the dangers of varicose veins during pregnancy – types of varicose veins in pregnant women

Varicose veins during pregnancyEvery mother who has taken place knows very well that pregnancy is not only happy moments in anticipation of her little one, but also various “surprises” that are essential for bearing a child.

One of the most common such “surprises” is varicose veins, which occurs in 50 percent of expectant mothers. And, alas, this figure is growing from year to year.

The content of the article:

  1. Causes of varicose veins in pregnant women
  2. Symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy
  3. Is varicose veins dangerous for pregnant women?
  4. Types of varicose veins in pregnant women

Causes of varicose veins in pregnant women – at what stage of pregnancy do varicose veins occur more often?

Most often, varicose veins are found in women who were initially located towards it.

Moreover, many women, long before pregnancy, notice its first signs: the disease makes itself felt with “asterisks” and “nets”, swollen legs, as well as veins protruding on them.

More than half of expectant mothers are faced with symptoms of the disease during the entire period of gestation, and a very solid part of women from among them – already at a later date.

Video: Varicose veins in pregnant women

Where does varicose veins come from?

The main reasons include …

  • Heredity. As a rule, if mom and grandmother have encountered varicose veins, then the daughter also has to deal with it one day.
  • Hormonal changes. With an increase in progesterone, thinning of the venous walls is observed, and weight gain and load gradually increase pressure on the veins and capillaries, as a result of which they are stretched.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The less the expectant mother moves, the stronger the stagnation of blood in the veins with the corresponding consequences.
  • Work “on your feet”.
  • Wrong choice of clothes and shoes: too tight jeans, stockings, tight high-heeled shoes, etc.
  • Obesity.
  • “Overdose” thermal proceduresand (approx. – baths, saunas, hot hair removal, hot wraps and baths, and other procedures).
  • Dramatic weight loss – or, on the contrary, a sharp weight gain.
  • Obstruction of blood flow due to the growing uterus and compression of the organs and veins of the small pelvis. Varicose veins in pregnant women
  • Increase in BCC (approx. – the volume of circulating blood) due to additional blood during the formation of the “mother-placenta-child” system.
  • Placenta previa. With this violation, the area of ​​the internal pharynx overlaps, which leads to impaired blood circulation.
  • Constipation.

Symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy – be attentive to your body!

With the formation of varicose veins, the so-called stagnation of blood occurs, followed by protrusion of the veins:

  • 1st stage: no symptoms, except for a light venous network in the legs and evening swelling of the extremities.
  • 2nd stage: the appearance of cramps at night, itching and pain, a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​varicose veins formation.
  • 3rd stage: deformation of the veins, their bulging outward, an increase in size, and so on. May be accompanied by severe pain (optional).

How to suspect varicose veins in yourself – and prevent the development of the disease?

At its initial stage, as a rule, …

  1. Feeling of heaviness in the limbs.
  2. The appearance of puffiness.
  3. Aching pains.

With a timely visit to a doctor, you can have time to carry out prevention and postpone the consequences of the disease.

Usually, in this case, they contact to a phlebologist and surgeon, first of all.

The prognosis of the disease for expectant mothers is quite favorable – with the exclusion of thromboembolic complications.

Is varicose veins of pregnant women dangerous, and how can its complications manifest themselves?

It is important to note that blue-green veins as thick as a finger are not just a cosmetic defect, but a completely dangerous pathology with specific consequences, among which the most formidable is thrombus formation, capable of becoming fatal for mom and baby.

Why be afraid?

  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Pulmonary artery thrombosis.
  • Deep vein thrombosis (a condition that precedes thromboembolism).
  • Trophic ulcer. This inflammation develops as a result of vascular destruction.

The disease itself is not considered dangerous, which is why you should not start it by “masking” the veins with creams, and even more so with self-prescribed pills.

Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary drugs for the prevention or treatment of varicose veins!

Video: Varicose veins during pregnancy

Types of varicose veins in pregnant women – features of varicose veins on the legs, labia, in the small pelvis

Not everyone knows that varicose veins tend to form not only on the legs.

The main types of the disease include varicose veins …

  • In the small pelvis. This type of disease is facilitated by a hereditary factor and abortion, inflammatory processes in the small pelvis, intense work of the iliac veins, malfunctioning of the menstrual cycle, etc. With varicose veins of the small pelvis, the symptoms can be similar to diseases of a gynecological nature, therefore it is sometimes very difficult to correlate it with varicose veins: pain in the abdomen, difficulty urinating, the presence of discharge, soreness during intimacy, etc. Pathology in reality can only be detected by ultrasound and other diagnostic methods. It should be noted that often this type of varicose veins is manifested by “nodules” and “nets” on the thighs, buttocks and even the perineum. The consequences of this type of disease include inflammation of internal organs, the appearance of bleeding, thrombosis, etc.
  • On the labia. As statistics show, this type of varicose veins is not so rare. In addition, the risk of its manifestation increases with each pregnancy. Symptoms include a venous pattern in the areas of venous lesions, which begin to protrude over time. There is also a feeling of swelling of the labia, a certain soreness, dry skin and itching. Symptoms are most pronounced after intercourse, long walking or long sitting.
  • On foot. The most “popular” type of varicose veins. In this case, the lower extremities are affected, and the disease manifests itself as venous patterns. As a rule, with varicose veins of the legs during pregnancy, there is also a lesion of the veins on the labia, in the uterus, and so on.

The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate, but to make an appointment with a specialist!
Health to you and your loved ones!

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