
Brad Rukstales Net Worth

Brad Rukstales Net Worth – How Much is Brad Rukstales Really Worth?

Earlier this week, former WWE wrestler Brad Rukstales was arrested and charged with felony assault after being accused of hitting a woman during a wrestling match. While the allegations are still unproven, Rukstales’ arrest comes as a big surprise to many. He is a popular figure on the wrestling circuit and has been known to donate money to political causes, but this arrest could put his career in jeopardy. Hopefully, the case will clear up soon.


During the riots that rocked Washington in January, Bradley Rukstales was one of the lucky few nabbed by law enforcement officials. He was charged with the not-so-common disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, but it wasn’t his snatching of the moon from the sky that caught the attention of the federal authorities. Then, of course, there was the more mundane incident of him throwing a chair at law enforcement officials.

While Rukstales was in cuffs, he gave thousands of dollars to President Trump’s re-election campaign in 2020. He’s also made headlines for his work as the CEO of a Schaumburg-based tech company called Cogensia. The company is a data-driven marketing firm that provides identity management, database management and a host of other services.


Those who follow politics know that a Texas real estate agent named Bradley Rukstales stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday and was arrested. He was one of the few Capitol riot defendants to face prosecution for his part in the melee. The family of Bradley Rukstales is likely not pleased with his arrest.

Rukstales was not a member of the ANTIFA group, but he was a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump. He also donated $12,000 to the Trump campaign and a hefty amount to Republican causes. Rukstales reportedly donated more than $28,000 to Republicans in the past two years, according to records provided to the Inquirer by Rukstales’ employer, Schaumburg-based Cogensia.

Donations to Republican causes

During a brief interview with CBS reporter Charlie De Mar, Rukstales acknowledged his role in the Capitol riot and apologized for his actions. However, he refused to leave the building.

In the months since he was arrested, Rukstales has donated nearly $30,000 to Republican causes. He is now back home in the suburb of Inverness, Illinois. His contributions include $2,250 to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and $500 to Kevin McCarthy’s campaign. He has also contributed to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, the Republican National Committee and WinRed, a political action committee that supports conservative candidates.


During a riot in the United States Capitol on Wednesday, January 6th, a Chicago-area tech CEO was among dozens of people arrested. He was later charged with unlawful entry and parading inside a government building.

The Capitol Police said a large crowd sprayed an unknown substance at them and kicked chairs. It was a violent attack that left five people dead. It also left behind broken windows and a trail of destruction.

The FBI is looking for any tips to identify the rioters. They are also asking for videos of the incident. One of the individuals involved in the riot, Michael Barnett, called himself a white nationalist on social media.

Sentenced to 30 days in prison

During the January 6 riot, prosecutors said Bradley Rukstales threw a chair at police. The police officers were in the defensive line and Rukstales threw the chair into the direction of the officers, federal prosecutors said. The chair hit the officer, but did not cause any injuries.

Rukstales is the former chief executive of Cogensia, a Chicago-area tech firm. He lost his job earlier this year. The company said Rukstales’ actions didn’t align with its values.

Rukstales is 53 years old. He is an Inverness resident. He had never been arrested for any crime before the Capitol riot. He was arrested by police as a participant in the January 6 riot. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of picketing inside the Capitol. He was also charged with disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, and trespassing on federal property. He was released on personal recognizance and will turn himself in at a later date.

Public apology

Among the many people arrested at Wednesday’s pro-Trump riots, one man stood out. Bradley Rukstales is the chief executive of Cogensia, a marketing and data analytics firm in the Chicago area. His company’s client list includes Visa, Rolls-Royce and Toys ‘R’ Us.

The company has been quick to distance itself from Rukstales, announcing Friday that he had been fired in the wake of the riots. He also announced that he would be selling his interest in the company.

Despite the company’s claims, Rukstales hasn’t been in touch with his friends and family. He’s also sworn off the political scene.

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