Diet for blood group 2 is negative
People, in whose veins blood of the second group with a negative Rh factor, flows well, are distinguished by good adaptation to various changes in dietary conditions. Unfortunately, people with this blood group can hardly be called lucky, because their blood is very thick. This thickening can cause arterial and venous clots.
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People with the second blood group, as a rule, have low acidity. And in order to digest meat, you need an increased acidity of gastric juice. The diet for this blood group states that in such people, meat slows down the metabolism and accumulates fat deposits. Compliance with a diet will help to gain strength and health, because due to improper nutrition, the immune system will not be disturbed.
What can be consumed:
- Chicken’s meat;
- Turkey meat;
- Kefir;
- Cottage cheese;
- Ryazhenka;
- Cheese cheese;
- Eggs;
- Soy products;
- Beans;
- Pumpkin seeds;
- Cranberry;
- Spinach;
- Lemons;
- Blueberry;
- Peas;
- Pineapples.
Among drinks preference is best given to juices, such as: pineapple juice, grapefruit, cherry, carrot (in moderation), celery. You can drink any tea except black tea and high quality coffee. Alcohol from time to time will not be superfluous a glass of red wine.
List of foods that should be limited and not consumed at all
- Almond and almond paste;
- Seeds;
- Bergamot;
- Paprika;
- Raisin;
- Kiwi;
- Quince;
- Strawberries;
- Nectarine;
- Melon;
- Rosemary;
- Pears;
- Rice bran;
- Persimmon;
- Apples;
- Nutmeg;
- Jelly;
- Quail eggs;
- Radish.
What not to use:
- Pepper (hot and sweet);
- Mango;
- Salty fish;
- Potato;
- Champignon;
- Tomatoes;
- Ketchup;
- Mayonnaise;
- Sour fruits;
- Berries;
- Partridge meat;
- Goose meat;
- Calf liver;
- Bananas;
- Eggplant;
- Cucumbers;
- Apple vinegar.
Among drinks limit yourself to soda, orange juice, and black tea.
Commentary by Marina Shabanova, a nutritionist and psychosomatics specialist
The completeness of a person or his disease does not depend on the blood group. This is the genetic code through which information is transmitted from generation to generation. It is believed that the blood type endows people with certain qualities.
- – Men and women with the first blood group have leadership qualities. They are ambitious and self-confident people.
- – The second blood group speaks of the conservatism of its carriers. Such people know how to defend their point of view and do not like to change their usual way of life.
- – People with the third blood group will not miss their interests and benefits, and a rational mindset and hard work are noted in people with the fourth blood group.
As for the negative Rh factor, it is also inherited and plays a role for a woman during pregnancy. The body of such a woman does not accept the fetus and a miscarriage may occur, so doctors prescribe the necessary medications for pregnant women with Rh negative to keep the child. At the same time, in therapy, you can work with this diagnosis – to see why the body rejects the child, why the birth of the child was unsafe in the family. Having worked with a psychotherapist for this problem, the transmission of a negative Rh factor from mother to child can stop, and the baby will be born with a positive Rh factor, which will save him from some further life problems.
As for nutrition, it is worth noting that modern dietitians recommend people with negative blood group 2 to adhere to a certain diet, which is based on vegetarianism. In fact, the whole diet is reduced to giving up unhealthy foods and making up your diet from fresh, unprocessed, healthy food.
Note that the rejection of meat and dairy products is still optional – it all depends on the territorial residence of the person. If he lives in the harsh northern climatic conditions and is used to eating meat, dairy products, drinking milk so that the body works more actively to warm up, then you cannot abruptly refuse protein products – this can lead to certain concomitant diseases. In such conditions, you just need to switch to more frequent meals in small portions so that the body absorbs food better.
On the contrary, the southern population of the country has priority in fruits and vegetables. Moreover, if the body asks for meat, milk and fish, you should not deny it. And such nutrition does not depend on the rhesus factor. You always have to listen to yourself, your body, your body, your desires. And if after eating there is a feeling of guilt that they ate a lot, allowed themselves sweets, meat, or there is an understanding that you constantly overeat, then you urgently need to look for a good psychologist / psychotherapist / nutritionist who will help you figure out where such feelings arise from, and from what protects eating and overeating certain foods.
Basic diet rules
- Limit excessive consumption of wheat. It increases the acidity of muscle tissue, which will also not benefit those with a second negative blood group.
- Eat kelp, seafood. Also, in order to normalize your weight, eat salt with iodine and spinach. However, limit your intake of fish such as halibut, herring, and flounder.
- Eat a vegetarian diet to the maximum. The daily diet should consist of vegetables, cereals, legumes.
- Limit your intake of dairy products and fermented milk drinks. Try to consume them best in the form of cheese. And then it should be non-greasy and mild. You can substitute soy products for dairy products. For example, you can eat bean curd or cheese, or drink soy milk.
- Diversify the menu with vegetables and fruits. The main thing is to exclude from the diet any citrus fruits, bananas, papayas and coconuts.
Weight loss recommendations for people with a negative blood type
As mentioned above, the owners of the second negative blood group are people with an incredibly sensitive digestive system and non-capricious immunity. Such people adapt well to changing external conditions, and in case of stress, it would be best for them to engage in meditation.
- Watch for moderate physical activity, heavy strength training in the gym is not the best option. Directly relaxing techniques, you need to use yoga as a sports activity. They perfectly enhance the effect of the diet for weight loss.
- Ensure that you eat organic and natural clean foods. It is likely that it will be useful for you to purchase a nitrate tester and, in any case, carefully choose products, muddy them, using only boiled water at the last stage.
- Eliminate hard-to-digest meat from your diet. Dairy products can trigger insulin reactions in you, which slow down your metabolism. By the way, natural dairy products contain a lot of saturated fat. And they, in turn, affect the work of the heart.
- Walking slowly is helpful. Walk, for example, stairs, sidewalks, shops. Try not to exceed your stride speed. Physical activity, in this case, is not a field of activity for haste.
The best meals for people with a 2 negative blood group
“Milk soup with vegetables”
For cooking you will need:
- Cabbage – 500 grams.
- Potatoes – 5-6 pieces.
- Carrots – 3-4 pieces.
- Milk – 5-6 glasses.
- 2 tablespoons of butter.
- Salt to taste.
Cut the cabbage into small squares, peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, grate the carrots. Pour vegetables with a little water and boil until half cooked. Then add boiling milk, salt to taste, add butter and cook over medium heat. If desired, the vegetable soup can be wiped through a sieve or whipped until puree.
“Zucchini pate with feta cheese”
For cooking you will need:
- Zucchini – 2-3 pcs.
- Cheese – 200 grams.
- 6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
- 2-3 cloves of garlic (if there are no contraindications).
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream or yogurt.
- Walnuts – 50-100 grams.
- Salt to taste.
Peel young zucchini, cover with salted boiling water and hold for about 5 minutes. Then cut into cubes. Peel and chop the garlic. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all products, rub thoroughly or whisk in a blender. Season with vegetable oil, yogurt or sour cream and add chopped nuts. Season the pate to taste.
“Carrot stew”
For cooking you will need:
- Carrots – 2 pieces.
- 1 medium onion
- Bulgarian pepper – 1 piece.
- A handful of fresh white cabbage, thinly sliced.
- Green peas – 3-4 tbsp spoons.
- Vegetable oil.
- 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste.
- 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
- Salt to taste.
- Bay leaf.
Cut the carrots into strips, simmer in vegetable oil in a saucepan or deep frying pan. Cut the rest of the vegetables into thin strips, add to the carrots and fry a little more. Add a little water or broth, tomato paste, green peas, salt, bay leaf and simmer until tender over low heat.
“Green salad with sour cream”
For cooking you will need:
- Green salad – 200 grams.
- Sour cream – 50 grams.
- 3 g of dill and parsley.
- 1.5 g salt.
Sort out the salad, remove sluggish and yellowed leaves. Thoroughly wash the leaves suitable for cooking, lightly dry them by spreading them on a towel, chop them, put them in a salad bowl. Season with sour cream, salt, sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley before serving.
“Vegetarian cabbage soup”
For cooking you will need:
- White cabbage – 200 grams.
- Carrots – 20 grams.
- Sweet pepper – 15 grams.
- Onions – 8 grams.
- 6 grams of parsley roots.
- 6 grams of parsley.
- 4 grams of dill greens.
- Tomatoes – 45 grams.
- 15 g butter.
- 15 g sour cream.
- 380 ml of vegetable broth.
- 2 g of salt.
Wash the cabbage, remove the sluggish and damaged leaves, chop, dip in a boiling vegetable broth, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat under a lid. Peel carrots, parsley root, bell peppers, wash, cut into slices, simmer in a little water and add to the cabbage soup, cook for 20-30 minutes. Peel the onions, finely chop, fry in butter, add peeled and chopped tomatoes, simmer for 5 minutes, then dip in the cabbage soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt. Before serving, season the cabbage soup with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.
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